Sid: We want everyone everywhere to learn how to romance the king; learn how to have intimacy with God. With the times that we’re coming in if you don’t have intimacy with Jesus you don’t have anything. And if you have anything and you don’t have intimacy with God you’ll lose everything that you have. Now my guest all this week has been Brian Lake, and we’ve been featuring his book “Romancing the King.” Which it’s his life story, but the anointing is so strong on this book you’ll have your breakthrough to desire to be with Jesus every morning, every evening, every minute of the day; more than food, or more than anything this world has to offer. And I can’t think of a more important thing, but God has blessed Brian Lake and his family and I have on the telephone right now his wife, Pamela. Pamela, I’m very intrigued of how you’ll pray with someone and you will literally know something about them; tell me about that.
Pamela: Yeah, it started a while back ago, but one example of that was it was probably a couple years ago I was praying for this beautiful young girl and she didn’t know that she was beautiful. And God just told me that she was hurting inside and that she was actually hurting herself. And so I just began began to minister with her and I knew that the moment I touched her I could just feel you know that she was sad and I just, I just put my arms around her.
Sid: This is a feeling not just looking at someone, you can look at someone and know that their sad, but we’re great actors and actresses and we can fake people. So in other words there was no reason on the outside you knew she was sad it was strictly a spiritual gift.
Pamela: Yeah, it was just right well, whenever I touched her I could, I just could feel it, I just knew it just like a knowing inside of you God just brings it you know and I could just feel the emotion of it. And I asked her at that moment “Are you sad?” And then I just started just talking with her and different things like that. And she said, “Yes,” and then I said, “I know, I know that you’re hurting and that God loves you.” And she goes, “God doesn’t love me.” And I said, “Yes, yes He does,” and so then at that moment, at that moment God told me that she was hurting herself. And so I told her that she was hurting herself and then she said, “Nobody knows that, no one knows.” And I said, “Well God loves you and He wants you to be healed.” And so then she just kind of melted, I mean she said, “That she could feel that God loved her.” And then I’ve seen her not too long ago and she’s just completely healed.
Sid: Now this isn’t the unusual thing this happens often to you that you know people are hurting and when you pray for them they just, they melt and it’s almost as if they receive a healing an inner healing on the inside.
Pamela: Yeah, it happens in the United States all over, even overseas, I mean I don’t know why He chose me for this gift, but He did and I just love seeing Him touching His people you know and using me.
Sid: Pamela you put Molly on the telephone, I’d like to speak to your daughter.
Pamela: Yeah, one moment.
Sid: Molly, “How old are you?”
Molly: I’m twelve.
Sid: And you know what I’ve not heard this story, I want to hear from you, “When you were nine you saw Jesus,” tell me about that.
Molly: Well, actually one night I was in my parents room laying on a leopard lounge and I woke up in the middle of the night and I looked in their bathroom and I saw this little crystal and then it started appearing getting bigger and bigger and it started forming into a shape and it was actually Jesus. And then when I noticed I started walking over to it and I was so like, it was really amazing and it was Jesus and I started crying and my Dad woke up and he said, “What is it Molly, what is it? And then I said, “It’s Jesus, its Jesus.” And he said, “Where?” And I tried to point and then he was disappearing and I couldn’t see Him after then. But then in the morning I told all my family and they were really happy. And since then I kind of set off on a new path and I’ve really been really seeking God more, it kind of changed my life.
Sid: Well, let me tell you what I discern, “When you’re speaking I feel the presence of God, the presence of heaven, has any one every told you that before?”
Molly: No.
Sid: Well, let me tell ya there’s a lot of God’s presence as you speak. Are people ever healed when you speak with your family?
Molly: Yeah, there’s a lot of people.
Sid: As a matter of fact, you have an unusual gift is that when many times when people are healed they smell the fragrance of heaven, the fragrance of God, tell me one case.
Molly: Well, actually at a conference there was this lady, she came up to me and she had an ear problem and she asked me to pray for her. So I prayed for her and then the next day she came up to me and she said, “Her ears were healed and that she could smell the aroma of God on her hands.”
Sid: Now, do you ever smell the aroma of God?
Molly: Um, I could never smell it, I never smelled it before.
Sid: I’ve smelled it, it’s really, sometimes it smells like roses or different flowers or perfume, it’s really neat. I wonder if you would put your bother Jordan on the telephone.
Molly: Okay.
Sid: Hi Jordan, this is Sid and I am so intrigued by what God does in your life, when you pray for people to have the fire of God, tell me what occurs, what goes on?
Jordan: Well, whenever I pray for people for the fire, whenever I say, “Fire,” people get healed, people they shake, they tremble or whatever God wants to do with them it happens whenever I say “Fire.”
Sid: And you operate in a strong gift of Words of Knowledge, how long has this been going on, most of your life?
Jordan: Yeah, as long as I knew you know, whenever I get Words of Knowledge I mean I have like tons of Words of Knowledge so.
Sid: Now, does it just start on its own or can you say “Lord, tell me what You want to do?”
Jordan: Yeah, I can just say “God, what do you want me, is there anything for the people?” And then God tells me.
Sid: Well, why don’t you do that right now?
Jordan: Alright! Well, I feel like right now that there’s someone out there with a right shoulder, “I command it to be healed right now.” And I feel that there’s someone out there with a lower back pain, “I command it to be healed.” There’s someone out there, lots of people that area struggling financially, “I command the money to come in right now, in the name of Jesus.” And there is someone out there, many people with arthritis, “I command it to be healed right now, arthritis to be healed.” Any type of disease, “I command it to be healed right now,” I command depression to “Be healed right now in the Name of Jesus.”
Sid: Jordan, tell me about those twenty children that you prayed for that got saved and felt the presence of God.
Jordan: Well, one of the kids that I prayed for I was seating in my History class and he just told me to turn around and I asked, “If he knew Jesus?” And he said, “No.” So I just told him the sinner’s prayer and I asked him if I could pray for him and he said, “Yes,” and I touched his hand and he just began to weep and cry and feel God’s presence. And I got a Word of Knowledge for him and I asked him, I told him that he’s been struggling with his parents and struggling with his parents you know like being mean to him. And he thinks that nobody likes him and stuff like that, and I said, “God is the one that you need to get know and He can be your friend.”
Sid: But what I’m asking you is about in a three day period some twenty young people came to know that Jesus, tell me about that.
Jordan: I just began to ask kids like, you know like lots of kids like “If they knew Jesus” and they said, “No” and I just told them the sinner’s prayer and they knew Jesus then. So I just asked like twenty kids you know a bunch of different kids, just began to ask. I mean I asked even more than that in school too, just ask people.
Sid: Has God shown you what you are going to be doing with your life?
Jordan: Yeah, I feel like I’m suppose to you know preach and set the world on fire.
Sid: Could you pray for fire to come on the people right now?
Jordan: Yeah, I pray right now that God just touches you with the fire right now, wherever you’re listening right now, I pray that God reveals His tangible presence right now in the Name of Jesus. I just pray fire, fire right now in the Name of Jesus, more Lord, more, more; wherever you’re listening fire, fire, fire, fire in the Name of, Jesus Amen.
Sid: Well, I’m not shaking, but the Holy Spirit is just bubbling over in me and as a matter of fact on your Dad’s book “Romancing the King,” that’s what will happen when people read it, the Holy Spirit will bubble over on them and they’ll have their breakthrough for intimacy with God. And there is nothing, well let me ask you this Jordan, “Is there anything more important than intimacy with Jesus?”
Jordan: No, I really feel that you should you know listen, listen to God what He has to say, you know go into your prayer closet whatever, wherever you spend time with God. And I feel like He want you to you know go to Him wherever you’re at and He just wants to spend time with you.
Sid: With the times we’re coming into in this country and I’m telling you something, there can’t be anything more important than intimacy with God.