AUDIENCE: Whooo! Whooo! Whooo! (APPLAUSE)
DAVE: All right. Settle down. (laughs)
DAVE: So there are a lot of different ways in which God speaks. When we think about hearing the voice of God a lot of times we think of you know this audible booming voice that comes from outside and you know like Moses on the mountaintop you know it’s God speaking to him and he’s like uh, uh, what’s going on. But most of the time God speaks to us in ways that are very subtle and very hard to discern. When I started to learn to hear, when I started learning to hear God’s voice for me His voice was very loud. I had that internal voice that was just 24/7. It was there all the time and after a few weeks that faded away and God’s voice became very hard for me to discern after a couple of months. But recently I’ve become aware through talking to a lot of my friends that God speaks to us in many different ways. I have friends now that I know who are they call themselves “prophetic feelers.” They feel God speaking to them through their emotions. Sometimes they’ll be driving through a city and they’ll feel these emotions of sadness or despair or depression come upon them and they’ve learned about the fact that that is God speaking to them about possibly a spirit of oppression or a spirit of hopelessness that is over that city and they have found that if they intercede and pray for a few hours those feelings will lift. But a lot of people feel feelings of depression and hopelessness and despair and think gosh, my life is just horrible. You know? So God can speak to us in a lot of very subtle ways. Now most of you are probably familiar with how God speaks through a word of knowledge. Somebody has knee pain out there in the audience. I feel pain in my knee and I say who’s got knee pain? Let’s get you healed. Because God can speak through feelings. Sensations in your body. Neck pain. Back pain. Things of that nature. The key to learning how God wants to communicate with us is being sensitive to those feelings, those nudges, little visual images that appear in our mind. God often speaks to us through visions through that little TV screen in our mind. A lot of people don’t know that. They think well if have a vision I’m gonna see this big scene out in front of me like an open vision. Well that sometimes happens but most of the time God when gives you a vision He actually shows you a little image in your imagination. So the same apparatus you would use to remember the plate of bacon you had for breakfast this morning God could give you a vision and show you a demon that’s harassing one of your friends or He could show you a heavenly scene but you see it in your mind and your imagination. So becoming sensitive to the ways that God is already speaking to us is kind of a big key. Cause I run into a lot of people who say I just don’t hear God’s voice. He’s not speaking to me. I don’t really see visions. I don’t really hear His voice very well. I think the key is to realize that God is already speaking to us many ways through dreams, through visions and a lot of times we don’t recognize what He’s already saying to us. So that’s kind of my basic foundational thing I start with for people is you have to realize God is already speaking and you have to learn to be sensitive to the ways in which He’s speaking. So I always start with getting a basic understanding of the fact that God is good. Okay? He is really, really good. Like He’s way “gooder” than we think He is.
DAVE: All right? Now I came out of kind of a mainline evangelical background after I became a believer and I… you know the Bible says God is good but I was kind of thinking maybe He’s having a bad day. Maybe He’s gonna judge somebody. Maybe He doesn’t want you to be healed. Well I started to look at the life of Jesus and His healing and miracles and everybody that went to Jesus for healing got healed. Not one person didn’t get healed. Jesus didn’t say well the Father needs you to be sick for a while because He’s teaching you something. Okay? Jesus never said to someone you don’t have enough faith to be healed. Okay? Jesus gave healing to everyone who asked for it. And Jesus is the best representation of God that we have. Okay? So if you want to learn about healing learn about Jesus. Go to the Gospels. That’s what I did. When I started learning went to the Gospels and looking at all those healing accounts going boy, He had like a 100 percent healing rate what’s up with that? Like nobody didn’t get healed that He prayed for. So that’s where I kind of I steer people in the direction of. Look understand that God wants everyone healed and if we pray for someone and they’re not healed there is a reason and it’s not that God doesn’t want them healed. And it’s most of the time not the fact that they don’t faith. It’s that there’s some kind of whether it’s emotional trauma, which I’m learning is a huge key as I started to pray for people who have had emotional trauma especially in childhood and we get those wounds in their soul healed their physical healing manifests afterwards. So the Lord has been teaching me and other people some of the keys to healing that we have overlooked. But if we start to integrate all the pieces. If we get the words of knowledge, if we get the emotional healing done, if we kick out the demons and if we pray prayers of faith, prayers of commanding, prayers where we’re exercising our authority over sickness and disease we are going to see people healed. Amen?