LARRY: So, I got… so, so I’ll be talking to you about some things the Lord is showing me that are pretty imminent but I need to set the platform, set the stage for that and give you some kind of ah, ah, ah foundation, some kind of a seed bed, ah, so that you can, ah, ah, just to be able to say what I want to say. And this is what I want to say to you. I believe that we are poised as a culture and a church [to make] one of the greatest super shifts that we have ever seen in human history. I believe we are about to make a super shift of super shifts of all super shifts. It’s going to be culturally, it’s going to be religiously, it’s going to be in the arts, it’s going to be in technology, it’s going to be in the way God does business with the church, the way we do business with the world. We’re at a tipping point and our cup is full and the scales are about to go the other direction. And depending on how you’re postured will depend on what that will mean to you. And I’ll get to that in a minute it’s because I know you’re thinking what’s coming? He’s talking about judgment and mercy? Yes and yes. You can’t separate the nature of God. The scripture talks about that He’s a God of judgment, He’s a God of mercy. Well, anytime you see judgment you see mercy, when you see mercy you see judgment. It just depends on who you are and what posture you took. When God judged Egypt it was deliverance for Israel. So what was judgment for one person became mercy for another person. So it didn’t depend… it’s not an all-inclusive thing that’s going to happen. There are a lot of things so that are going to happen and what would be bad for one person would be good for you, like with Joseph in the prison. The famine in Egypt was terrible for everybody else. For Joseph it was an opportunity to capitalize on a vision God had already given Him on how to prepare for the coming famine. He made bunches of money when everybody else was hungry. So, so it’s all about posture. You know Noah, he built an ark, he had to build a boat. He would have been under judgment but he obeyed God, postured himself to build a boat even though he didn’t even know what it meant. An ark, what’s an ark? He built a boat, he postured himself. So what brought judgment to the earth lifted the ark up in one of the greatest revival of that recorded history and every living creature survived that two-by-two as God brought mercy and judgment together. So am I a prophetic guy of judgment? Yes. Am I a prophetic guy of mercy? Yes. I think God… I think both of them, they’re twins, they have their sister characteristics of God’s outpouring. So having said that, having said that things are coming, there’s a shift coming, I just want to say this quickly then we’ll get to the… what are some of the things I see coming. Let me tell you one of the major shifts that are coming when we’re talking about the Christian community, and talking about especially the western church for sure, and church as a whole… We’re going to make a transition from revival mentality to a Renaissance mentality. We’re poised for the next renaissance. It’s been about 600, 400 to 500 years since we’ve had a global renaissance. And uh… but, but we don’t know that because we don’t study history. We live in a small time warp where all we think is revival, it’s got to be revival and revival, you know, comes, but then it goes away, then it comes, it goes away. It’s, it’s what it means. Revival means to revive something that used to be dead. So we spend our lives at church trying to revive something that used to be dead. In other words we try to recreate the next move of God out of the dead last move of God. And so you have a walking Frankenstein for a while, until that one’s dead. And, and I’ve got to say, you know, revival is not what I’m after. Now you say what’s God bringing? God’s bringing renaissance. And here’s the difference. The word “revival” means “to revive from the dead.” “Renaissance” is a French word meaning “to be birthed new, something that has never lived before.” The Old Testament was revival. The New Testament was renaissance. Jesus did not repeat the Old Testament. He was a renaissance man. He brought something so new people said never have we seen or heard anything like this because repetition was not in His vocabulary. He didn’t need to repeat Elijah, Elisha, or David’s Tabernacle or rebuild the Tabernacle of Moses. He came with a brand new impartation from heaven that triggered renaissance, you know, in the world. So here’s the way I put it: the Old Testament is “tomb-focused.” The New Testament is “womb-focused.” So we live in tomb-focused “Church-ianity,” where we’re always trying to resurrect something from the dead. That’s over. We’re about to move into a “womb-focus “ out of Mary, if I can speak in analogy, Mary, out of her womb came Jesus. And Jesus was new. Nobody had ever seen or heard of anything like that so much to the point He was new most of the church didn’t even believe it was from God. So be careful with that because we’re not just going to repeat the old again. We’re not going to live in this suffocating world of sameness that has so infected the church. We’re going to break out of the box into new realms of creativity and we’re going to experience Isaiah’s prophecy: “Behold, I do a brand new thing and SUDDENLY it shall spring forth.” Now you’re thinking “How is that?” Well just look, look at history, just, just for a second. When you look at the 14th century to the 15th -16th century and you see the emergence of the “Renaissance Movement” in Italy and in Europe, or Leonardo, and Michelangelo, and Galileo in the 1500’s and all the way to Isaac Newton in the 1600’s. You see that some of the greatest painters and scientists, and sculptors and astronomers, and philosophers, and mathematicians and artists and music all came from that Renaissance era. Now that Renaissance era had, was birthed out of “The Dark Ages” where like nothing was happening except like this church I used to pastor, so anyway, I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding, I was the problem, they got rid of me, they started blossoming, I don’t know what was wrong