SID: Hello Sid Roth your investigative reporter Here with Jim and Carla Barbarossa. And Jim had an early form of Leukemia and he had a miracle in his life. Totally set free. And he understood that God healed and he and Carla were very grateful. And then he got invited to be worship leaders on a trip to go to Africa. And they thought that was pretty cool, but then Carla you had a dream tell me about that
CARLA: Well, we had purchased, well Jim had purchased a shofar in Israel.
SID: Jim, what’s a shofar for those that don’t know?
JIM: A trumpet. Every place you see the word trumpet in the Bible, it’s actually referring to a shofar see the horn off of an African kudu
SID: In Hebrew the word says shofar in the Bible. And where does it come from – the shofar?
JIM: It comes from an African kudu or a ram.
SID: Okay, and it’s like a musical instrument.
JIM: Right.
SID: Okay so, you bought this. Did you buy this to play it?
JIM: I actually bought it as an ornament; to bring it home and put it on a nice fancy table.
SID: And collect dust.
JIM: Yes.
SID: But you had a dream. What happened?
CARLA: Yes and he thought he was supposed to take it to Africa, but he didn’t know why. So in the midst of him fussing with God about whether or not he should take it I had a dream. Now he didn’t tell me he was fussing with God over this you know. And in this dream, I’m pregnant and he’s taking me to the hospital to deliver the baby and he reaches under the seat and he lifts up this giant shofar up over his head and he said at the birthing process I will blow this. So I shared the dream with him and he told me how he was battling with whether or not he was suppose to take it to Africa and he said I think this was my confirmation. So we took it to Africa with us and what is neat about the fact of the dreams significant, is the main thrust of what we bring forth today what we teach on being a witness was birthed in Kenya, Africa. We were only supposed to be worship leaders…
SID: Well let’s find out. You got there Jim, and you were amazed when you saw that you were being advertised but not to be a worship leader. What were you being advertised for?
JIM: Well they had Carla and I as the key speakers in a healing crusade.
SID: Had you ever spoken before?
JIM: No.
SID: Carla, how about you?
SID: Now I can see Jim has got that little aggressive side in him, but I don’t see that in you. How did you take it?
CARLA: My jaw was about to hit the ground it was just like what is this. And the person that invited us he said they want you to go minister over here, and were going to minister over here, and you need to pray and ask God. And so we prayed and God said yes that’s what I want you to do. And so we did lead worship, but we also prayed for people and we opened up our mouths and God supernaturally filled our mouths and gave us the words to speak to the people there.
SID: I want to know what happened with that shofar. This is the key. What happened Jim?
JIM: Well, we sounded the shofar as the Lord would lead. And I remember one of the first letters we had got back after we had come home. And it was from a lady by the name of sister Finice. And basically it had said that after you had left we started hearing wonderful testimonies of deliverance, salvation, healings and miracles. That trumpet that you had bought did not just make a sound, but it set the captive free.
SID: Tell me some specific situations of people being healed from the shofar in Africa.
JIM: Well while we were there in Africa in one of the meetings, there was a lady who came forward and she had a limb problem. And again I got this in a letter after we got home. And this lady had a twelve year old daughter who was totally paralyzed. Well the mother unselfishly comes forward for prayer for the daughter – not worried about her own limb problem but prayer for the daughter. And as we prayed for her, the Lord spoke to tell her to go lay her hands on her daughter and pray for her daughter. Well that mother obeyed and as that mother prayed for her child, her leg was healed – her limb was healed. And that twelve year old paralyzed child got up and walked and that twelve year old child then did not know Jesus as Savior; but that Sunday came to service and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
SID: Now you’re saying all sorts of miracles break loose when you blow that shofar. Why? I meant it’s just a ram’s horn. Why?
JIM: Well you know at first I was just obeying God ‘cause I knew he would say to do this. And that was a question I had: “God why?” “God if it’s you, it’s got to be in the word someplace. God show me.”
SID: And look – you’re not even Jewish! Why are you blowing your shofar? That’s for us Jewish people to do!
JIM: That’s what I said too! I did not understand; all I knew was that I knew Gods voice and I wanted to obey him more than anything else.
SID: But why does he work through the shofar? Why did he pick that instrument?
JIM: Well I believe it’s because it’s His instrument. It’s a biblical instrument. It’s in the scripture. It’s found in over seventy places throughout the word and there’s some real significant things. For example, in Revelations it says in two places that the voice of God is like that of the sound of the shofar.
SID: Well I believe that when he blows that shofar, I believe that if there’s anything demonic: like a sickness, like an oppression, like a depression, like anything to do in the arena of evil – that the atmosphere so changes, and so ignites, it’s almost…you know Jim, it’s almost like putting a flame on oil and the ancient rabbi’s told us that when people would blow the ram’s horn that it would literally drive the devil crazy. Can you concur?
JIM: Oh, I believe that yes.
SID: Have you seen people helped emotionally when you blow the shofar?
JIM: Yes, absolutely. For example, one lady comes to mind who was bound in fear and could not sleep for fifteen years. And were in a service and I get ready to just pray for her, and the Spirit of the Lord said “Just blow the shofar over her.” And I did and she came back the next day and said it was the first time in fifteen years that she had been able to sleep all the way through the night.
SID: Well, I know when I go into a hotel room I usually have the shofar blowing in that hotel room because who knows what went on in that place. I like the atmosphere cleared. Well the atmosphere wherever you are is about ready to be cleared. Don’t go away. Be right back after this word.