Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here, welcome
to my world where it is naturally supernatural.
You know I believe that the supernatural has been stolen
from us, I am Jewish and in my Bible I read about
chariots of fire going up to heaven, I read about people
walking on water as if it is dry land, I read about dead
coming back to life, I read about sick being healed,
these ancient Jewish secrets have been stolen from us,
but my guest is in process of restoring these
ancient secrets, lets take a look at David Herzog.
(Man) I had about a ten-inch steel bar in my
right thigh to hole my operation, make sure the
operation was successful, and I couldn’t hit my
thigh like this because it hurt.
David: Because of the metal.
(Man) Feel the metal when I rubbed it, it’s gone.
It was about that long and about that thick.
David: Metal that long and that thick is gone
out of your body?
(Man) Yeah it’s gone, it’s not there.
David: You’re sure?
(Man) That used to hurt.
David: Folks we have been seeing metal rods and plates
disappear through the whole revival, it’s happening again
tonight folks, but you can operate in the same glory, you
can do miracles, you can heal the sick, it is not just me.
(Woman) I have had some problems with my knees so I
ran for that I believe that is healed, and I got weight loss.
David: Look at that.
(Woman) Two weeks ago we prayed for weight loss
and I lost 15 pounds but it is like I came in
between meetings but it wasn’t that particular night
but tonight it is definitely here.
David: Tonight something just hit you harder it wasn’t
right here, it was tighter right, how tight was it.
(Woman) Tight to button it.
David: It was tight to button it, can you believe that?
She could not hardly button it, it was hard to – show it
one more time, so that girl right there in the black,
she’s amazed, that was tight to button it, can you,
look how much flesh came off, you don’t just walk
around the building and all this stuff come off it is
impossible unless God did it.
So this is for you Lord, I love you,
thank you for the gold tooth.
David: I said, “Who needs a car?”
She stood up first.
Then I said, “She’s going to get a car.”
Then I said, “Who here wants to give her a car?”
At the moment on one stood up but I just felt a car
was going to be given to her.
(Woman) Yesterday I am at the office and my friend
walks up to my desk to talk to me, oh I want to tell the
whole thing, help me tell the whole thing.
David: Hold her up, hold her up, you guys
hold her up so she can talk, don’t let her fall.
(Woman) And a woman came up to talk to my friend and
they started talking, meanwhile I am answering the phone,
answering the phone, and the woman talks about wanting,
she said I want to give it to somebody who is going to use
it, and then she said at the end of the thing,
I want to give you my beloved Saturn, and then
we met at like at 3:40 at the center café.
David: Car is a Saturn.
(Woman) a car, she is giving it to me.
David: Today?
(Woman) Monday, Monday, Monday.
Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here and I want you to meet
this young Jewish man that is restoring what has
been stolen from us, David Hertzog, David.
Sid: You know David I am curious about that young
woman that we just saw about getting a car,
tell me a little bit about her.
David: Well that was about six weeks ago, last week we
went back there to the Denver Outpouring, and she got a
second car given to her we found out, a house given to her
and two hundred thousand dollars given to her.
Sid: My goodness can I put my name on that list too?
How did, here is what I want – how did it happen?
David: We were in the meeting the miracles
were flowing, there was an offering that was taken
and people began to give, and I just said
“Lord, if you did it for the physical miracles,
do a miracle in people’s finances that really need it.”
And she was taking her bicycle to work like miles every
day on a bicycle, and she gave whatever she had, she
probably had like the widow’s mite you know, and God
did a hug miracle in her life, so I found out that when the
glory is present it doesn’t just touch bodies, it will touch
marriages, finances, emotions, it can touch everything.
Sid: Okay, we know what the word glory means, what
does, for someone perhaps that doesn’t know, what does
the word glory mean to you, what is the glory?
David: Yeah, I mean you can get a Webster’s Dictionary,
but to me it is the closest you can get of being
in heaven while being on the earth.
Sid: It is breathing the rarefied air of heaven.
David: Yes, exactly.
Sid: I like that.
David: Glory.
Sid: Well you have just written a new book and the book
is called “The Ancient Portals of Heaven.”
What is a portal?
David: Well a portal is an “open heaven” some kind of
gateway between heaven and earth and we all want to
experience that heaven is the glory of God, but in the book
I talk about certain things you can do and certain patterns
that God is revealing on how to tap back into his ancient
portals that open up the heavens.
Sid: So like the miracles we were just watching,
you tapped in to those ancient portals so that God’s life
could come in and okay, we saw it covering finances,
we saw it covering health, does it cover other areas?
David: Deliverance to demonic powers, I have seen
people set free and the difference between the glory
and maybe the anointing is that when the glory comes
and the heavens are open you don’t always have to lay
hands on people to see the miracle, they are already
under an open heaven, it is like Acts chapter four,
“Stretch out your hands now to heal.”
So like in Denver a man came up in the back and he walks
in the flyer, he hasn’t even come in the building yet,
and he has second degree burns all over his body,
instantly healed, the burns were just gone as he walked in
to the building, so that is the difference between an open
heaven, now we can pray by faith, “Lord please heal him,”
and that is a different way but when you are already
in it is like Lord let your will be done on earth
as it is in heaven, so if you walked into heaven right
now how long would it take to get a healing?
Sid: Instant.
David: Yeah, so that is what we are talking about, that
kind of glory where it is accelerated, it is already done,
you are walking into the “It is Finished” realm.
Sid: Could it be what the Messiah said,
“Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven?”
David: Exactly.
Sid: So we figure out what is going on in heaven
and that is what is supposed to be happening in earth?
David: Exactly, you got it, you can preach this.
Sid: Okay, well I, I’ll tell you what, talk is cheap, I want
to see it happen, I want to be able to walk in that rarefied
air of heaven and better than just me walking in it, God is
not a respecter of persons, he wants you to walk in it, take
a deep breath and we will be right back after this word.