Sid: Hello, Sid Roth here, welcome to my world
where it is naturally supernatural.
My guest Brian Lake walks in uncommon favor.
It is much like in the book of Esther, and interesting
enough this month is the Jewish Festival of Purim and we
read from the Magilah, Book of Esther, and in Esther the
queen had uncommon favor with the king, that was the
first thing I think about in the Book of Esther.
The second thing I think about is that Esther had such a
love for the Jewish people that because of her authority,
because of the presence of God that was on her,
she saved the Jewish people.
My guest Brian Lake has got so much to be grateful for.
You know Brian when I think about what God’s done with
you here, you are not a college graduate, millionaires want
to know your wisdom, you run a million dollar
corporation, several other companies but the greatest
treasure you have is your family.
And what do you really attribute this uncommon favor to?
Brian: the favor in my life comes from the intimacy with
God, the relationship that I have established with him.
Even as a young boy when I was you know,
ten, twelve years old, I would spend literally hours
and hours just fellowshipping with him just in my
prayer closet you know reading my Bible and listening
to tapes and just listening to his voice.
Sid: Where does this come from, how does a ten-year-old
know to, I mean I hate to tell you what age I was when I
started doing that, how does a ten-year-old understand?
Brian: Well you know my uncle actually introduced me to
the Lord and he gave me a scripture that all things are
possible to those who believe, and that was ingrained
into me, and I established that in my life and I believe
it and through that and through the word of God
I just began to read the Bible and I understand it more
and he began to speak to me and reveal things to me
and talk to me like we’re talking, a friend, and that’s
what it is supposed to be like, a friendship.
Sid: Well as a teenager you made a real sacrifice
because God, I assume told you to;
tell me about that five hundred dollars.
Brian: Yeah and I believe giving should bee a lifestyle,
this wasn’t just one time that I gave, but this was a key
time that I gave in my life, because I believe it’s important
to give, but to listen to his voice when he speaks to us to
give because really God was setting me up.
He was setting me up for a great blessing and I gave that
seed of five hundred dollars, for me at that time it was a lot
of money, and I sowed that seed and I am still seeing the
harvest today from that seed years ago I planted.
I planted that seed, and from that I actually won an award
and as I sowed that seed and saw that award, in business
things began to happen, I was sitting at tables like this
here, surrounded by multi-millionaires in business,
and I was just a young boy and thinking to myself why
am I here, how am I here but I knew it was the favor
of God on my life and because I sowed that seed.
And from this day forward I have been working
with corporations because of that seed.
Sid: Do you still spend as much time
with intimacy with God?
Brian: Absolutely, because –
Sid: But you are so busy now, you’ve got a family,
you’ve got children, you’ve got businesses.
Brian: Well everything that I do today is a result of being
in that secret place, fellowshipping with him; you know
spending time, so I can never leave that place.
Sid: By the way, how much money
do you make from ministry?
Brian: I don’t make any.
Sid: Why?
Brian: Because I’m a volunteer, because it was my heart,
my goal to actually establish other streams of income so I
could go out and minister and not be influenced by money.
So I’m a volunteer, my whole family
is a volunteer in ministry.
Sid: Do you believe everyone is supposed to spend
that much time in intimacy with God or are you
just someone special that is called to do that?
Brian: No, that’s why we are created, we are created to
fellowship with him, to be in worship with him, because it
is in that place, when you are in that place the favor of
God comes on your life, You know, I think the level of our
favor is linked to the level of our relationship with him
And to give you an example even with my children,
they have favor with me, because you know, there are
people that I know, but I just know about them,
but my children know me, so I can be in my office
working, I can be on the phone in a meeting or whatever,
my kids will come knock on the door and run in there and
they have access to me because of the favor that we have,
but if a stranger came to me and did the same thing,
they wouldn’t have that same access because of favor,
they don’t have the same level of favor.
Sid: You talk about that in your book,
“Romancing the King”, I love the title,
but I believe that it is more than even your teaching;
I believe that there is a presence of God to anoint
someone from someone that has such intimacy to
launch other people into intimacy with God.
Are people telling you that that is the
effect this book is having?
Brian: Oh absolutely, and the message, that’s me there,
that is what I was birthed into, and that book, the purpose
is to lead people into the presence of God, into a place that
many people may have not been into before, into the deep,
you know, inner chambers of the Kings palace.
Sid: Well when we come back I want Brian to tell you
about the time the hand of God came to him that gave
him the key for what is going on economically in the
world today, don’t go away we’ll be right back.