SID: So all those teens knew that date.
MYLES: Yes, they knew the date. The pastor came up too, he, he confirmed that. He said that was the date that this young man committed suicide and the Lord spoke in that moment. He said, “I am breaking the spirit of suicide off of this youth group and it will never happen again.”
MYLES: And so when God speaks he means what he says and says what he means. It will never happen again. It’s a done deal. He broke that off of the youth group and there were probably five to seven people that responded in that moment that were battling with the spirit of suicide that we began to minister to and break that spirit off of them.
SID: I want you to break the spirit of suicide off of people watching us right now. Look at the camera and do it.
MYLES: Even now there are people that are watching right now and this is a kairos moment. This is an opportune time. God is moving. He’s breaking the spirit of depression, the spirit of heaviness. I rebuke you now, In Jesus name. I rebuke the spirit of heaviness off of you. I break that harassing, demonic, suicidal spirit off. Right now it’s leaving you. Just renounce that. Tell it it has to leave and we break that off now. It would no longer harass you. You are being freed and loosed from that, in Jesus name.
SID: That’s powerful. Look, let’s be candid. You got a gift when you were a young man from God to hear his voice so clearly but what about the rest of us, are we Swiss cheese? What about all the viewers, myself, everyone?
MYLES: Yes, Sid, the will of God is for all believers to hear his voice. The main mark of every believer and Christian like Abraham … Abraham didn’t have a Bible, Sid.
SID: He did pretty good though.
MYLES: He did great. Well, why did he do so great? Because he heard the voice of God and so the most important thing for every believer, Sid, just like Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and a voice of a stranger they will not follow.” So it’s the will of God for all of us to hear God’s voice with such great clarity and intimacy because God wants to be involved in every detail, every decision, every moment of our lives.
SID: You teach and the thing that is so wonderful about Myles’ teaching is, his teaching will build your faith because everything is transacted in the kingdom by faith. Will build your faith to receive what he teaches about. You teach on many areas. One was the five dimensions of prophetic people. We don’t have the time for all five but the one that’s my favorite is you teach on prophesy in the glory. Teach just a bit on that.
MYLES: Yes. And that’s my favorite as well, Sid. The prophecy out of the glory or in the glory is where I believe it’s the most powerful. It’s when we enter in to the presence of God or the presence of God manifests in our lives and we begin to hear God’s voice but when we prophesy out of the glory it’s like the weight of his glory is on our words and so how does that make a difference? Why is that so powerful?
MYLES: It’s because it supernaturally accelerates everything that you speak and prophesy. And so things begin to manifest instantly. That means no waiting. I like the sound of that. And so instant manifestations of the words that God speak to you. That means creative miracles, healings, angels coming forth and ministering and it’s so powerful, Sid. It’s just on a whole different dimension and level. And so the increase of power in the glory, the weight of his glory, is traveling on your words. And so to me it’s the preferable method.