SID: You know there is an epidemic of loneliness. What are the statistics on that?
- JEN: One out of five Americans is suffering from loneliness. That would be about 60 million individuals.
SID: Whoa. How about worldwide then?
- JEN: And what’s more is scientists have found out that it’s contagious that if one person in your group of friends suffers from loneliness you would have a 52 percent chance of catching it from them. And the reason it’s contagious, the secular scientists don’t know this, was I learned from Dennis that loneliness is not an emotion. Sadness is an emotion, but loneliness is a spirit that creates a sense of emptiness even in the innermost being of a believer. But for a believer, emptiness is impossible because we’re filled with God and this just amazed me. There are so many keys in our new book, “Self-Deliverance Made Simple” that just absolutely blew me away.
SID: You know something that we do, and I think it’s higher than one in five, is we make vows. I never will do that. I’m no good at that. You could have made a vow on I’ll never speak again.
DENNIS: Exactly. And I believe that these are destiny barriers, if you want lack of a better of term, because we’re watching that it’s almost like the enemy knows a little bit about where you’re going in God and he purposely will set up a roadblock, and inner vows are the perfect roadblock. I will never cry, I will never speak in public, I will never. Once you lock that will in, God wants your will, the devil wants your will. When you make an inner vow the devil has got that will and he’s got tremendous influence over you. So to me, if you look for any time you say “I never”, on the other side of that could be your anointing. It could be the fulfillment of your destiny.
SID: Jennifer, literally thousands of people have been equipped to wake up in the morning with none of the negative emotions that they had previously. Explain.
- JEN: When you deal with your negative emotions, by forgiveness they are exchanged for supernatural peace. And if you don’t deal with them that they’re hardwired into your brain while you sleep at night. And scientists had discovered, in 2012, 2013, through research that we have a mechanism in our brain that literally cleanses our brain of toxin and waste materials while we sleep. But also, when we sleep if we have dealt with any negative emotions of the day through forgiveness then any residue from that is also washed out of our brain overnight, but if don’t deal with it and go to sleep on it then it hardwires into our long term memory.
SID: You know, there are so many doors that we humans have to close. I want you to close a few doors right now. I’d like you two to pray for us. Start out by again explaining dropping down while you pray.
- JEN: Close your eyes. Go down to your spirit in your belly, in your heart and open, and yield to God. Now there are those of you out there who have a spirit of loneliness. Now your heart is open. Allow yourself to feel how you feel at those times and receive forgiveness for having an idol in your heart that is taking up room where God should be. Just receive forgiveness and yield, and welcome his presence to come in and fill you. And I’m seeing bondages broken off people right now. I see a lady and you’re weeping with joy because the love of God is pouring in where there was nothing and there was separation that you felt that you were separated from God. And I see several other people. I actually see somebody who doesn’t suffer from loneliness, but you have an addiction and you just receive forgiveness, and I’m seeing the Lord break addictions off like snapping rubber bands. And I’m seeing people out there raising their hands in the new freedom that God is giving you right now. And I see others of you who are starting to receive forgiveness. As I’m talking there are others that are receiving forgiveness and there’s somebody who is getting a physical healing right now because you just received forgiveness and a spirit left. Somebody had cancer and that spirit of cancer has left and when you got back to your doctor you’re going to get a clean bill of health, and some of the things you thought you were going to have to face, you aren’t going to have to face.
DENNIS: And I just hear the Lord saying, too, even the things that appear mild while you’re watching this and it feels like an ache, those are symbolic of a closed door. It might just feel like an uncomfortableness. Do not minimize any of these things, but basically say, I want nothing to come between me and my God.
SID: I’m hearing there are food addictions. You know what that has to do with? Loneliness. It’s all connected. But when you can close these emotional doors and get your freedom you can wake up tomorrow morning not dealing with any of the emotional baggage you’ve had in the past, and you wake up and say, boy, Holy Spirit, what are you going to do today in my life?