Sid: I am so pleased that my guest, all the way from Africa is Surprise Sithole and Surprise is the overseer of pastors of thousands of churches in the Mozambique area and others. You know Surprise as I found out earlier this week you are the first person in your family to be a believer in Jesus. Now your parents were witchdoctors, were their parents witchdoctors too?
Surprise: Yes, it was generation to generation yes.
Sid: You know what I’m wondering, the only way you could have come out that darkness is as if someone prayed for you. Did you ever find anyone that had prayed for you?
Surprise: Well, no living in the jungle we just didn’t think that there was someone, somewhere praying for. But I think the prayers was covering the country.
Sid: And so, God just picked you because you would have been a dead man because shortly after you heard the voice of God and you were obedient, your whole family was poisoned and you would have been one of those. But I want to take you because this is so profound, you were sleeping one night in Florida and you had a visitation, tell me about that.
Surprise: Oh, that visitation was amazing it was on Friday and on the visitation, when I just went then, suddenly my eyes was open and then suddenly I see that I going with someone. And then I was walking with this someone I find the tables, that we were packing the tables here, tables there and then Jesus saying to me this is the collection of my wedding.
Sid: So someone was preparing tables and it was the preparation of your wedding. Okay.
Surprise: No, it was not my wedding, it was his wedding and this person was bright shining and I couldn’t even recognize very well because of the shining face. And then he says that I’m just waiting for a ring. I said, “Ring?” And immediately he said like that, I saw one being, like a heavenly being like and angel came and brought a very tiny, like a ring, like a ring that can only fit a baby.
Sid: So an angel brought a ring that was very small, as only like for a baby okay.
Surprise: Yes, yes, yes, yes. And then I said, oh whoa, what is this ring Lord is very small it cannot fit nobody just only a baby. He said, “Yes, only baby can fit if my bride does not become herself as a baby, this ring won’t fit her. Yeah. And then immediately I started asking for forgiveness, I said, “Lord forgive me,” I thought maybe there’s pride in me, that there is something, Then I started asking forgiveness, “Lord, please forgive me, please forgive me,” and then he said, “Okay let’s go.” Then we went to a castle and beautiful, beautiful castle, but the door was so very tiny small door, and then I said, “Lord, I cannot go inside here because the door is very small.” He said, “Yes, unless my bride becomes herself as a little baby, cannot go with me into the castle. And then again, I started asking forgiveness, “Lord, please forgive me if I have pride, please forgive me, I want really to be humble, and I want to be humiliated through humility, and then so on. And then from there He said, “Let’s go to the city.” I was walking with the Lord in this vision we are going to the city. When we arrived to the city the first thing that I noticed was very strange. I saw every man and every woman in the city having a tree on their heads.
Sid: A tree on her heads?
Surprise: Yes, tree on their head. And I was surprised and said, “Why is this tree on their head of everybody like that?” And then the angels there said to me, “That is the tree of good and bad, the tree of knowledge.”
Sid: The tree of good and evil.
Surprise: Yeah, yeah.
Sid: Which was in the Garden of Eden that we were instructed not to taste, but go ahead.
Surprise: And it is growing in the heads of people.
Sid: That’s awful; I don’t want a tree growing on my head. Ha-ha-ha.
Surprise: Ha-ha-ha and it’s called the tree of knowledge. And I said, “Lord, please how to chop that tree? It’s only through humility from above can chop and kill the roots of that tree from the heads of people.
Sid: Well, how can you get this true humility from above to rid of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that’s growing out our heads? How can we get this humility?
Surprise: And, the Lord said, “Ask, therefore you will receive.”
Sid: So in effect when you ask for, if I’m understanding you right, when you walk in humility it literally causes this tree to die from the roots.
Surprise: Yes, yes, it’s true.
Sid: So if we ask right now, we can walk…You ask in prayer and so we’ll know how to ask.
Surprise: Ha-ha-ha.
Sid: Tell me how you asked the Lord to get rid of this tree.
Surprise: Yeah! Hallelujah, Jesus right now I pray in the mighty Name of Jesus, in true humility, in the mighty Name of Jesus. That is the process of die to self, in Jesus Name, no matter what the people might say, but my prayer is that true humility will take procession of your children in the Mighty Name of Jesus so that the knowledge and the ideology of men of the tree that is growing on the heads of people would be chopped down in Jesus name. I chop down the man’s argument; I chop down in Jesus name the ideas and the ideology and all kinds that makes against you, the wisdom of men, I chop down in Jesus name. So that the true humility will carry Your word forth in Jesus name.
Sid: Now, if you want that prayer as an act of obedience and faith I want you to say, I want to walk in true humility in Jesus Name. I want that tree of the knowledge of good and evil to die from the roots growing out of my head, no more, no more, no more am I living for myself, I am living for You Lord, in Jesus name. In your own words pray that prayer right now. Now, you’ve had many visitations to Heaven. Tell me about the streets of gold in 1997 you were taken up to Heaven and you saw the streets of gold and God gave you some instructions. He said there was only one thing necessary, tell me about that.
Surprise: And I enjoyed that very much. Suddenly I was walking on the street of Heaven and it was gold and then what I saw was I see the trees like, like this are the acacia trees. Do you know the yellow acacia?
Sid: I’ve heard of them.
Surprise: Yes, yes, yes, yeah I saw the acacia trees covered in line and beautiful and it was amazing. So, I was walking on the streets of gold, this was almost like a bluish gold so much pure and it was completely amazing.
Sid: And do you know what’s so amazing here on earth we’re so crazy about getting gold and the prices has been going up, gold and silver. And I imagine the gold you saw was so much better than the junk we have on earth.
Surprise: I seen it coming there too and because when I just saw I saw like a sweeping the street and I saw like the trash on the side of the street. I thought, oh this is the trash, and then there was a cloud that was talking to me and then the cloud said, yeah this is just the trash that we throw on earth. The kings on the earth they fight for this trash.
Sid: This is the trash that they throw on the earth, which they consider trash, the gold here that kings are fighting over. Is that what you’re saying?
Surprise: Yes, yes, yes, so I say the kings of the earth they fight over the trash. They don’t know that here in Heaven is where we have real gold, real treasure is here.
Sid: Now to you having been to Heaven, you said Heaven is more real to you what you see there than what you see on earth. What do you mean by that?
Surprise: It is very true because whatever here is its just temporary, and decades, a few years, a hundred years and it is no more.
Sid: So why do we work so hard to accumulate treasures on earth rather than working so hard to accumulate treasures in Heaven, it’s stupid. We have a Hebrew word, its mischugah, it’s crazy. Ha-ha-ha.
Surprise: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, it is very true, it is very true, it is very true. And so but there in Heaven is everything is alive and is real. Even the flowers are real, because it’s life in them.
Sid: Okay, now Jesus gave you instructions, He said that there is one thing that you have to, that’s important when you come back to earth. What was that?
Surprise: Yes, one thing that is important is to speak reality and preach the gospel of the Kingdom to every mankind, because it is time.
Sid: But, you know it seems like we’re doing everything but that. We have so many ministries that are doing so many other good things, but is the Lord coming back soon?
Surprise: Oh yes, I believe He’s coming back soon, but not tomorrow and not today, but soon.
Sid: And that’s why there is such an urgency to preach the gospel, but He also told you the necessity for obedience.
Surprise: Yes, it’s true.