Sid: I want to see everyone literally have your DNA change as you worship God to the anointing that God has put on the Julie True music in addition to the anointing to that’s already in the It’s Supernatural television studios. Because we just finished live spontaneous songs of Julie True worshiping God and we had people soaking to it. Julie I know God has been dealing with you for a long time and you have like a compulsion to worship God but you are normal. I want you to help other people that are listening to us; that is normal as defined by the Bible. Tell me about worship what you’ve learned.
Julie: God’s been speaking to me about worship to me a lot and it opens up impossibilities and makes them possible; it opens up hearts. And that a heart connected to the sound goes straight to His heart. So everybody sounds different; everybody has a different sound but when we worship each one of us; we’re each a child of God. And when we connect our heart to a sound and we worship God and when we praise God with that sound it goes straight to His heart. And He loves to hear the uniqueness of sound in all of us; so I’ve just been realizing that to me worship is not just a thing for Sunday mornings or special gatherings; it’s for every day. It’s for people to just like you’re saying in the DVD Worship 24-7” it is for all the time. It is a continual conversation with God that doesn’t turn on and off. And it’s really like the language that we speak; it’s not a performance thing it’s just a way to engage with God and engage our hearts to Him. And to sing to him Him in a natural way. And so worship is for everybody; it’s for everywhere and it’s really a big deal because it opens up the Spirit realm in your house and in your car or where ever you car. And I believe that that’s when miracles happen; so it’s like a lifetime every day thing for all of us.
Sid: Well, the presence of God that is in this studio right now it’s so peaceful and I believe that any words spoken according to the Bible would manifest right now. For instance I believe right now God wants to heal people. Now there’s two types of healings; there’s physical healings and there are emotional healings. And other people God wants to set them free of the demonic in their life and the curses in their life And the traumas that they’ve had in their life and that’s the anointing that Julie True carries. I believe that as you hear this music that we just did in our “It’s Supernatural Studio we brought in Julie true and her team and they just worship God. AS you hear this and soak in this I want you to believe the demonic can’t stay. I’m reminded of King Saul when he would call on David to play the harp; I believe that if you were around at that time Julie he would have called on you.
Julie: (Laughing) Well, I think that it’s totally true that it is possible that just like when David came and played his harp that it drives out darkness and it pushes back the enemy and it destroys the enemy literally. So it’s really a big part of our life.
Sid: Well, I’m going to ask people to do this; I’m going to ask people to if you’re driving perhaps pull to the side of the road and if you’re at home just lay down on the floor and put your hand where you need a healing. If you need an emotional healing put your hand on your heart; it you need a physical healing if it’s possible put your hand where you need it. And as Julie sings and worships God I believe that your DNA will start changing; I believe that your pain is going to go. I’m hearing pain from the hip is going and I’m hearing that people deaf are going to start hearing and that people that do not hear God’s voice are going to hearing God’s voice. And pain of all kind and heart disease and cancer and I believe the healing anointing is about ready to flow. I want you to hear this brand new CD that we have just developed and it’s also going to be a DVD with additional footage and it’s called “Worship 24-7.” (6:08)
Julie: “Worship 24-7” excerpt.