Sid: My guest Dr. Sandra Kennedy she really put herself in a situation an accident occurred her dog bites a hole in her upper lip. And she goes to the hospital and they just pull it together; her mouth is twisted and she can’t talk properly and she’s told that she’ll always have a cleft lip even with a dozen surgeries there’s not much of a good prognosis she’ll never be ever to smile again. She’ll never be able to talk again properly again, and she said “No, I’m going to believe God.” And she went home and she wouldn’t look at the pictures that her plastic surgeon wanted her to look at she didn’t want to get that in her spirit. She goes home and all over her walls she puts scriptures about healing; she put pictures of herself before this accident occurred. But in 10 days she’s having a meeting where people are coming from all over to sit under her teaching to be healed. She shows up at the meeting and she explains what occurred; it took tremendous faith and fortitude on your part Sandra and I have to tell you you could have easily called the meeting off and nobody would have held it against you. And you tell people to start speaking to their mountain; what did you mean by that?
Sandra: Well, whatever was wrong for instance if somebody had cancer or someone had arthritis or someone had diabetes or whatever the problem might be that’s the mountain. I told them to start speaking the word of God to that mountain. And the Bible says the word of God is forever settled in Heaven the problem is we’ve got to settle this thing in our heart. And so the only way you can settle it is the more knowledge it’s not a lack of faith it’s a lack of knowledge the more knowledge of God the more faith you will build. So most of us spend our time telling God our problem. You’ve got to do the reverse you’ve got to tell your problem how big your God is.
Sid: Let me ask you a something; when it comes to asking people to be in agreement with prayer how would you handle it if you are talking to a friend that you know really knows how to get in touch with God. What would you do with that friend?
Sandra: Well, what I would say to them “Tell me what you would say to them.” You know “Tell me what they have said, tell me what the doctor said, tell me what the issues are and tell me what the symptoms are and tell me first of all where you stand and what you believe. What do you think about this? What I thought changed it for me; what I thought was God is going to turn this thing around for me and because I thought it you know “As a man thinks in his heart that’s the way he is.” And the only reason I knew it was not because I had a supernatural visitation I did not; I just knew that if God’s word were true then God; I’ll boldly say it God He had to do something if held Him to His word; If I really believed that it was true because He said “All things are possible to those who believe.” And if I would bring that word to Him and say “This is what you said” and it goes back to Isaiah scriptures You said “Come let us reason together.” And it wasn’t that God forgot He wants to know if I remember; He wants to know if I remember what He said. He wants to know if I am bold enough to come to the throne of God and expect grace and mercy. And I boldly come in with His word and I would tell whomever I’d say up front “What are you expecting?” And you can talk and tell them this is the problem this is what they have said. This is what “They say I’m going to die and they say I have 2 months to live.” They say that but what do you believe because that’s the beginning point, what do you believe?
Sid: Okay you’re speaking before how many people would you say?
Sandra: Oh, 800 – 900 something.
Sid: Oh, that’s a lot of people and they are there for you to teach and your face looks hideous. And so you say “I want every one of you to speak to your mountain.” You turn around and you start talking to your mountain, which is your lip, what did you say?
Sandra: Well I said first of all I said “Every man for himself.” (Laughing)
Sid: (Laughing)
Sandra: As I turn my back on them and I said “Every man for himself.” And I just began to speak it’s the same thing that I had been doing in my house. I began to speak to that lip “I command you in the Name of Jesus to reshape, reform and to grow and shape yourself. I command you to move, I command you to reform yourself in the Name of Jesus. I felt about half way through my yelling this I felt just a little movement just a little movement in that lip. But it was enough so that I could hear myself speaking a little better because it really had to listen to understand anything that I was saying up to this point because I’m holding a microphone in the very corner just speaking out of a little slit out of the corner of my mouth because everything was pulled so tightly. And I felt it move and all of a sudden I recognized that the words were clearer. And I couldn’t say for very long thing like a “P” a puh sound, like a puh sound.
Sid: Right.
Sandra: I couldn’t do that and I noticed that I was being able to say some things. Now it didn’t happen, that one little movement happened instantaneously. Now I had been speaking at it for 10 days but that little movement moved; I don’t even know that anybody else could tell that it had happened, I knew that it had happened. They could tell in the sound of my voice but looking at me I don’t think it told anything had been taking place but I knew something had happened.
Sid: Okay, what happened after that?
Sandra: I then went back to the doctor because I was supposed to make these little visits you know I went back to the doctor and he said “What are you doing?” Well I said you want to know, what I am doing and I told him. I told him about putting all the pictures up of me smiling; I told him about the word of God and I said “I’m speaking to it.” He just kind of ducked his head and said “Whatever you’re doing just keep doing” and I’ve never seen him since.
Sid: Okay, how long after that time that you went to the doctor did you have your complete healing; how long did it take?
Sandra: I would say 8 months or something 8 or 9 months it did not happen instantly by any means.
Sid: We’re you disappointed? Because you had been I mean you had had healings yourself you saw your mother instantly healed when she was supposed to die. You’re teaching healing you’ve got the word inside of you; you must have gotten a little discouraged along the way.
Sandra: Well, I did because I felt like I was learning some new principles because of what I’m saying to you is the basis of proving God. It was the tape series offering; it was these fundamental principles that were really being learned then. And I was really beginning to see some things come to pass. I didn’t know it like I do today that I really could just go charging into the throne room of God based on who He is not on who I am but who I am in Him. It’s all about Jesus, it’s not me I’m nobody.
Sid: What you know today do you think that you could have speeded it up knowing what you know today?
Sandra: Probably, but I’m not real sure because what I’ve learned Sid that through the years crisis of life come to everybody and we all go crisis and we all have aches and pains. All things happen to all of us and the one thing that I’ve learned is that basically every time something comes our way we’re not automatically just some big faith machine out there that you can just conqueror everything in just one blink of an eye. I’ve learned through all these years that everybody has to go back to the fundamental “What do I believe about this and begin?” For instance I have to have faith for my lip and maybe I could not have faith for my arm until I built it back up again. Because a lot of people don’t understand that, they think that everybody think that if you got faith you got faith; that’s not really so you come back and you begin to speak the word. If it were an arm you’d come back and you’d talk to yourself until you get it and it’s in your heart it becomes a reality to you. That’s been a real learning process for me and I’ve learned that you just have to go back and you begin again I teach it constantly to people. You know we have a healing center here people come from all over I think 14 – 15 nations; every state of the union has come. We teach them these principals of you start “Where do you stand, what do you believe and then based on how fast you begin your faith?” And again faith comes by knowledge; the knowledge of knowing God; hearing about the word of God. The more I know about God the more I know about His character and the more I know who He is the more I know what He said. The more I have a relationship with Him and more I fall in love with Him and the stronger I am in believing that He’ll do what I He said He’d do.
Sid: Well, I love the series; I’m sorry you had to pay the price but as a result you learned.