SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Billy Burke. And Billy, tell me about the time this woman came to mock you.
BILLY: Oh my.
SID: She thought you were a phony.
BILLY: Yeah. She was in a meeting and we were in, I believe it was Pittsburgh, PA, yeah, in Pittsburgh in a meeting. She was several rows from the front from where I was. And God, the Holy Spirit was healing people. It was so obvious that there were notable miracles and God was touching people. And she back here laughing. And I couldn’t tell at first if she was laughing with me or against me. So I kind of just let it go. But then I sensed that spirit that she was making fun of me and she was mocking everything that was going on. So I just said, “Ma’am,” you can’t do this to everybody because there’s people who come in from all over who don’t understand this or who are planted there for evil purposes, and you can’t chance everyone down. But every once in a while God will hand you to stare somebody down, because He wants to help all of us. He wants to open up, open up our ears, open up heart. So I said to this lady, I said, “Ma’am, what are you laughing at?” And she said, “I’m laughing at you.” I said, “You’re laughing at me?” She said, “Yeah.” She said, “You think you know all this. You think this is real.” I said, “Ma’am, what do you mean?” She said, “You think these people, that man over there is deaf, do you think he could–” I said, “Well yeah. It is real.” And she started laughing. And I said, “Ma’am, you shouldn’t laugh like that. I wouldn’t laugh in the presence of God like that.” She said, “I’m laughing at you because I don’t think any of this real.” And I said, “Well what would it take for you to believe? What would it take right now this moment for you to believe that this is real?” And she got real smirky and she said, “Really, really.” And she had salt and pepper hair and black and silver mixed hair. And I said, “You want me to give you something?” I said, “Well you have beautiful hair there, salt and pepper hair.” I said, “What about whenever I count to three if your hair goes back to its original color.” Now I never said anything like that to anybody ever. And even after I said that I thought that my mind was telling me, “Why did you say that?” See ‘cause your mind is at war with your spirit.
SID: Wait a second. If her hair did not change color you realize you would have been out of town.
BILLY: I’m in trouble, right. So but inside, you know, I have to say, “No God. I’m trusting this is you.” She started laughing. She said, “So you’re gonna count to three and my hair is gonna change is gonna color.” She said, “I can’t wait to see this.” I said, “Okay, here we go.” And so I went, “One, two.” I stayed on two a little long. And then I said, “Three.” And as soon as I said “three” I just stood back and I just kept that stare. And the woman behind her, who was sitting right behind her shouted, “Oh my God!” And she began to see it from behind her, her hair changed completely back to its original color right there in front of anybody that was around that section.
[cheers, applause]
SID: Okay. Tell me about the woman that had her stomach surgically removed and came to your meeting.
BILLY: Oh my. That’s amazing.
SID: That’s so amazing. I’ve got all these sheets of documentation that her stomach was surgically removed. No question.
BILLY: Yeah. She went in for a simple procedure, simple stapling procedure and the knife slipped and cut into her stomach. She was hemorrhaging and they thought it best to save her life was to remove the pouch. And they connected her esophagus and her intestine. And for two years she lived on ice tea and pickle. And I was told that the doctor told her the vinegar in the pickles was what sustained her life. But after a couple of years she was going into chronic organ failure, and that’s when she came in to our meeting. And it was late. It was the end of the night when she came to the altar, about 10:30 at night. And she came up and said, “I need a new stomach.” And I said, “Give me some of the details.” We interacted just briefly. But when I touched her, Sid, I mean, the power, I can feel the power passing through me into her. And she hit on the floor and lay there for an hour, a better part of three quarters of an hour. And she got up. She testifies that she could actually feel the stomach that night. And her and her friends went out to a fast food chain. She tested it with some–
SID: This is quite a test. You have to understand. If she had eaten that fast food without being given a new stomach she would have died.
BILLY: She almost died. She tried to eat a noodle a while back and almost died. They had to rush her in the ambulance because had no stomach.
SID: She had no stomach.
BILLY: So she went out up and her friends were a little bit nervous about that. They said, “Are you sure?” She said, “I am so sure of what I felt go through me.” See that’s just it. The anointing is tangible. You know, we’ve got to help our people understand that there’s a presence of God that you can actually feel. Your faith will lead you to a place of visitation.
SID: Billy, this woman went out and she had a hamburger, large fries and a diet coke. I asked her, I mean, we’ve investigated and we got all these reports. But Billy, it’s time for you to pray for the sick. Their faith is sky high.
BILLY: Yes. Right, right. Lord, we thank you now. I just want to say that God doesn’t heal you because you’re good. He heals you because He’s good. You’re never gonna always be just where miracle flourish in imperfect conditions. There’s someone out here. You’ve had two kidneys, but one kidney is smaller than the other kidney. And right now, God is causing that smaller kidney to grow back to its normal size. You’re not gonna need surgery and no more medication. God is growing that kidney back in Jesus’ name. And there’s a woman out there with multiple lumps on your breast. There’s not one or two. There’s multiple lumps. You can feel these lumps. And if you slowly take your hands up over your breast you’ll begin to see these lumps are disappearing as you put your hand there. Shingles is being completely healed and eradicated. He’s taking the actual rash away from around your torso. And Lord, I thank you now. I just want you to reach out now. Lord, I just pray the Holy Ghost begin to move that powerful Holy Spirit all over. There’s someone with spinal stenosis being completely healed at this moment. Spinal stenosis. There’s a number on your screen. You call It’s Supernatural and let people begin to know. Someone has liver enzymes. Your enzymes in your liver has been way out of wack. And I see a shadow there and God is healing that shadow all over your liver in Jesus’ name. We thank the Messiah for healing you right now. And there’s many of you, many of you being healed of vertigo. Many of you being healed of lumps on your body. Any kind of a lump or cyst, there’s fibroid tumors that are just being dissolved. I mean, there are so many fibroid tumors being dissolved right now in your body. There’s someone with an arm, a limp arm, not even working. Your arm is not even working for years and God is causing the muscles and the strength to come back into that arm. Just begin to swing it. Begin to swing and you’ll find yourself being able to raise it. He’s giving you full strength in Jesus’ name. We thank you, Lord. We thank you. There’s someone else here. There’s someone else. God, we thank you for healing all of your wonderful people. There’s people with double vision being healed completely in Jesus’ name. We thank you, Master, for the people being healed of double vision. Oh God, how we thank you. We thank you. The numbers are on your screen. Call in. Call in.
SID: Billy, you see there’s power in the testimony.
SID: And I believe there are people with cancer and I command the spirits behind those cancers to leave now in Jesus’ name. There’s such a river flowing right now. Just put your hand on your own body and in Jesus’ name be healed now.