Sid: My guest Peter Horrobin, Director of LL Ministries and it is a, you know Peter I don’t know what to call your ministry. What, I started to say healing but it’s way beyond that. What would call it ha ha.
Peter: Well, it certainly we began with ministering healing, but you can’t minister healing without discovering that discipleship is an absolutely key issue because many of the people need healing; actually need healing because they haven’t really understood what it is to be a disciple of Jesus. And many of the people when you start on the road to discipleship they then realize that they need healing. So you can’t separate them. And so we teach and we minister according to a person’s need to bring them into a place where they can truly serve the Lord and God heals them from the inside out.
Sid: I love it. And something I found fascinating is I’ve been friends with and as a matter of fact he wrote a forward in one of my books, Dr. Derrick Prince. For many years I knew Derrick and now of course he’s promoted to heaven, but the very last time he ministered was at one of your conferences; and he imparted something wonderful to you, tell me about that.
Peter: The last public conference he spoke at was LL Ministries International Conference in Brighton in England. And after he had ministered he was from his wheelchair and he was speaking many people came forward for prayer. But he was at the point then where he wasn’t able in his physical strength to continue and he just turned to me and said Peter it’s over to you now. You continue this and it was for that evening, but deep in my spirit I knew something else had happened. It was like Derrick was saying, I’ve pioneered something important in terms of deliverance especially and I knew that we had a responsibility to carry forward that word that Derrick had begun. And he’s an amazing man of God who blessed me an encouraged me greatly and it’s wonderful to know that there’s many people around the world today who really look to his teaching for such inspiration and encouragement.
Sid: I mean that really says something for him, here he’s in heaven and his books are as popular if now more popular than ever. But Peter, before we went on the air we were talking about an unfortunate situation that happened with a Russian woman by the name of Olga. Tell me about that.
Peter: Yes, Olga was brought up in Russia under communism and her grandmother was involved in witchcraft and she was terribly abused as a young woman under the Russian communism system. She eventually married an American who brought her back to America and she and her husband came to one of our conferences in Florida. And she heard me teach about forgiveness and throughout her life she suffered a terrible scoliosis of the spine, a twisted spine and constantly in pain. And she never linked her physical condition to the abuse and the things that had happened to her in her childhood and her parenting. And as I taught on forgiveness the Spirit of God spoke deep into her spirit and said this is for you. And at the end of that evening she began to pray to forgive all those that had abused her, physically hurt her emotionally and spiritually done things that are very ungodly. And as she forgave, she said she felt like ripples going up and down my spine. And when she went home that night, she looks at herself in the mirror and her twisted spine was no longer twisted it was straight. And no longer any pain and I know her now and the two years later she’s has had no pain, no physical therapy, God healed her.
Sid: Peter, when it comes to forgiveness I personally have interviewed many people that have taught on that subject. I understand that subject, but I have to tell you I believe God has given you a key and a gift in teaching that even people that understand forgiveness need to hear this teaching. Has anyone ever said that to you before? I mean I understand forgiveness, but boy did I benefit. I used some of the tools that you have in the book, just a couple days ago.
Peter: You know, people have often said to us that we have a particular anointing in obviously understanding healing. And not just in praying for healing, but the understanding the reasons why people are not being healed. And this is the key Sid, so many people come forward for healing and they prayed for for physical healing and they don’t get better or they might have an experience in there, but they go around and around in circles and keep on asking for prayer for the same thing. And the fundamental issue is so often that people are praying for the wrong thing. Their praying for the symptoms, but they’re not praying for the cause. And when we bring the real issues out into the light the spirit of God is able to touch right deep down into the very core of who we are, and where we need to recognize that our physical body is different than our spiritual body. We have a spirit, we have a soul and we have a physical body. And our physical body can be suffering, because there are things still going on in our spirit and soul which are affecting the body. And the body reflects what’s going on in the inside.
Sid: You know as I’ve been studying your material a thought crossed my mind and I would like to hear you comment on this. Many people get healed and then it seems as though a day or two later they lose their healing. Could it be because there is something buried deep within them that the anointing for healing came on them, they got it but because of that same situation is still going on it has never been resolved that pain or that disease just comes back and lands back in them?
Peter: That is a very common situation that people go through a meeting and they’re prayed for and in the sort of flush of the Spirit’s presence they feel better. But a day later, two days later they’re back to where they were. And that’s not healing at all that’s, I would hard to know how to describe it, but real healing is when you deal with the root cause and there’s no longer any symptoms just as Olga. She’d been prayed for many times for her back and the prayer had never had any lasting effect, but when she dealt with the unforgiveness in her heart towards those that were at the root of the problem the healing was permanent. There was a real issue that had to be resolved. And when that was resolved and the spirit of God enabled her, then the body came into line with what was then happening in the soul. And this is a principle that’s so precious that our bodies reflect what’s happening on the inside. So if I see you Sid, with a smiling face, I would say why are you happy? I wouldn’t say, oh you got a happy body, but your smile is telling you something good is going on inside. If you look miserable I wouldn’t say, oh God gave you a miserable body. I would say Sid, why are you feeling unhappy? Because the body is telling us something. And in many of the conditions people have, the body is telling us something; that there’s something on the inside that is not resolved which means that the body can’t receive the healing that God really wants us to have.
Sid: You know it kind of reminds me of years ago Oral Roberts started a hospital and his passion was to have the best medical science could offer taking care of the physical and then have doctors that understood the spiritual, knew the Lord and would pray for people. When, the more I hear you speak the more I see that medical science has done a good job on the physical, but they’ve totally overlooked the cause, the spirit, the soul, the wounds. Now what does forgiveness God’s master key, what does that mean, forgiveness the master key?
Peter: Well, when Jesus was dying on the cross he said, Father forgive them they don’t know what they’re doing and he was talking about the people nailing Him to the cross. He was actually blessing those who were cursing him. He was experiencing suffering and intense pain and in that moment he still said, Father forgive them, Father bless them. It was an extreme amazing example of his own teaching. When he actually said, bless those that curse you, pray for those that persecute you. When we get to that place of being able to pray blessing on those that have hurt us it means that we’ve got to the place where all the issues have been dealt with where we have forgiven people, we’ve resolved the issues and we can now say I want to ask you God to bless them. It is a hard place to get to, but when we get to that place, oh boy it is a place of tremendous blessing. I call it a resurrection morning; that when people come to that place it is like them having a personal resurrection that they have been able to bless those that have even hurt them. Corrie Ten Boone was the most famous person in the world probably who went through this and the terrible suffering that she went through as a prisoner of war and she learned to bless her refractors, her persecutors in the jail and she when she came out at the end of the war having blessed them and was able to minister all around the world in an amazing way. She blessed and she received blessings as well.
Sid: You know if she could forgive, she bumped into one day a former guard at her prison that she was in and she was able to forgive him. Does everyone have that gift? Or was that just a special gift she had?
Peter: Well, I think it certainly think that it was a special gift that she had but I think that God raised her up to teach the body of Christ a lesson that He’s forgiven, God forgives us for the extremes of things that we have done. And he just says to us I want you to forgive others in the same way that you want me to forgive you; and it comes in the Lord’s Prayer doesn’t it. Forgive us our trespasses; forgive us out debts as we forgive others.
Sid: Of course.
Peter: That’s the key right heart of that prayer which Jesus gave to the disciples, as we forgive other we are demonstrating to God that we have a right heart attitude that will enable us to receive the forgiveness He give so us. Jesus went on to say something, even more strongly He said, “If you don’t forgive others then My Father in heaven will not forgive you.” And if we’re putting ourselves in the place where we can’t receive the forgiveness of God isn’t that a huge answer to many of the problems of people might have saying “Why am I not being healed?” If they can’t receive the blessing of God because they have bitterness in their own heart then the answer to their healing may just lie in the choices that they’re making in terms of wanting to remain in bitterness and unforgiveness towards those who hurt them.