BOB: Welcome to “Something More.” I’m your host Bob Duvall and with me today is Becky Dvorak. Now Becky and her husband David have been missionaries in Guatemala, full time missionaries since 1994.
BOB: And Becky, you are what’s known as a prophetic healing evangelist. What does that term mean?
BECKY: Well it’s basically I operate in the office of a prophetess and my strongest gift is healing and so that’s what it means.
BOB: Now you have just a passion for healing.
BOB: You’re ferocious about healing. How did you get that way? Were you always that way?
BECKY: No, I wasn’t always that way. It happened as I was starting to seek after God. I had been on the mission field for quite a few years already and I just was hungering and thirsting for more of God in my relationship with Him. And obviously there’s great needs on the mission field.
BOB: Absolutely.
BECKY: And I would see miracles here and there but I just wanted something more. I just knew because I would read in the Bible and you know the prophets and the disciples they just had just a totally different ministry than what I was seeing in my personal life. And I just desired to have what they had which was – it was like daily. It was constantly happening in their lives and I believed that that’s for us as well so I sought God on that.
BOB: So when you sought God, I mean did He instruct you to do anything? How did He pour into you about healing?
BECKY: Well He instructed me to study the Word. To go into a 2-year study. It actually happened when I was in Nigeria and I went on the first time to Africa with three other people and we were doing a healing conference for a week. And during this time the Lord just really grabbed my heart one night and I went back to my hotel room and I was just sobbing.
BOB: Mmm.
BECKY: I just couldn’t stop. And I was seeking God and asking Him, “What is going on? What are You doing with me? Why am I crying and I can’t seem to get a hold of this? What’s happening to me?” And He started to minister, speak to me that night. And He said, “It’s because this is the time that the healing ministry for you is to begin.” And He goes, “And when you go home.” Which meant Guatemala. “When you go home I want you to study healing and I don’t want you to study anything else until I tell you to.” And I didn’t know that that study was going to be 2 years.
BOB: Wow. Now at the same time, He called you to three forty-day fasts.
BECKY: Yes, He did.
BOB: Now do you recommend that for people? [Laughs]
BECKY: Only if it was the leading of Lord.
BOB: Yeah, it’s got to be.
BECKY: And I had no idea that it would be three times in one year.
BOB: Wow.
BECKY: I had no idea there was three times coming.
BOB: Hmm. Wow. So when you had that study and it was completed after 2 years, what happened? Did you begin to see the miraculous?
BECKY: Greatly. I was on an assignment with the Lord. Not only was I reading through the complete Bible and learning every place where there was signs and wonders, miracles, healings, all of that taking place, but also He was having me go on assignment. One of the places He was having me go to was an AIDS hospice in Guatemala. And that was where people they had no hope left.
BOB: Right. Yeah.
BECKY: In the natural. And He had me go there every Wednesday afternoon and He told me to go and look for the sickest people in that place.
BOB: Huh.
BECKY: Those that were the weakest and go and minister to them. And so I would go in and I would befriend them and I would have my Bible with me and I would just get to know them and just start showing that I cared about them and just start ministering the Word to them to build up their faith.
BOB: Now as you’re doing that, you know you’ve been through this two-year study. Did you have a feeling that, you know, something was going to happen now that you’ve been learning all these new things about healing?
BECKY: Well, yes.
BOB: [Laughs]