Sid: According to Joel in the last days people are going to have revelation by dreams and visions and there are some that have that, but I believe that it’s God’s will for everyone to have this…Leif Hetland are called “Dream You Destiny.” Leif do you believe every believer should have a dream and a vision and know how to have it come to pass?
Leif: I definitely do and I do believe in God, but I also believe that God believes in me and He believes in each one of us and so he placed something in each one of us.
Sid: You know it’s easier to believe for these revelations when you look at it the way you just said, rather than it’s up to a whim, you put it the other way, God believes in us.
Leif: Yeah, and I think that that’s what amazes me; I am overwhelmed when I recognize His view towards me. And I think it’s difficult to have a proper view of yourself if you do not see yourself the way that He sees you. And within every person that is listening and in my life I do believe that is that there is that diamond in the rough, there is that potential that is there.
Sid: But you know there are a lot of people listening to us right now Leif that say, “Well, I’m not any big sinner, I go to church every week, but I don’t pray as much as I should, I don’t fast as much as I should. God’s not interested in revealing something to me unless I work a little harder, what would you say to them?
Leif: But first I want to remind everybody that you already have an A+ on your report card, now Jesus took our F and He gave us His A+ and I think that the whole identity for anyone of us as a dreamer is to be able to understand that Christ within us, the hope of Glory. It is not what I do for God, but what I do from God. I don’t need to ask God to bless what I am doing; I get to do what God is blessing. So I will just encourage every person because even like a lot of prodigal brothers have been out in the field working, striving and hoping that if I just get good enough grades then Poppa is going to be happy and he is going to be well pleased. Well, no He’s already well pleased and I know people are concerned hearing that because if you have an A+ you will start to act like an A+ it is not what you do that makes you who you are, it is who you are that makes you do what you do. And that’s one of the major foundation and key to be able to dream with God.
Sid: What about the people that, like you when they were younger they had dreams and visions, but after year after year after year being caught up in just existing they’ve given up on their dreams, their visions almost thought maybe they weren’t from God, would you speak to them?
Leif: Yeah, I do believe that it was my life, I had dreams, I had desires I think that most of children do, I just did it in Colorado Springs, in a church service, I lined up all the kids from children’s church and went down the line and asked each one of the children, “What would you like to do when you grow up?” And every child right there and then just started to say I want to be an astronaut or I want to be a baseball player, or I want to be a fireman, I mean automatically there was things in their heart and they had no problem. Then I went down the audience to the parent and I already realized that the very thing that Proverbs 13:12 says is that “Hope deferred makes a heart sick. But when they dream their dreams come true it is the tree of life. And I saw the many of the these adults that was around, very few of them had maintained a dream but something happened with them. When I watched the children, there was something that started to stir and that started my process of looking at wow so may of the Adults because of disappointments, because of discouragement, distractions or delays that’s the four D’s that I put in there. Disappointment, distraction, and also eventually there is also these delays people have had and as a result they stopped dreaming with God, because if I don’t have a lot of expectancy I don’t have to be disappointed.
Sid: You know a lot of people that have been believing for years to be physically healed are like that.
Leif: Yeah,
Sid: They’ve stopped believing for their healing, I remember one woman said, “I don’t want anyone to lay hands on me the first ten years that she was confined to a wheelchair she was believing for all that she was worth but after ten years she just said, I still love God, but I don’t even want to go there anymore in reference to healing.”
Leif: Every single day I’m living with what I call mysteries. The one thing that I do understand and first of all God is good and He has not given me something that He is not, and any of these issues that I’ve had did not come from Him, it is not part of His nature. He loves me, he likes me, he delights in me and all I know is that God is good. And the second thing I know is that I am very valuable, I still have two areas in my life that has not been healed and my primary ministry I’m in is in a healing ministry, traveling around and the two areas where I have seen the greatest miracles is in the two areas that I go to bed and many times struggle, have not had a break through yet, it has not been manifested, yet. So I understand some of the people that are listening and are hearing that it would be easy for me also to settle and say hey, I’m going to stop dreaming. But I had three major issues, one has already gone and we got a healing because I continue, but now when things stirs up I’m 100% convinced that in this life, not just in the afterlife, that I’m going to be experiencing the fullness of what Jesus Christ came.
Sid: What are some of the areas that are the strongest for you when you pray for the sick that you see the highest percentage of miracles in?
Leif: One of them is neck and back and I had a broken neck and I’ve had a broken back and the other one is the tumor. I see tumors disappearing and cancers different things, that’s two major areas just in the last couple of months, major, major breakthroughs and so I feel the area where the serpent has bitten me is also some of the area where I have the greatest authority. I know the reason the enemy came after me in that area is because that Jesus had a special purpose and He’s going to work all these things out for good, but he’s using me and there is a vengeance not against people but against the enemy where I know that I have authority in the area where the enemy has attacked me and that the way I live my life. So, I always go after those two areas when I’m in meeting I say, “Anybody here if I’ve had pain or migraine,” because of my broken neck; I say, “Is there anybody with migraine, anybody here with neck pain, you’ve been prayed for over and over and it’s not happened,” And suddenly I just see God’s grace in those areas because I continue to look up even when a lot of things in life doesn’t.
Sid: Your seeing so many miracles, but the thing that people need, they absolutely need is to have their vision either restored or to have a vision. Now I’m not talking about a sight problem, I’m talking about a spiritual sight problem. Tell me what happens to people when they listen your two CDs “Dream Your Destiny.”
Leif: I believe that there’s a basic thing that I feel I can release in this season and that is I believe there’s an upward view that we’re going to have, and that means to be able to see Him from a different perspective. Many of us who have seen Jesus and we’ve come to the cross, we’ve been comfortable with the Holy Spirit, but with that orphan spirit we talked about we’ve not seen the Father the way that Jesus saw him. And by having a proper view of God, you can get a proper view of yourself that is the second part that I believe we need to see. Now when you see how valuable you are; how much that He loved you that He gave His only begotten son and also how Jesus was willing to leave everything because of His love for us. So that’s the second element and is a proper view of yourself, that you are valuable. There is something in your life that God placed; that even before you were in your mother’s womb he knew you; He knew everything about you; He had a plan for your life. And He is not going to treat us in behalf of our history, but our destiny. So there is a destiny over each person’s life and then do away with you or the people; when we do not see people the way that they are, but the way that they are going to be. That’s the third I think: When we start to dream, we start to see what use to be problem we suddenly recognize now that there is a promise right around the corner and it depends on how you view it. And then I think a proper view of the future is the fore-look you get by listening to these CDs. A view of the future, yes it’s getting darker but that’s why the light business if doing very well. Yes there is a lot of fear, but perfect love casts out fear. So the love business is doing very well. There is a lot of evil, the goodness of God, you overcome evil by good.
Sid: Give me one example of someone that attended your seminar and had an invention.
Leif: Well, at the first one I experienced was actually in Malaysia, a group of people that we were gathered together in a room and that was the first time that I saw when it comes to invention was of the group there there were students of the University of Malaysia; and they were Filipinos. And when we imparted there was actually the weight of God’s glory they came into the room and two of those different people literally had a heavenly experience when we all laid on the floor and afterward they came down and they started to write down their dream and their vision. And I hadn’t even start teaching at the time or started to study or make this CD series about dreaming. But at that moment I realized that God was up to something so we went to something so we went into Manila next and brought the group of businessmen, inventors and other ones just to be able to release over them the destiny that God has and that what this is all about. It is to start to move towards our destiny and to do that we need to dream again. And if we are going to dream we just need to get the proper perspective, how valuable each one of us are and what He has placed within each one of us. The world right now is waiting, just for sons and daughters to be revealed.
Sid: Well I can’t wait for you to pray and proclaim over the people as you do…because people are getting wisdom for every area of their life from business to health to family, they are getting direction for their life.