MIKE: When it was all over, and he gave me that assignment about, “Teach my people third heaven authority,” it was to teach them a heavenly perspective. The Lord specifically said that rather than from Earth looking up with all of those fears and emotions and circumstances, to look down from above with the absence of those, understanding who Jesus has created us to be.
SID: What kind of insight did it give you, when from that perspective of looking down on this demonic general, and these demons, these dull-colored objects, and the prayers that were going on, that has to give you a handle on prayer like few humans have.
MIKE: Well, it drastically increased my boldness, because at that particular point, I had some weaponry, and I had some ammunition that I didn’t previously have, and that was that we are high and lifted up. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, and that we have the ability. I talked a little bit about perceptions, spiritual perceptions that we are spirits and so forth when I got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. But now I’m learning something about perspective, and that’s what the Lord said. It’s about perspective, it’s about allowing the Holy Spirit to come within us.
MIKE: Whether it is from an encounter where we’re lifted up in heaven, and looking down, or whether it’s that heaven is in us, because the kingdom of God is in, among and around us. We are extensions of heaven, and that the Holy Spirit can give us that perception below. But that it is we are above the circumstances, and we command those circumstances, and we can see it from heaven’s perspective.
SID: All right. You’re beginning the question. Is this just some special, like happened to you and happened to Paul? Or is this for everyone?
MIKE: Oh, it’s absolutely for everyone. He wouldn’t have told me, “Teach my people third heaven authority,” if it wasn’t for everyone. So it is. People can receive that right now. It will enhance their life. It will give them the ability in the spiritual realm to hear the voice of God, and to operate from heaven’s perspective.