So, I’m not going to get to much into that, but again, the major aspect here in the life of Jesus, if you want to do what He did, He had a life of prayer, fasting and self-denial. Alright, next. To have a life and have it more abundantly or to have life and have it more abundantly. This comes from John 10:10. In John 10:10, “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy” but Jesus says, “I come that you might have life and that you might have it…”, I like King James version here, “…more abundant”. God really opened this verse up to me and He showed me the Greek word here for more abundant. It’s the Greek word “perissos”. Perissos, again reading right out of a simple Greek dictionary like Strong’s, it says to go beyond, superior in quality, superabundant in quantity, by implication excessive. By implication excessive. When I came across this, I said, “God this is incredible. How do we do this?” He said, “You have to change the way you believe” and interestingly there’s only two ways you can change. I’ve learned this after ten years of study, only two ways you can change the way you believe. One is by emotional implantation. That’s where you have an experience and the other is by repetition. Which is why the Bible puts so much importance on renewing of the mind, meditating on the Word. How often? Day and night. But let’s say you grow up in a society, a culture, a civilization if you will, that taught you “fire’s not hot”. Now I know it’s kind of outlandish, but as an example, you live in a community, a culture, a group that teaches “fire’s not hot”. Well, what’s going to happen, at some point when you come next to fire, your belief system, “fire’s not hot”. So what are you going to do? You’re going to go pick up the fire, but when you go pick up the fire, what happens? Whoo, ouch! Wow, I burned myself. What happened? Your belief system just got changed by experience or what science would call “emotional implantation”. Now, the soft tissues of your mind will forever process the reality, fire is hot. Why? Because you’ve had an experience with it. And like something I heard Benny Hinn say one time, “A man with an experience is not at the mercy of a man with an argument.” Once you experience God, once you experience the reality of signs, wonders and miracles, the gifts of the Spirit and operation; you’ll never be talked out of it. Why? Because you know reality. The very first miracle that Jesus did is turning the water to wine, but that really… The miracle is so much bigger than that. But Mary said to the servants, “Whatever He says, do it” and the Spirit of God is telling me to tell you right now, “The beginning of the working of miracles has been released to you in a greater measure.” A greater measure, but right now, listen to what God is saying. Listen and whatever He says, do it. And as you’re obedient to do what He says, you’re going to write in with a testimony because I promise you, you have just crossed something in the realm of the Spirit and you’re on a new…I don’t know what to call it, road, juncture of life. I believe you passed through some kind of a barrier and the best is about to begin, for His glory. Amen.