Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah I believe that’s going to happen because my guest Jim Barbarossa has been instructed from God to teach on the shofar, in fact he’s written a book on it called “The Ministry of the Shofar,” and then to blow the shofar. And Jim from your study in scripture tell me things that happen when the shofar or in many places it says the trumpet is blown but in the Hebrew it’s says shofar, or rams horn.
Jim: I’d like to start with a scripture out of Numbers and this is actually referring to the Silver Trumpet. And at the time I’d read this I’d been crying out “God why are people getting healed why are these things happening?” And the Lord took me…
Sid: Wait a second “Why are you asking why, praise God that they’re happening why were you curious as to why they were getting healed?”
Jim: The thing with me is if God if it’s You it’s in your word in some way and some form.
Sid: So you have to see it in the word to accept it.
Jim: Yes, but tie this together for me God so that I know that it’s You. And I felt led you know to the scripture in Numbers 10:8 and the cry came because I was seeing testimonies of blood clots leaving people’s bodies, legs being healed. A man had a rotator cuff that he had to have surgery on did not have to have it after the trumpet was sounded in the room where he was. A person with a pinched nerve, a person with bad knees, just testimony after testimony, a blood clot dissolving in a lady’s leg in Alabama. And I said “God there’s got to be some way that I can tie this into scripture why and how are you doing this?” And He took me kind of a round about way but first I went into Numbers 10:8 and I read the scripture “And the sons of Aaron the priest shall blow with the trumpet and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations.” And I saw there that the priests blow the shofar, man blows the shofar. But after I read that it became clearer to me that wasn’t just talking about the rams horn or the shofar that was talking about the silver trumpet. Then it goes on in numbers 10:9 “And if you go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresses you then you shall blow an alarm with the trumpet and you shall be remembered before your Lord your God and you shall be saved from your enemies.” And when I read that I thought disease, sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, inferiority all of these things are the attack of the enemy. So if we’re obedient to the ordinance to sound the alarm we’re remembered before the Lord our God and we’re set free. But then as I studied it out and I looked at it closer and the thought hit me that this is talking about the silver trumpet. That’s different than the shofar or the rams horn. Then I said “Okay God what You’ve put in my hands is a shofar not a silver trumpet.” And what the Lord showed me was that He put a staff in the hand of Moses and the Red Sea parted, and He anointed Peter’s shadow and people we healed. He took cloth from the hands of Paul and people were healed; He took 300 soldiers and Gideon and defeated a massive army, and He took the shofar and brought down the walls of Jericho. And what I felt the Lord spoke to me was that “I could use anything I want son, I can take anything I want and use it for my glory. And I have put this shofar in your hand to do what I told you to do.”
Sid: Have people heard your teaching then started…and read your book and started blowing the shofar and having similar results to you?
Jim: One comes to mind we were in a church in Missouri and we were at the end of the shofar teaching and I felt to have those that felt called to blow the shofar it’s not everybody but there are those you have an explosion inside of you and you just know. But I had those that felt that God was anointing and calling them to blow the shofar to come forward so I could lay hands and pray for them. A half a dozen or so came forward and I knew that there was one more and God was speaking to me that there’s somebody else that I want up here that’s not here. And so I asked again a man came forward and he was the last one that I prayed for. As I started to lay my hands on and pray for him he went down on the floor like a rock the power of God was on me was on him. And one of the neatest things that happened was he had told me before I prayed for him that “You know I’m really fighting with this thing I don’t know if I’m supposed to up here or I’m not supposed to up here but I’m here.” and he said “I don’t even have a job I could never afford to buy a shofar.” Well before he got up off the floor somebody had come to me and bought 2 shofars from me to put it in his hand totally paid for. And his pastor released him to blow the shofar as the Lord led him at that congregation. The following Sunday he felt impressed of the Lord to go to a specific person and blow the shofar over them. He did not know this person was in pain and suffering with a back illness and the person told him later God sent you to me I was in pain and now I’m healed.
Sid: You know what I believe some are called to a public ministry of blowing the shofar but I believe that if someone incorporates they are going to have for just reading your book on what happens with the shofars being blown that they as high priests in their home when they blow that shofar I believe the atmosphere will be cleared out that depression is going to leave that diseases are going to leave. Because I believe that it comes from hearing the word when they read the word in your book “The Ministry of the Shofar” and blow that anointed instrument. I do this at my home many times when I’m upset and concerned and I just want the atmosphere cleared I just blow the shofar. But you know when you blow the shofar in a congregation have you ever seen the glory cloud come in?
Jim: Not so much as a change in the lighting or that type of thing a glory cloud in that way where I’ve heard people describe it but just an awesome presence of God.
Sid: Well I’m ready for an awesome presence of God. I am ready for our listeners our Mishpochah to get physically healed, I am ready for our Mishpochah to get emotionally healed, I am ready for the captives to be set free, I am ready for God to show up. Would you blow that shofar now and do it extra long because as I understand it it drives the the devil crazy and I like the devil driven crazy. Do it now!
Jim: Thank You Lord (Blowing of shofar.) Thank You Lord.
Sid: Amen. Somehow, now Jim I’m going to give you a challenge and obviously you’ll do this only if God shows you but I believe that when shofars are blown in churches it will be almost like the ancient prophets calling Jewish people back to God through the Messiah of Israel. And I believe you see the scriptures real clear in Ephesians the 2nd chapter it says “The Messiah came to breakdown the wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles” I mean that’s the purpose of His coming to form the One New Man to reach the world. I believe that with the junk that has occurred through the devil 2000 years of Christian, I hate to put the two words together but I must, of Christians anti-Semitism that there are greater walls between Christian and Jews today then there was between Jews and Gentiles 2000 years ago. But somehow blowing that shofar is going to break the demonic strongholds between Jews and Christians. I would like you to blow that one more time for that specific purpose and I believe that it will be just like the ancient prophets speaking on behalf of God breaking the wall of separation between Jew and Christian. Would you do that one more time.
Jim: Lord we declare it done! (Blowing of shofar).
Sid: Yeah, the set time to favor Zion has come I believe that this is a new move of God’s Spirit. Not necessarily just the blowing of the shofar but it’s releasing the new move of God’s Spirit where we’re going to see it’ll be a layman’s move just like the coming of the Messiah where everyone is going to lay hands on the sick in the name of Yeshua and see the sick made whole.