Sid: My guest by way of telephone I’m speaking to him at his home in Franklin, Tennessee is Jim Goll. Jim is part of a very strategic team a member of the Apostolic Counsel of Prophetic Elders and very much involved in “The Call” with Lou Engle. But the reason I’m interviewing him is I believe that this moment in history the most significant thing if you will the dividing line between the true church and the counterfeit church. I’m going to proclaim something and I know it is truth that if you get mixed up in your theology on the Jew in Israel you will go into heiracy. The dividing line of the church will be over this issue. And the information for you to develop God’s heart and compassion for the Jew in Israel is found in this book “Exodus Cry” which we’re making available… Now Jim on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about modern day Aliyah and how the nation Israel was founded by a UN Charter but tell us a little bit about the history of that.
Jim: Yes again isn’t it amazing out of ashes the horrific timing of day of trouble from out of the Holocaust of World War II came forth a promise Israel was born in a day the way Isaiah prophet said it. It was in November 29th in 1947 that the Jewish people around the world danced for joy as finally the partisan plan came to vote in the general assembly of the United Nations where 2/3 majority was needed for passage. And that day Jewish people in Israel and all around the world kept their ears glued to the radio and there was a deciding vote given for the nation of Israel to be birthed, to be rebirthed, coming into being fulfilling ancient prophecies. But within 3 days more than 40 million Arabs pitted themselves against only 600,000 Jews who had gradually been returning to the land who where then already living in Israel; look at the odds forty million against 600,000!
Sid: And as I understand it was even worse than that the Jewish people didn’t even have weapons they didn’t even have an army! I mean it was such a David and Goliath encounter that even the world would have to recognize God showed up!
Jim: That’s absolutely the right analogy to use a David and Goliath. The battle of survival went on and actually for months during the time between the UN vote and the actual authorizing of the partition of Israel of this promise land and the end of the British rule over this region. And it went on for months, and then finally the one minute past midnight on May 15th 1948 Israel came officially, was birthed out of pain, birthed out of pressure, birthed out of transition. The enemy the dragon in the book of Revelation was there ready to devour the child. But the child was an overcomer and this child then was born physically May 15, 1948 while Harry S. Truman President of the United States officially recognized the new State of Israel and extended full diplomatic privileges to Israel.
Sid: And what I find interesting is as you point out the history in your book that the Arabs were so sure they were going to win that war. I mean after fall they had 40 million Arabs against 600,000 Jewish people who didn’t even have armament. And what they had was so archaic it was a miracle it even worked; and they were so sure they were going to win the Arabs living in the land given to Israel by God vacated their homes for a few days and then they were told to come back and get all throughout history; all of the Jewish money that is there and so they vacated. But a funny thing happened they lost and that’s the true origin as you point out of the Palestinian refugees.
Jim: Yes it’s absolutely right and Israel right then only had a fledging army of 6,000 people they were being preyed literally upon. But then again the God of surprise showed up on the scene I mean who else can you attribute this to. But the Goliath was peering in upon the young David with a stone in his hand.
Sid: Well our time is slipping Jim and I want to deal with chapter 3 in which you quote from Zachariah 2:8 touching the Apple of God’s eye, but there was something that caught me in that chapter and my friend Tom Hess who lives in Israel went to Auschwitz and that horrible death camp the Nazis’ had. And he said “Scrawled on the walls is this statement, ‘He who does not learn from the lessons of history is doomed to repeat them.’” Tell me about Zachariah 2:8.
Jim: Yes I had a visionary experience where we were doing our first conference on the Church in Israel and this open vision I saw a Star of David in the Middle of an eye. And in the middle of the Star of David in the eye I saw the scripture written out Zachariah 2:8. I wondered “What is this?” and I had to look it up. And then in context basically it says “He who touches the apple or the word is (pupil) of My eye” touches Israel. And the amazing this is the pupil is what we see through. So I’m going to tell you if you want to have proper sight, proper perspective, proper insight you must have Israel as the center piece of history, the centerpiece of what is in God’s heart. And if you want to bless and have right prophetic insight you must get Israel in the center of your heart and in the center of your eye.
Sid: You know that same passage Zachariah 2:8 in the Living Bible goes like this “He who touches Israel is the same as someone who pokes their finger in God’s eye.”
Jim: That’s right because when you touch the Jewish people you are touching the God of history, you are touching God Himself. So we must be careful again because we must bless and curse not. I just tell you we must get Israel in right perspective in order to live out our lives in the right way in the end times.
Sid: Now you actually trace spiritual darkness in the Medieval Period in connection with the treatment of Jewish people.
Jim: You know absolutely here we deal with go back let’s go say the 327 the Church Counsel of Nicaea the church declared the benefits of Christianity the Jews could only exist in seclusion and humiliation. Fourteen years later Constantine the 2nd prohibited marriage between Christians and Jews. Pope Urban the II in 1095 etcetera they just made decree after decree after decree that goes against Israel, against Jerusalem, and against Israel being the Apple of God’s eye. And when we do that we pay a price; darkness enters in and light goes out.
Sid: I’m quoting from your book again in 1182 France expelled Jewish people, 1421 Austria expelled the,, 1439 Jewish people were expelled from Poland.
Jim: Yes.
Sid: 1492 expelled from Sicily, 1495 expelled from Lithuania, 1496 expelled from Portugal, 1499 expelled from Nuremberg. Europe was closed to Jewish people by the time the Spanish Inquisition began in 1480. That means that Spain’s Jewish refugees literally had no place to go. You know something Jim.
Jim: Yeah.
Sid: It is such a miracle that anyone exist today who says my ancestry is Jewish.
Jim: Or that they want to claim that they are; I mean it’s amazing it is a modern day miracle but it’s a miracle of God’s faithfulness that’s what it is. That’s why you and I can bank on it in our lives. And that’s what we’ve got to believe right now faithful is he who calls us who will also bring it to pass and keep your eye on Israel because God will be faithful to His word.
Sid: Now the heart of your book is so that Hitler’s Germany doesn’t occur again. And you call it the “Mordecai Call.” What is that?
Jim: Well you know I believe that Mordecai that he was used to prepare Hadassah who became Esther for her appointment before the throne of the king. And there was the decree that went out for the annihilation of the entire Jewish people; the entire Jewish race.
Sid: Is that going to happen again? Is there going to be this demonic intervention again to try to kill all of the Jewish people?
Jim: I believe it’s already starting; I don’t like being one of the gloom and doom prophets but I tell you it’s already beginning its looming right at our door. Militant Islam is arising; there could become a wedding between strong totalitarian governments fueled in with this holy/unholy jihad philosophy and other aspects as well. I have a city that in Sacramento, California just a couple of years ago 3 synagogues in Sacramento, California were burned to the ground. This isn’t just something going on in Russia it’s happening in France, it’s happening in California, it’s happening under our noise right now. We need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Sid: Jim why should people read your book “Exodus Cry?”
Jim: You know to wake up, to learn from the past so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past and to and respond appropriately. You read the quote “If we don’t study history we’re doomed to repeat it.” That’s one of my great concerns; lets learn from the mistakes of the past so as we don’t repeat them. Let’s also learn from some of the bad issues of church history. Let us get our garments washed clean. And I believe that the Lord that even though difficult times are upon us and are even coming the Lord wants there to be a people that will arrive. The prophets say it this way “That the Gentiles will carry the Jewish People upon their shoulders.”