Sid: Getting ready Mishpochah to provoke people to jealousy. I mean let’s face it are you; just be walking into a grocery store and having such a presence of God radiating from you. In you on you pouring out like rivers of living water. Are you provoking people to jealousy? I believe that by the time that you listen to this week and get the book called “Want More?” And start doing what Tim Enloe from Wichita, Kansas says we are supposed to do, you will be provoking people to jealousy. Tim I want to take you back, you got saved at an early age baptized in the Holy Spirit, speaking in unknown tongues at age 12. What’s the first miracle you ever saw?
Tim: Well, after I was baptized in the Spirit like you mentioned when I was 12 to me it was such an intensively personal experience. I had never in all of my life encountered the presence and glory of God like that although I wasn’t knocked on my back and shaking and rolling around or anything that. It was intensively personal. I was in a corner praying by myself quietly. But I was literally overwhelmed by God I didn’t know what to do with myself. Well, that evening I went to bed to pray and I found that I couldn’t stop praying; the hours rolled by and I’d never felt so close to the Lord. And the very next day a dear friend of mine we were at a swimming pool and he went to dive off the diving board and didn’t quite make his attempted trick and smacked his nose on the diving board. Flattened out his nose; broke it right across the bridge from eye to eye. Well of course immediately it had swelled up his nose began to bleed and his eyes turned black and blue. And another adult that was there said “Hey, we need to rush you to the hospital.” Well, myself and my friend that had broken his nose and another friend had received the baptism in the Spirit the night before we all got in the back seat of the car holding some ice on the nose that was broken. And we rushed to the hospital there with the adult driving. And on the way to the hospital my friend and I that had received the baptism in the Spirit the previous night said “Hey, we truly felt God last night like we’ve never felt God before there’s something here.” And we began to pray and as we began to pray all of a sudden he removed the ice from his nose and we literally watched his nose again pop out of his face. Watched the black and blue all go away; watched his nose that was totally flattened across the bridge pop back up; all the black and blue went away and the nose stopped bleeding. He wiped the blood off of the upper lip that was there. And my friend that had broken his nose maybe 30 minutes or so before began to twist that thing all around and said “Turn around the car God’s healed my nose it’s not broken anymore.” We got to literally watch God rebuild a nose bridge.
Sid: Out of curiosity had you ever seen a miracle of that magnitude of someone else praying?
Tim: Yes I have I was privileged to be raised in a rally godly environment and a great home church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. And my pastor was a real man of God and really had a hunger for miracles. And it was my privilege to see many miracles growing up but none when I had prayed for someone. Actually I don’t think I had ever personally in a confrontational style as in “Hey, let’s pray right now” prayed for anyone for a miracle.
Sid: Now you started in ministry at a very young age 14.
Tim: Right, when I was 14 years old I began to travel and sing with a group that my dad had been a part of a singing group called the Couriers. And traveled and sang with them for about 5 years before going on to Bible College.
Sid: And I understand that there was a time where you were reading a book of a famous, famous man of God by the name of Smith Wigglesworth. Somehow I guess the challenge of what you were reading activated words of knowledge. Explain that.
Tim: Well, I was reading I believe “Ever Increasing Faith” and there was a chapter in that book on the word of knowledge and perhaps another gift combined together. I read it before it was a Saturday night before going to minister at a church on Sunday morning. I was 14 years old. I read that book and thought “Man that is so wonderful; I doubt that I could ever be used like that because I’m not spectacular I’m ordinary.” But you know I prayed I said “Lord, if there is some chance You know if You need to use somebody in a word of knowledge and everybody else around that’s really qualified to be used won’t be used or maybe there’s some problem there. I guess by default if you need someone You can use me if everyone else says no.” Well, I had no clue how fast God jumps on a prayer of availability even if it is that tentative. And that morning after the service around the altars while we were quietly praying with people to receive Christ and they gave a general appeal for those that have prayer needs to come forward and receive prayer. I found myself praying for a lady quietly again and as I laid my hand on her should and began to pray the Lord began to reveal to me the needs that she was going though. And of course I went through a strong internal battle of what was going on in my heart and praying because I had never had this sort of impression from God before. And I went through all the normal analyzations of “Was this me or was this God.” But the more that I began to pray the more I was really certain it was God and pretty soon by the time it was all over with the Lord was really giving me very specific details about circumstances so much so that she was crying so uncontrollably when she dragged me to the pastor. She expressed to him what had happened and I was shocked too. That was my first encounter with the word of knowledge flowing; and I believe that every believer when you’ve experienced His powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit that God opens up the door to use you in ways that you in a million years ever thought you could use you.
Sid: But in the book you talked about you actually knew the name of her son.
Tim: It was amazing the Lord began to reveal; and the name of her son was not an ordinary name either. It was not Joe or Ted or Fred or Ron or you know Tim. It was the name Fredricke which was a really was an uncommon name and I had never heard it before honestly.
Sid: It would have taken no talent to have missed on that one.
Tim: No talent at all; matter of fact when the Lord finally gave me the name at the end of my time of praying with her I struggled so long in giving that because it was so unusually. But I thought “Hey, this is a great time to learn too because this is either sink or swim. This is either definitely God, this is my Gideon’s fleece, this is certainly God or else I’m a fool.” And with the courage that God gave me as I spoke that forth; the Lord really worked a tremendous miracle because she had run away about 6 months prior and had been missing. And she had prayed the week before “God, give me some sign that my son is alive and that you’ve been hearing this mothers prayers the last 6 months.”
Sid: But let me ask you this I’ve always thought that it was a very special gift that God gives to a few people to move in such precise words of knowledge. You’re telling me that my paradigm is wrong.
Tim: Well, I’m not perhaps saying that your paradigm is wrong but I would encourage you to think broader because when Jesus promised the baptism in the Holy Spirit that this power would come upon believers. And when they experienced it the anointed explanation that the Apostle Peter gave on the day of Pentecost was that now Spirit can come on all flesh. It’s not just a prophet here, a priest there, but now it’s on all New Testament born again believing flesh. The Spirit of God can come upon and empower with signs. We spoke in the last broadcast about that idea of dunamas, that necessary power. Well, on the day of Pentecost Peter had the power to speak. You got to Acts chapter 3 on several days after the fact they’re going up to the Gate Beautiful. There they past a cripple beggar that mostly culturally would be stationed there because it’s a very charitable place to posture yourself as a beggar when people are on their way to worship God. And now all of a sudden the man asks for alms. And Peter said “We don’t have alms but what we have we give unto you this doorway is open in our life. This Spirit is on our flesh.” Peter grabbed him by the hand and lifted him up in a bold action and the Bible says immediately his feet and his ankles became strong and he went walking and leaping and praising God. And we see this power not only coming through the language of the Spirit and evidencing itself in that but we see after the fact. After someone’s received the baptism in the Spirit following Peter’s pattern there we find that it’s powerful. I mean prison doors open up; it’s incredible miracles take place the raising of the dead.
Sid: Okay, come on now that’s Peter; these are people in the New Testament. But what you’re telling me at least this is what I’m getting from your book is that when you pray for brand new believers, ones that haven’t even been discipled they’re activated; they’re praying for the sick the sick are getting healed. I mean immediately! So obviously there is a paradigm that has to be expanded greatly as to what’s available.
Tim: Well, in the first show yesterday’s show you mentioned in the beginning of the show about the American’s church concept about moving away from powerful demonstrations to try to open the door for broader acceptance. Well, the Bible shows us the exact opposite. Our typical is that someone gets born again you lead them through 27 weeks of this and a couple of video series here. And you have him sign a card and join this and join that and do this.
Sid: And then for the next 40 years they sit in the pew and puke. No I didn’t say that did I? Yes.
Tim: The captain in the Bible in the book of Acts “What do we see happening?” Peter, if you really look at it from a hemolytic study of preaching standpoint Peter’s thesis for his day of Pentecost Sermon was “If you want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit you have to be born again first.” Isn’t that what he said “Everyone you repent in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins and you too will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Sid: Sure.
Tim: This promise is for you and for your children for all who are far off; which includes us right? As many as our Lord our God will call. And in this powerful witness He was saying; “This is for everyone, this is not just for a select few.” And I think that it’s interesting to note too that God picked the least likely people to be disciples. And the one that would be the most qualified in the era in which Jesus was selecting the disciples the Apostle Paul trained at the knee of Gamaliel, a Hebrew of Hebrews all these things. Paul had to say in Philippians 3 “What was to my profit I now consider lost; I consider them rubbish I lay them aside. What would have made me extraordinary by man’s sight would have qualified me to be used by God I lay aside. Not by might; nor by power but by My Spirit.”
Sid: You know I go back to your teaching from yesterday from dunamos which we all feel we get the word dynamite from but dynamite was around the time was used. And the word really means “Whatever power is necessary.” That’s pretty inclusive and in other words, you shall receive dunamos, or you shall receive whatever power is necessary for your circumstance. How many of us Tim think that way?
Tim: Well, I think that we have to change our view of how anxious God is to minister to people.
Sid: Stop, did you catch that? He didn’t say “How anxious you are” he said “How anxious God is.” Go ahead.
Tim: God literally cannot wait; He is anxious, which is not a normal characteristic you hear theologically speaking about God. He is willing to absolutely none should perish but that all should come to repentance. And by empowering a believer early on the books of Acts model when they get born again; get them baptized in the Holy Spirit as quickly as possible. Start ground their Christian experience in powerful encounters with God. Then let them grow; let their brain grow after their heart and experience grow. And the same thing happens God is so anxious to baptize us in the Holy Spirit. He’s so anxious to save because of the powerful implications it has.
Sid: This is Sid Roth I’m speaking to Tim Enloe and Tim sorry we’re out of time again.