Sid: And why should you be red hot for the Messiah wait to until you hear my guest Rebecca Park Totilo I’m speaking to her in Wichita, Kansas by way of telephone. And in scripture it says to him who has forgiven much they love much. And Rebecca came from such a hard background; her father died at a young age, she was raped at a young age. She got into drugs, into the New Age into all sorts of demonic things, suicidal thoughts but the Lord came to her. And the Lord set her free and then she began getting over a period of time dreams from God about what was going to happen into this country. At the same time she was having dissatisfaction with church from a religion viewpoint. She felt closer to God going out in the streets and witnessing to people than she did at most religious services. So she spent a great deal of time in prayer and seeking God and what did the Lord show you in these dreams Rebecca?
Rebecca: Well during that time that I was really seeking the Lord for truth that was really just my question to him was to show me what the truth was. Because I had come so discontent with what I was learning at church and that I was… I just sensed the Lord was really trying to just draw me alone and to want to tell me things that were going to come upon America. He showed me dreams of storms that were going to come across you know the plains, and big tornadoes, and stars falling from the sky. And I began to think “What in the world does this have to do with anything as far as it seemed like all my dreams were sort of related to weather patterns you know.” And I’ve never experienced a tornado of anything like this.
Sid: Well you live in southern Florida.
Rebecca: Right so for me this was all brand new and I never could understand what he was trying to show me. But I believe that over a course of years the Lord began to show me how these were being fulfilled. And I believe that they are tied to what is a warning almost from God. How it is partly a judgment against us that if we continue to go against His plan and what his order is for Israel and his people that He’s going to have judgment against His believers. I mean you see it says in the word you know that of course judgment starts in the house of God. You see He wants to correct the believers and get them actively pursuing Him and Him and to, of course, protect His people. And you know His name of upon Jerusalem and He has a love for that city and that is His place. And so I believe the Lord is trying to wake up the believers and He’s calling them and trying to raise them up again wake them up again. Wake them up and sort of like sleeping now and gotten comfortable here in our… you know we’ve been so prosperous over so many years and here we are now faced at a crossroads.
Sid: Well let me ask a question I mean you saw all of the dreams and all of these judgments. I mean you were told even before the victory in Iraq we were going to have that. And you were shown what was going to happen in the future. These are pretty scary thoughts. Did you see supernatural protection for believers?
Rebecca: Well for the true believers because I believe that the Lord is now drawing a line in the sand, if you will, as far as those that are going to be on His side and those that are not. Because you see that the message of grace has gotten really cheapened and you know it has become easy for people to confess that they are believers but yet they’re not really walking in it.
Sid: I mean even our churches the most popular churches in America today are what are called seeker sensitive to the nonbeliever but it ends up being sensitive to the believer. You’ve got to be out by noon.
Rebecca: Right.
Sid: Even if Jesus shows up.
Rebecca: (Laughing) that’s true.
Sid: I mean it’s a form of Christianity that’s so far different than the scriptures.
Rebecca: Oh yes, and as I was studying and doing research for my book “His Majesty Requests” it was over several years that I wrote this book and I began to see how important the word of God is in the Torah and the Commandments and things that He gave us in the very beginning. And those things have just been thrown away and thrown aside and has been said “That this is not important to us.” And yet it is important to us.
Sid: But here’s where I want you to help me Rebecca. I’m Jewish I was raised with all of the Biblical Festivals, the Shabbat, the Feasts etcetera I read the New Covenant. I saw it as the most Jewish book I’ve ever read. Exact opposite of what I’d been told and it’s only natural because you see so much in what’s going to happen in the future and intimacy with God in these feasts that’s so natural. But a Gentile believer that’s never been raised with any of this how did you develop a love for this?
Rebecca: Well like I said it was just a prayer for the truth. And when you begin to seek the Lord and spend time with Him you want to know what’s on His heart. You know you get to a point that you do finally end you go through your grocery list of prayers you know you’ve gone through you know the whole list now. And when you’re just on your face before Him and you want to hear His voice he begins to whisper the secret you know He’s telling you the secret. And the secret is that He loves His believers, He loves them and the whole point from beginning from Genesis to the end of Revelation has always been about preparing a bride for Him. It’s always been there since Adam and Eve it’s been showing us the prophetic picture of how He was going to draw a prophetic bride out of the body. You know like Eve came out of the side of Adam which was a picture of you know Jesus’ side being pierced and Adam being put into a deep sleep it’s like a death and resurrection of Jesus. And how this is all prophetic and throughout the word of God it’s that way.
Sid: So do you believe that every believer will not be part of the royal wedding not part of the bride?
Rebecca: No I see there’s a clear distinction made between those that are wise and those that are foolish. There’s the distinction that Paul makes about those that are the babes who are spiritual children they still need the baby milk you know, and those that are on strong meat; there’s few you know the Lord says “The few will enter in, many are called but few are chosen.”
Sid: But I always thought that it’s a gift from God that it’s nothing that we have to do with it.
Rebecca: Well salvation is a gift but now we are betrothed to Him, we are engaged and espoused to Him just like Mary and Joseph were espoused.
Sid: Listen any person that is a true born again believer wants to have deep intimacy with God, wants to hear His voice, wants to sell out, but it seems like there’s so much in this 21st century America pulling against it.
Rebecca: Hm. Hm.
Sid: You wrote a book called “His Majesty Requests” subtitled “An Invitation to the Royal Wedding of the Lamb.” Why did you write this?
Rebecca: Well when I started writing I was doing a lot of projects that publishers would just ask me to work on things that were subjects that they wanted to hit on. So when I began this book it really began as a journal on prayer. And I was looking at it as an approach to intercession and how we can go before the King with our request. And I was looking at the book of Esther and how she was able to go before the King and make intercession for her people. And at the same time the Lord began to show me how she was a picture of a bride. And so one thing led to the other and the next thing I know I’m studying the wedding customs and how beautiful they were and you know the spiritual significance to us as believers.
Sid: These are the original Jewish wedding customs.
Rebecca: Yes, yes. And so as I was looking through these I mean I just started to get so excited. Because it was like putting a puzzle together; you know how if you don’t have the top box top of the puzzle you know it’s hard to really put a puzzle to put a puzzle together. (Laughing)
Sid: It’s hard for me either way. (Laughing)
Rebecca: But for me it was like having that picture in front of me and suddenly I was able to put that final piece in and it set and it made it all make sense to me. Suddenly I realized the importance of why we do the things we do. I don’t think that a lot of people maybe understand why we have the water baptism for instance. But yet in ancient times just days before the brides wedding she would go into a river or lake in a ceremonial washing of spiritual purification and she would dip her body in this water. It was a body of living water and she would believe by faith that her sins were forgiven and she was pure and ready to meet her bridegroom.
Sid: You know in ancient Israel they called it Mayim Chaim, living water
Rebecca: Hm. That’s neat. That makes so much sense to me now understanding what the Lord was talking about when He was talking about the living water.
Sid: And when you understood the ancient Jewish wedding and then you started reading the New Testament and you began to see revelation, after revelation after revelation what did you feel like?
Rebecca: Oh every day was like being born again for me. I mean we were jumping up and down and having a party in our room. I tell you my husband and I were getting so excited with this understanding finally being able to put it all together, it just made so much sense for us.
Sid: Now how does this affect our being the bride, our intimacy with God?
Rebecca: Well, you know everything has become so serial for people because they’ve sort of thrown away the Old Testament, they don’t think it applies to us today. And yet that was the picture that was the box top if you will. And so now we’re able to put these 2 pieces together and see the whole picture the whole plan of God not just have the pieces. I think the scriptures been misinterpreted because they don’t have the picture of the Old Testament to look at as the plan and what God was trying to show us here. And so again it’s like the custom of the proposal where the Israeli bridegroom would go to his bride and he would offer her a cup of wine and then pour it for her and if she took a sip it meant that she was accepting that wiliness to enter into a Covenant with him. And that’s the same thing that we do in Holy Communion when we take that cup.
Sid: Oh, we’re out of time you got to read this in the book. The book is called “His Majesty Requests.”