Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be in the throne zone. Keith Duncan briefly what is the throne zone?
Keith: The throne zone is that dimension that we have gained access to where I believe our purpose is discovered and our passion is ignited so that we can receive our assignment straight from the throne room of God, and execute His plans for our life upon the earth as He’s purposed it to be in the Heaven.
Sid: You know something that’s coming to me it’s sort of like most of us live our life on the AM radio dial and when you get in the throne zone you’re getting on God’s radio dial. It’s not FM, it’s way beyond FM, but your tuned into the frequency of God and of course all things work out when you know what God’s tell you to do.
Keith: [Laughing] We transition you remember the discovery when FM radio came along and the clarity of it and you could switch back between AM and FM but now they have the high definition studios that broadcast.
Sid: Right.
Keith: And that clearness of that, and yet that’s another element, which interesting is that the element those airways have been there all along it’s just that we now know how to broadcast and utilize those airways to increase and intensify the signal. And the same is true with our worship, we start at a certain level but God enables and unlocks things within us that catches us and helps us to transition from the AM to the FM, but ultimately He’s calling us to that high def frequency and that’s the throne zone dimension and we have access to it Sid; we have access.
Sid: Well, one of the two CDs we’re offering this week has God, starts out with such it’s so high with excitement and energy and you have shofars being blown, I mean it’s literally a celebration and that was just the start. Let’s go to just a little bit of that start
Keith CD worship
Sid: That was just a little bit of Keith Duncan and the CD we’re making available this week, but Keith when I hear that I’m reminded of a vision that you had in 1991 you were, as a lot of people like to say, “Minding your own business.” You were going to a youth baseball game and all of a sudden you weren’t at the game, what happened?
Keith: The stadium was filled with all the ball fans, I mean it was a large stadium and it was just totally filled with people enjoying the ball game, venders selling candy and peanuts and player out on the field and watching it. It was a beautiful day but then suddenly I experienced something I never experienced before that Sid. It’s like all of the players were gone off of the field and between first and third base I could see a platform that was set up. I saw and I knew that this was a worship service and to be honest with you I didn’t have the vocabulary to describe it; didn’t really understand what I saw but I knew what I saw if that makes sense. I saw on this platform and I knew people were here not because of a ball game, people were here not because of a platform personality speaking, they weren’t there because the President was showing up. They were there showing these stadiums because they were passionate for the presence of God and ready to worship God unashamedly in the open air. And their passion was so great it took a ball stadium to hold them, the church couldn’t hold them, they needed a ball stadium so that it could fill all of the people. And it dramatically shifted my life and I knew then God wants to fill our stadiums not with sports fans, but God I believe wants to fill our stadiums with people who are so hungry for the presence of God and so passionately in pursuit of Him and ready to unashamedly worship him and fill these stadiums, I believe that’s coming prophetically.
Sid: Well, you know sometimes I wonder I see the hundreds of millions of dollars that are being spent for sport stadiums, I see the hundreds of millions of dollars that are being spent for athletes and television contracts. And I’m saying “You know what? God’s going to even redeem that, He’s going to use all of these stadiums for His purposes. He’s going to use television for His purposes; He’s going to use the internet for His purposes. And our job is to take back the ground as rapidly as we can and the only way we can take back the ground is to become normal.” Well take me to May 1997 after you’d been a professional worship leader really good at your skill you had a visitation that forever changed your life and made you normal. Tell me about that.
Keith: Well Sid, the like you said for eleven years I had been serving full time capacity professional musician, I was very well scripted, I was a great administrator, I had my fast song, my slower song, my prayer song, and then a hymn. I had my special music; I had all of that scheduled months and months in advance. So all of my department heads knew exactly what was coming down the pike and they could be prepared for it and scheduled. Until May of 1997 when I got in and I had my song list for the night and I did my three songs, but just amazingly out of know where the power of the Lord just hit this place, this sanctuary and I looked at my pastor, he was laying on the floor worshipping God. I looked to the next person in charge who was our assistant pastor and he was just he was lost in the presence of God. And all of a sudden I had nowhere to go because I didn’t have it scripted out in my list. And I thought oh Lord, “What do I do now?” So I just began, I heard a song in my head, in my spirit whatever you want to say, in my head I head this song so I began to play it and as I began to play it that weight of God’s presence in that room, the weight of His glory Sid just began to intensify so much so that it was so heavy on me I could not stand and I ended up on the floor face down on the floor. And immediately as I laid the way that I was facing I was facing back towards our baptismal pool in the back section of the sanctuary there, and immediately I was transported into the throne room. I could see the stairs of the marble floor that led up to the throne and I could see the legs of one who set upon the throne. And I knew this was the throne of God and this was God Himself that I was catching a vision of and I was astounded, I was amazed, I was awestruck, I had no words and I was like “Lord, what is this?” But I could feel the weight of His presence intensifying even greater as I lay there I could not pick up my hands or my head, the weight was so great. And in the very back of the sanctuary I could hear this little church mouse voice if you will, little quiet squeaky voice that began to sing in the Spirit. And as she began to sing in the Spirit on the floor of the throne room I saw this sparkling diamond pop up on the floor and begin to spin like a top, and then she would stop and when her voice stopped the diamond disappeared. Well, you know as well as I do I’ve been in services where the glory of God is so thick the glory will come in waves, so this next wave of the Spirit just kind of flowed in greater capacity and about half of the congregation then began to release their spontaneous song that they were just letting the Spirit sing through them and singing in the Spirit. And I saw more of these sparkly diamonds; well several of these waves happened and nobody left because nobody could move, the presence of God was so intense until finally on this last wave the entire congregation was singing In the Spirit with some of the most melodious beautiful harmonies that I’ve ever heard in my life. And at that juncture I noticed and the throne room floor was filled to capacity with these diamonds that were sparkling and spinning like a top on the throne room floor. And at that moment when the floor was filled I could see movement from the throne of God and coming from the legs of God. This substance that looked like milk and honey being poured off of His lap and it ran down the steps of the throne room and it would go in and out in between of all of these sparkly diamonds and it never washed them away or never tipped them over it just weaved in and out. And the Lord just began to speak to me after this was over and I began to process; I said, “Lord I’ve seen this, but it’s like Amos, “What did you see, what did you recognize?” And I said, “Lord well, I saw the sparkle diamonds that happen when people began to sing in the Spirit, and then I saw the river of God that began to flow from your throne.” He said, “You’ve seen correctly, but what order die they happen in?” And I said, “Well, I said, what first happened was the diamonds and the people releasing their song and then I saw the river.” He said, “That’s exactly true, “He said, “The church has been praying for my, “Hallelujah I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, Sid.” He said, “The church has prayed for my river to flow in their lives and to bring healing and to bring refreshing to their land, but if you notice the river did not break free from my throne until the people released what they had in their belly, their praise, that’s spontaneous singing in the Spirit and releasing their song.” And the Lord told me, He said, “People are the ones who are responsible for withholding My river from flowing because My river is ready, it’s intense, it’s raging and their ready to flow but I need someone who will release their praise…
Sid: So, we are waiting on God, God is waiting on us and nothing is happening until we learn how to get into the throne zone.