Sid: And we’re coming into those days, we’re coming into the time that Jesus prophesized about when he said you will do the same works that I have done and even greater. And I can’t think of anyone on planet earth I would rather be interviewing right now to explain how we could do the same things that Jesus has done; and even greater than Surprise Sithole. He works with the Heidi Baker Ministries and as a matter of fact He’s over all of the Pastors; thousands of pastor where they’ve started churches in Mozambique and other places. And I want you to get to know Surprise, because before we went on the air we did a special one hour teaching on how to have childlike faith. How to get your first love back, and I’ll tell you at the end Surprise we were praying the presence of God was so strong in the studio that I thought I was going to lose my engineer and producer. They were out in the Spirit, what was going on with you? You were on the floor praying, but what was going on with you Surprise?
Surprise: Well, what was going on with me is that suddenly when I opened my eyes and I saw that the room was completely glorious and it was almost like emerald and gold was together combined in room. And then it started seeing the sparking, in fact it is sparking and then the room started smelling with the lighting.
Sid: When you say smelling with the lightning, what does that mean I’m not sure I understand?
Surprise: Well, most of the time when the presence of angels is so many in the room, I can smell them, they can smell like lightning.
Sid: Okay, but I never smelled lightning?
Surprise: Oh, you never smelled lightning?
Sid: No!
Surprise: Yeah, it is just like for instance when the lightning strike the tree and then when you go there to that tree you smell that lightning that struck that tree.
Sid: Well, Surprise I have not spent much time in the forest and in jungles, maybe that’s the problem. Ha-ha.
Surprise: Ha-ha ha-ha.
Sid: Ha-ha yeah yeah you’re speaking to a spoiled American you have to understand who you are speaking to. You see Surprise was raised in Africa; I want them to know a little bit about your background. When you were born and for an African this is amazing, you had a portion of your hair was pure white. And your parents said, what a surprise and that’s how he got the name Surprise.
Surprise: Yeah, it is how I got my name, yes.
Sid: But, what I don’t understand is when you were six months of age you were bitten by a dog and your eyeball fell out of the socket on the floor and you had no doctor and your parents just put it back in your eye and your eye worked perfect! How could that be?
Surprise: Well, I think God had a purpose and plans here and even by now the scar is still here and yeah, they put my eye back and then they tied with a handkerchief around my eyes for two weeks and then when they opened it it was fine.
Sid: Now, you didn’t know Jesus, your parents didn’t know Jesus, as a matter of fact as far as you know none of your ancestors knew Jesus. As a matter of fact, your parents were actually witchdoctors in Mozambique and as a child you were such a tormented child. It seems like the demons wouldn’t leave you alone and your parents would cover your head with a blanket and they would beat drums and then they would even beat you. It’s amazing you survived!
Surprise: Oh, and even right now when I think how I survived it’s almost impossible surviving in that condition, especially in the jungle. Because even up to now I don’t know how I survived, how the Lord rescued my life, how I survived.
Sid: It was even worse than that! In 1982 you’re living under these circumstances. In 1982 how old were you?
Surprise: I was fifteen.
Sid: You’re fifteen years old and you hear a voice and the voice says, “Move from your home,” and you did it, at fifteen, why did you do that?
Surprise: Well, I think all of this is just like the love of God hasn’t changed, and even when I sitting back and realize how me and how me and my friend, survived in the jungle for two weeks. And in the jungle there is a lot of bad that kills the people.
Sid: Yeah, snakes and things.
Surprise: Snakes in the jungle, there is all kinds of snakes and the wild animals in the jungle; there is all kind of wild animals and we tasted good to those animals. And there is all kind of that, malaria from mosquitoes and bugs, yellow fever bugs, and all kind of the bugs of the jungle. And still yet, still for two weeks we survived.
Sid: And what he did is he heard this voice, “Move from your home,” and he and his buddy just went into the jungle. Did you have knives with you? Did you have food with you? What did you have with you?
Surprise: No food, no knife, but then there was a specific tree that in the jungle they told us that when we cut that tree and the tree produce water, liquid and then it’s what we were drinking.
Sid: Did you hear a voice, or just knew that there was a tree that produced water?
Surprise: No, we knew that in the jungle because when we would go in the bush sometimes we see our father cutting down that tree and drink from that water.
Sid: But, what surprise did not know and he found out much later is that his entire family was whipped out right after he heard that voice, they were all poisoned. If you had stayed you would have been dead Surprise!
Surprise: So much, I like to eat the food I shall be the first one dying.
Sid: Okay so, then when you met someone who led you to the Lord, you became a strong Christian and you wanted to learn more about the Bible and you wanted to go to Bible school. But the Bible School was in English and you did not speak any English. What happened?
Surprise: At the interview when I went to that in English I couldn’t understand, I thought that she was speaking a little bit of Portage or something and even myself, then there was something like a holy confusion that was going on and then I started speaking English.
Sid: How could you do that? You didn’t speak one word of English, how did that happen?
Surprise: Even up to now, even now it is becoming more difficult because I have to think before I speak and in those days was easy because I didn’t think I was just speaking.
Sid: Ha-ha-ha. I just think that’s so amazing, has this ever happened before to you besides? Have you ever spoken a language since that time, not English but another language?
Surprise: Another language? Yes, de coah.
Sid: Whose language, is that a tribe in Africa?
Surprise: No, no no, it’s a big language spoken in Mali.
Sid: In Mali, okay.
Surprise: Yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s my first language that the Lord had given me is de coah from Mali.
Sid: And like you just all of a sudden you can speak and understand a language?
Surprise: Yes, but it was something that a prearranged or planned for. But, I was just speaking knowing in my mind that I would speak through another dialect and then those people what they speak I could understand 100% and we could communicating like that way.
Sid: Now, did you ever speak before a group of people in a language you’ve never been taught and have healings and have people saved?
Surprise: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I went, me and Roland we went to one of the Island, which is an island which is an island of Mozambique. We arrived there, got landed there, the group of people came to us and then I started speaking their language and then we started holding the meetings there, and was amazing.
Sid: Now we have your book, “Faith to Raise the Dead,” what are people telling you when they read your book, “Faith to Raise the Dead,” what kind of feedback are you getting from people?
Surprise: Well, feedback is encouraging many people ordered the book anyway, because many people up here dreaded and some of them, most of them they are flowing really, really in things of supernatural.
Sid: Just from reading the book?
Surprise: Yes, from reading the book.
Sid: Well, what I love about your book is it teaches you how to be directed by visions and know where to go and secrets to have child like faith, and the power of humility and peace and righteousness. And how to have discernment and how to actually see in the spirit world, and how to release all the gifts of the Spirit and how to cast down demons. As a matter of fact, when you cast out demons you do it in a way I’ve never heard, you have joy. How does that work when you cast out demons?
Surprise: Oh my, ha-ha-ha, yes because the demons understand very well because they see your condition, they see the level of your anointing, every demon sees.
Sid: So they know where you’re at when you are praying for deliverance.
Surprise: Exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly.
Sid: So you know where you’re at and who you belong to so you just have joy when you cast them out and you set the captive free?
Surprise: So much.
Sid: Well, I’ll tell you what Mishpochah, how would you like to get your first love back? How would you like to live in joy?