Sid: My guest Jean Blasi is just a normal believer, but when you hear her stories you think she’s a superstar. But she maintains she’s not a superstar, she just has the Super Star inside of her. She maintains that every born again believer can operate in the extraordinary gifting that she has. For instance Jean, tell me about you were in West Texas one time and there was a young crippled man there, tell me about him.
Jean: Yes I had preached a message, and then I knew that it was time to minister personally, I minister a lot prophetically to people. And so I saw, the Lord pointed out this young man about probably about twenty – twenty-two sitting on the back row. And my thinking and my head was probably the Lord’s going to prophecy to him but anyway I said, “Sir would you come up here and he started, he kind of scooted out of that seat, and when he got up to walk I noticed that he was all crippled. His legs were bent out, the feet were turned one in, one kind of out and the shoulders messed up but he just really was a crooked body. And so he came on up and the Lord said, “Ask him if he’s saved.” And I said, “Are you saved? And he said, “Well, well I guess.” I said, “Well I don’t guess so and I kind of laughed with a sense of humor.” And he said, “I don’t think so either.” And I said, “Well do you want Jesus?” And he said, “Yes, I do” and so I just talked to him just a moment. And I always like, I like people to ask, I don’t want to ask for anybody, it’s free will, I don’t want to coerce, or push, or nothing. I just say, “Well, okay why don’t you ask Jesus” and the second he asked Jesus to come in to his heart his countenance on his face was beautiful, his eyes were shining. And then I said to him, “Well, you got to have the power to live the Christian life you can’t live it in your own strength, you’ll just be defeated and keep falling.” And I said, “Have you ever heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit with a prayer language” and he said, “Yeah, I’ve heard of that,” and so I kind of explain it. And I said, “Well do you want to ask Jesus to baptize you? And he said, “Yes,” so he did, and I mean it just come flooding out of his with a prayer language. And you know infinite faith of the heavenly things you hear it, you see it, you know it, you’re doing it and it’s done all in the same second. There is no way to bring that into our time on earth and have it happen, even explain it as quickly.
Sid: You know when I got born again it was at the beginning of the Charismatic Movement and what you described was normal. Today people don’t talk a lot about praying in tongues, don’t talk a lot about being baptized in Holy Spirit, it’s almost it’s been put on the back shelf. But I believe we’re coming into such a move of God’s Spirit that that will again become the norm.
Jean: Sid, the Lord has told me to begin to present that, He said, “It has been left out, it’s been dropped, and more than ever we need that power.
Sid: Okay, so what happened to that individual?
Jean: Well, He’s doing all of this all at once, before I could even realize I had done it. He said, “I want you to point at his bones and command them to straighten.” I just, my arm just went out with my Prophet’s finger and I just said, “Bones straighten in the name of Jesus Christ!” And His whole body shot up in the air.” And the pastor came over and he said, “Young man I hope you know that you’re three inches taller. And I thought, “Oh Lord, God this is so incredible.” You know the secret of my life is Christ in Me my hope of glory; I’m so aware of that.
Sid: There is another thing that you talk about when Jesus began to teach you about His kingdom. His kingdom was a heart kingdom, what did He mean by that?
Jean: It isn’t what you do, it’s not your works it’s the attitude of your heart, loving Him, you only have one thing that you really need to do. And He wants you to love with all of your heart and when you’re like that and you’re walking with Him he can put everything that’s in His heart in your heart and then He wants you to have a heart, an attitude freely have and receive, freely give. Go give that to somebody else and let His heart through yours get into other people’s hearts and have a right attitude. We can belong to him, we can have all the gifts we want, but if you have a rotten attitude it isn’t going to go anywhere.
Sid: How do you cultivate this heart attitude?
Jean: Well, you know I know that altars have there places but I really believe in living a repented lifestyle, now the Bible says “We all sinned, and if we say that we don’t sin we are liars.“ In other words you might have a bad thought, you might say something you shouldn’t have whatever, but that’s different than a lifestyle of sin. And you can’t think that you can live a lifestyle of sin and are going to have this kind of a joy and peace in your life that He brings in this presence, this presence is love, its power. And I believe that we need to simply keep our heart before the Lord, and the Holy Spirit is so faithful the minute that you do something you shouldn’t He’ll check you, and you know that He does, and well just repent right there, call on the blood, let the blood cleanse you and get up and get going again you know. And that’s how you have that kind of heart…
Sid: You know a lot of people their convicted, they repent but then they somehow feel there’s still a distance between them and God the devil kind of get’s them coming and going.
Jean: Yes, that’s true. I think that we have do what David did. The word of God says, “Keep yourself in the love of God.” Because I want to promise you the devil is going to talk you out of it and he’s going to try to use mankind to steal your crown and no man gave you your crown, Jesus gave you the crown of life and there’s a place that you just have to say, “I’m not receiving this anymore, I’m not going to be like this anymore, I don’t care what it feels like and you take the kingdom by force.” You go to war and you just say, “I receive it, Your word says that You love me unconditionally, You never leave me, You never forsake me, You want to walk with me, You say I hear Your voice.” And you take the word of God and you start warring and you’ll break the power of where the enemy comes in. Years and years ago when the Lord started moving me out in even my hometown where I live; I’d get a word from a prophet, it would be so awesome and then the devil would go, “Who do you think you are, you’re not righteous, you know that you’re not good enough” is what he’s say to me. And one day I said “Jesus I’m so tired of this, He said, “Why don’t you get in agreement with him.” And I said, “What, and then I knew what He meant and I said, “You know what devil, you’re so right, I’m not worthy at all of this, but Jesus was and He took my place and the blood is over me and yes, I will do these things.”
Sid: Tell me about that man who had both of his knees messed up from an accident in an eighteen wheeler.
Jean: Okay, he was a really tall guy probably about 6’4” big guy and he drove this eighteen wheeler, and he had had an accident and it had crushed both of his knees and the doctors said, “There cannot be anything we can do with him.” And so he went to a Benny Hinn meeting and he asked them to pray for him well he had a creative miracle happen and the bones just started kind of crackling and he could feel it and he could hear it, and that knee was totally healed. And so you know I just don’t worry about stuff, so the other knee wasn’t healed yet, God has a plan and has a purpose; don’t worry about it He’s got everything in hand. And so he shows up in the meeting that I was doing, and he tells me this story and he says “Would you pray for a creative miracle for this knee?” And I said, “Yes, I will.” So I just kind of bend down, kind of just touched his knee with my finger and I said, “Jesus I thank you for doing a creative miracle in this knee.” And he said, “It’s happening,” and so he heard this, felt and heard this crackling again, and he started like putting his knee up and down and doing things you know and bending down. He said, “I couldn’t do this with knee before I came up here” he said, “The Lord has healed this knee.” And that is just so awesome, that’s the perfect example is that I had an invitation to minister in West Texas in this church, I went and I’m full of God’s word and I watched Him, and I believe Him. A lot of people have trouble with faith, faith is simply you believe God is who He says He is and He’ll do what He says He will do. It’s not how much faith do you have, it’s your faith in Him.
Sid: At this point in your book you just start speaking and the words come out, that’s where the faith comes in.
Jean: Yes.
Sid: But if you’re waiting to hear those words you may never hear anything, am I correct?
Jean: That’s right. I’ve trained probably thousands of people and I say “Hey, you know I don’t have anything, well, get up there and you’ll have it when you get up there and you open your mouth. And it happens, it always, I’ve never had anybody who did not hear and have the word of the Lord when the Lord asked them. He would show me He had something, it’s the same thing for everyone listening. God is for you. Well I kind of …do I have time to tell you a quick vision?
Sid: Very quickly.
Jean: Okay, I was in Hawaii and the Lord quite often opens up the third heaven and the second heaven. This time it was like He opened up the third heaven and it was like He’s standing on the balcony of heaven looking out. He was looking to and fro all over the earth, and then I heard this pleading, He said, “Jean everybody is waiting on somebody to give them permission to what I told them to do,” He said Jean, “Please tell my people I gave them permission 2,000 years ago, and then I came, I died, I came to live in them, I’ve given them My gifts; please tell them to quit waiting on somebody’s permission I’ve given them permission.
Sid: When you teach on this subject or when someone reads your new book “Prophetic Fishing” I believe that there is a supernatural anointing on this book that causes people to believe God’s word and step out in faith to begin hearing for themselves. Are you getting reports like that?
Jean: Absolutely, I’m getting more of those than anything else.
Sid: Okay, it’s time for you to be normal, “Jesus said “My sheep hear My voice, you know you’re His sheep.”