Sid: You know I number of months ago I interviewed Perry Stone, many of you are familiar with him. A fine prophesy teacher; as a matter of fact we’re making his most recent book available this week called “Unlocking Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls.” See the Prophet Daniel said That in the last days revelation of the ancient prophecies would literally increase.” And of course were in the last days and Perry Stone called by God to unlock these very special ancient mysteries. Perry says that before the Messiah’s first appearance anointed prophets searched the scrolls to determine the manner of Messiah’s appearance. But in this book I will follow that tradition and use the Bible text and my knowledge of Jewish roots along with history, and archeology and present day events to search for the time of Messiah’s second coming. His book of amazing revelations and I say “These are amazing.” I’ve been studying them for 30 years and I’ve never seen some of the things in this book. The title is “Unlocking Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls” and that’s exactly what he does…..This book is very suitable for unsaved as well as believers would be fascinated by it. It’s called “Unlocking Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls.” Now when I interviewed Perry he was telling all about his father. And I have to tell you I got so intiqued with the background of his father that I said “I’ve got to meet him.” And now even better than meet him I’m going to be interviewing him. Because I have on the telephone Perry Stones father, Fred Stone. I caught him; he speaking in a church. He’s an evangelist and he’s speaking in a church in Hickory, North Carolina. And Fred I’m going to take you back to 1948. Now 1948 is important year for the world because that’s when Israel became a nation. But it was a very important year for you; what happened to you in 1948?
Fred: Sid this is an incident, I had been converted in a great I call the Appalachian Coalfield revival that broke out in about ’48 and run to 1953 every night in 2 different churches for about 3 ½ years.
Sid: Now what was going on within that 3 ½ years?
Fred: Well, I was at that time attending Big Creek High School and was unsaved of course just a heathen. And this revival broke out and my head brother Morgan Bold received the Lord first and was filled with the Holy Ghost and had the supernatural evidence of other tongues. And of course this was so fantastic to me and I didn’t know whether to believe it or not and didn’t know what had happened. But in a short time later during this revival just by continual invitations to me I attended the revival and the presence and power of God came in regenerated me, converted me, sanctified me and I was Baptized in the Holy Ghost. It was a great move of God brother; great healings, Holy Ghost manifestations. Most unusual things begin to happen.
Sid: Can you tell me a few of the things that began to happen that you saw with your eyes.
Fred: Yes, yes let me relate something to you I was approximately 17 years old with a young preacher. And I went to Panther, West Virginia to visit my Brother-In-Law Andre Kline. And he lived at a place called Panther and had a house sitting at Waters Cove Field Houses. Houses sitting on the side of the hill; and I was seated and he was giving me a haircut. We heard a loud cry and a man just crying out to God to just bawling. And Ed Crowsaw, this orphan boy; he had no parents and he had something would happen to him. He would just go somewhere and live 2 or 3 days and then somewhere else. And when we stopped what we were doing and walked down the hill about 30 feet, what had happened this boy had been out Gin Singing. He had an old cloth sack on his back and he had a Gin Sing hoe and two short…
Sid: You have to help me; I’m not a country boy. What’s a Ginseng hoe?
Fred: Alright now, Ginseng is an herb.
Sid: Oh, I know that yes.
Fred: Dig out of the mountains, it’s very expensive. It sells for a lost of places $300 to $400 a pound when it’s dried. And when this steam engine; its a great big coal train that past probably 200 cars and when the engine started to pass him the engineer blew the steam on him and made him mad and upset him. This orphan boy struck probably about 20 years old struck this with his Ginseng Hoe and when he did it struck back and struck him in the lips so that literally it’s a miracle God didn’t split his face open. But it cut his lips from the side of his nose all the way down to his chin, all of the way into the teeth. And he was crying and holding his hands. Blood was just pouring out of his mouth and down his arm. So we went down to see him and he was just crying and carrying on. And I told him “Son, you…(We didn’t have a car to get him to the hospital which would have been about 25-30 mile away). I said “You need a touch of God, I want to pray for you.” And we reached out brother and I said “Let me touch your face.” And I took my right hand and started squeezing the flesh back together where it was cut apart. And Brother, as God Almighty as my witness my brother-in-law was an unsaved man and my sister was unsaved at the time. They saw a miracles of God in about a minute of two all the skin went back together, all the blood ceased to flow. And it looked like; I felt the healing take place just like something moving under my fingers; and I looked up at the boy’s face and he was so healed; so perfectly healed. It was a white scar about I would say 3 inches long from the side of his nose all the way to the bottom of his chin at an angle. And his face was totally healed, totally healed; and just a little white scar like a white thread was the only thing that you could see.
Sid: Fred, answer this question; I’ve heard of all of the miracles because you operate under the gifts of miracles.; why doesn’t this happen more frequently. Why doesn’t this happen almost every time that we pray?
Fred: Alright, Sid this is here’s what I believe about it. In those young days of my life I would fast always 3 days and nights out of every month; sometimes I would do it 2 or 3 days a week. Now that brought about something; I don’t understand the mystery how that fasting and payer combined is like a laser. Just like a beam of laser energy; it somehow congeals the power of God in your life. It directs it just like a laser and when you lay your hands on somebody sometimes miracles will work just through prayer alone but other times it takes fasting and prayer. And I must say that I did a lot of that in those early days and I believe that I was prepared. In other words I was mentally, spiritually, physiologically prepared to lay my hands on anybody and pray for them. There was no doubt in my mind that God was going to do a miracle for that boy.
Sid: Now Fred when you fast just out of curiosity different people fast means different things to. When you fast do you fast, do you take juice, do you take liquids; what do you do when you fast 2 or 3 days?
Fred: In my younger days I would do it a little different now; I’m 71 but in my younger days I would not eat any solid food whatsoever. I didn’t even; of course I didn’t have the money I was so poor to buy any kind of vegetable juice or fruit juice. But I would drink water. I’d drink plenty of water; but I didn’t eat a bite. And I’d do that for 2 and 3 days and nights at a time; now that’s the way I would do it. Now if I was doing it now; felt impressed to do it I would do without solid food but I would drink juice; like V8 juice; tomato juice, some orange juice or something of that nature.
Sid: You know, we don’t hear much about fasting anymore because we’re in a time and a period of such luxury that we have everything supplied for us from doctors, from every arena. That we, I hate to put this but it’s almost as if we’re not dependent on God anymore.
Fred: You’ve got a point Sid well taken there. I think that because that there’s so many hospitals, clinic’s drug stores and all of that that we first thing we think of is I’m going to go let the doctor check me and so on like that. And a lot of the people like this boy was an orphan; had no living relatives and the hospital brother had we rushed him there and cold have they probably could not have done anything because no finance there you know they’re that way. And so God just choice to do a miracle and I looked at him and said “Son, can you…I’m going to pray for you I believe God can heal your face; will you believe with me. And he was crying and he just nodded his head and said “Yes, in tears.” And the miracle took place and my brother-in-law Edgar Kline was so amazed he said “Lola, do you see what happened to so and so.” And brother years later when I visit my bother-in-law Edgar and Lola Kline when that boy would see me, he was about 2 or 3 years older than me. When he would see me he would say “Oh, there’s that man that prayed for my mouth; there’s that man that prayed for me.”
Sid: Fred, when I saw you last you told me a secret that I understood but I didn’t understand. And it is a secret to releasing the power of God and I want to talk about it tomorrow but Mishpochah we’re just about out of time.