Sid: My guest David Herzog walks in the glory of God. David, you know the difference between walking in the glory and not walking in the glory. What was your like before you started walking in the glory like?
David: Well, it was a lot harder I’ll tell you that; even when I would just get up to pray it was like work. I felt like “Okay I have to pray, I need to pray something and get God to come.” It was just life was harder, and then when I started getting in the glory He was already there and I wasn’t work spaced, I wasn’t trying to get God to do something. I was just entering into ecstasy intimacy, flood of love it was just awesome. And then it changed my ministry. I mean before I pray for people it would be much harder, I would really pray and use all the faith that I could muster. And now I used my faith and not to get people touched I use my faith to get into the glory. And the glory starts healing people, delivering them, driving them to salvation. Even my finances, I mean everything started to just bloom when the glory was present like Adam and Eve…
Sid: When was the first time you even understood the glory?
David: I was in Paris, France and we had a revival breakout for 6 months. And God started teaching me about the glory. I took 6 weeks off to seek God to pray and fast; and the main thing He would talk to me about was the glory. Then later I met other people that helped me go further in the glory like Ruth Heflin and different revivals around the country. But it started with just seeking God, being desperate saying “God it’s got to be more.” And then this glory came, then we had revival break out in France…
Sid: Describe the word glory, give me a definition of it.
David: The word glory the best I can describe it is the atmosphere of Heaven. If you died and went to Heaven right now that presence that you would be in that’s the glory.
Sid: You might say that the air Adam and Eve were breathing in the Garden of Eden; would that be the glory?
David: Oh yeah, and I can feel it right now as I’m talking to you. If I just breathe in I can just feel glory filling my body. That’s the air; it’s like you’re in the glory, the air around you is you’re in the glory the air around you.
Sid: Guess what, I can feel it now too how about you Mishpochah? Breathe in, breather the glory in because it’s coming out of the radio or the tape recorder or the CD player.
David: Ooh, I can feel it people even now are being healed as we’re talking. Just say “Thank you Lord I’m healed of this,” and start checking your body because when the glory’s around healings happen, miracles happen.
Sid: And you know what there’s a word I’m getting and it’s so strong right now David and it is allergies. People are being healed of allergies and backs, I mean are you catching anything now David?
David: Yeah, I’m seeing a cyst and tumors dissolving, cancers are going away right now. Someone is losing weight right now and their metabolism and I will just tell you check your pants and see if you’re dropping weight. There’s a deaf ear that’s opening up right now. I see an eardrum, you did something with your ears; sound, you were near a lot of loud sounds I don’t know if it’s music or machinery and God’s healing your ear drum right now.
Sid: But for those that perhaps are tuning in for the first time we’re talking about the power in the glory package which includes you’re best teaching step by step how people can walk and enter into the glory themselves. Do the same thing that you do…. But why do you combine the nutrition, the right kinds of food when all someone has to do is enter the glory?
David: Because I’ve noticed a lot of over time that God honors His word, and His word talks about resting, eating healthy, and about praying and getting in the glory. So you don’t want to be just a 300 lb overweight person that prays in the glory, because you might be in the glory but you won’t live as long on the earth to finish your destiny and your call. And so that’s why there is a physical part and the physical part actually opens up the spiritual part. When you’re healthy physically you can actually contain more of the glory you can do more for the Lord, your mind is sharper. Everything starts to work like getting a tune-up on your car. The car might still run but you get a tune-up then it’s going to run a lot smoother, better, faster.
Sid: Now just out of curiosity we’re you raised in a home that taught you proper nutrition, or is this something the Holy Spirit directed you into.
David: It’s both. My mother was was really healthy; she’s was a health nut growing up so a lot of it was put in me as a kid. She would only eat healthy stuff; she would eat tofu. We would never drink soda like it never existed. She bought ice cream it would be like sugar free yogurt, ice cream. She made these chocolate chip cookies, they tasted terrible but they were healthy.
Sid: (Laughing)
David: In my lunch bag I felt deprived, I would have healthy veggies and stuff and my friends would have Twinkie bars and I felt so deprived. Now looking back I don’t feel deprived I’m thankful that my mother and father engrained that into me.
Sid: Now, tell me what comes to mind; there’s someone listening to us and they say “Yeah, I want to understand the glory.” But they run out, they have fast food all the time, they have most of their diet is carbs and meat with all sorts of toxins in it. They’re running out of energy, they’ve got allergy problems; speak to that person right now what would you advise?
David: Well the body you own is not really yours it’s God’s and it’s the temple of God and you want His temple to be as strong as possible so we can contain the glory. You can go to revival meetings and feel the glory and get a prophecy but how are you going to fulfill your destiny if you’re killing yourself with the wrong foods. Eventually you’re going to run out of gas or not being able to fulfill everything that God has or be sick. And it’s almost like the devil almost gets a legal right to attack us when we purposely hurt ourselves with lack of sleep, bad food. It’s almost like we’re purposely hurting ourselves; the enemy doesn’t have to attack us we’re killing ourselves with the wrong foods. So God wants not just your spirit to be really awesome but He wants your body, your emotions, your mind. Everything to be on a high for God; the Bible says “Worship Him with your heart, mind and soul, and strength.” All those areas of your life God wants to be given to Him.
Sid: Because I’ve never really done this before but you’re really big on these cleansing things like colonic’s, like liver cleanse. Why would someone want to cleanse their liver?
David: Oh, it’s a big reason because everything goes through the liver. When you eat too much junk your liver gets overburdened and it can no longer separate the pure from the impure and that’s how you get sick when your liver is toxic. That’s how you get liver cancer, so everything goes through the liver. When the liver’s clean even if you have eaten something bad once in a while but when your liver’s clogged, and most people’s are after a certain age, even if you try to lose weight or go on a diet it’s not going to help a lot because the liver’s so clogged up it can’t handle anymore junk. So you want the liver, the colon… there’s people that are overweight and their weight isn’t just fat it’s undigested meat that they’ve eaten 20 years ago are still sitting there in their colon.
Sid: Awe, 20 years ago?
David: Oh yeah, because a lot of the meats don’t digest. A man I saw a photo of it and he died and he was really over weight; they open up his intestines and his intestines were so big that it was as big as someone’s arm; they were huge and it was undigested meats that were still in the body that couldn’t come out of the system because the body didn’t recognize it so it just stores it. So a lot of fat is just toxins and undigested, and pharmaceuticals and all kinds of junk in your body; the body couldn’t eliminate it.
Sid: And what is most people don’t even know what this word is. What is a Candida cleanse?
David: A lot of times when you’re overly craving the sugars, the white pastas, the white breads, that’s Candida in your body. They’re living organisms that feed off of things that turn into sugar; white breads, pastas, rice. And so you notice people addicted to it if they don’t get their pasta, their bread, their carbs they just go nuts they have to have it. So when you’re addicted like that that’s Candida. When you’re overly and have a sweet tooth everyday you have to have an ice cream, you have to have candy bars, and so that’s Candida. When you notice your body’s like that you want to do a Candida cleans and the book explains how to do all of that. So those cleanses is like taking a load of sin off of your life; you feel so light, happy, free and your mind is even more clear, I’ve notices that with myself and other people when they do a cleanse.
Sid: Now you talk about something called a green bar, what is that?
David: Oh, there’s different products that I take. One of them is a friend of mine owns this company it’s called “Organic Bar.” And it’s just like there’s a bar that when I’m traveling and I want to eat a healthy snack and it has like chlorella, figs all like 50 different organic berries. And it’s just like something when I travel sometimes you want to bring a snack with you so that you don’t get tempted to eat a candy bar at the airport, or whatever. So you bring things with you like that that will keep you healthy.
Sid: Now I know this doesn’t fit but I had a word of knowledge a little earlier and the word of knowledge was pain in the fingers, or arthritic conditions, pain from any any arthritic condition I tell you you are healed in Jesus Name. David I want you to make a statement why would someone get your brand new book “Jumpstart 21 Days from Natural to Supernatural Health?
David: Because I believe if they get this book and do everything in the book they will literally jumpstart their entire destiny, the reason why they’re on the earth. The mind the body, their emotions, their food, their spirit man their everything will get like reset like a computer that’s frozen with too many programs on. You’ll literally get reset and start to accomplish your destiny and feel happy. You’ll wake up in the morning just happy to see the sunshine to look out the window and it will literally just change your entire life. You will literally accelerate your destiny if you read this book and do whats in it.
Sid: How about living an extra 20 years for sure?
David: Definitely yeah it teaches you; you’ll live longer…
Sid: Whoops, we’re out of time this happens all the time; especially when I get together with David Herzog.