SID: Hello, Sid Roth, your investigative reporter here with Tommy Almonte. And Tommy is just an ordinary person with an extraordinary God. Tommy, when you began to realize that the Holy Spirit wanted to be your friend, your companion, and you had to acknowledge him wherever you went. When you went to meetings tell me what you would observe.
TOMMY: Every, every time that Jesus is going to walk into a room, it never happens without the presence of the Holy Spirit.
SID: You tell me you see Jesus walk into a room.
TOMMY: Yes, yes.
SID: What does he look like?
TOMMY: It’s a typical guy. You know, you are sitting in a crowd and you would never pick him, you know, because he doesn’t want to be known as Jesus. He’s just a typical guy that would get lost in a crowd. That’s the best way that I can explain him. But before he walks into a room, the Holy Spirit has to be there. He will never, never walk into a room without the presence of the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus walks into a room there is sets of three angels, total six angels, they usually come into a room seconds before he walks into the room. They have really large wings, about ten, fifteen feet wide, and long.
SID: So wait a second. You’re telling me that Jesus is just like an ordinary person when you look at him. He looks just like an ordinary type of human. But when he walks in a room six angels are with him. You know what I am wondering. This is a menorah, it’s found in ancient temple in Israel, and it has seven flames. So the six angels, plus Jesus, is seven. And then what happens?
TOMMY: They will always, what they do is, they will come, and they come very fast into the room, they bow facing each other, and they spread their wings in front of them, making a path for Jesus. Even though that he is you know, an ordinary guy, but that authority that comes with Jesus, you know, wherever he goes, and they spread their wings, and within seconds then you know, Jesus is going to walk into the room. And there he comes. Every single time it is the same process. You know. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit, you will never see Jesus.
SID: So, when you are in an auditorium, when you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, and someone was again just physically healed, this is, you know what, when the Holy Spirit is present and Tommy, I must tell you, I have read this book, and you explain the process of coming to know the Holy Spirit, of coming to know God, coming to know Jesus. And anyone can do this.
TOMMY: You know, we get really surprised when we hear about having a relationship with God, but that’s why we were created you and I, from the beginning of time. God created you and I to have intimacy with God. And salvation: Jesus to restore that, to restore that intimacy.
SID: Yeah, but when we go to church, we think in terms – or a Messianic Jewish synagogue, we think in terms of a paid professionalists to have the intimacy and to help us peons, but you are saying that’s not what God really wants.
TOMMY: No. I mean intimacy, one day I was in his presence and he said, intimacy will never be developed in a group setting. It’s a one on one relationship. When you go into a group setting you celebrate the intimacy that you have. So the notion that we get together to be intimate with God is a notion that is just out of place. Any intimate moment that I have with my spouse, I can tell you that it is when we are alone. It is never when we are in a group setting. We celebrate that intimacy when we are with friends and family, but when we are along is when we develop that intimacy, and we started growing more into that intimacy that we have.
SID: You know, I have a suggestion for you. After we go off the air, why don’t you go into your bedroom, or go into a private place, and say, Holy Spirit, I want to come to know you the way Tommy does. And you are not a respecter of persons. I want to know Jesus; I want to know God the Father. And would you recommend they just be still?
TOMMY: Well, the first thing in any relationship, the first thing you want to do is acknowledge the person. When I met my wife you know, if I would have just walked by her and not say hello to her, we wouldn’t be here today. So the first step is to acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is not easy. Because we have the notion that he is a ghost, or some kind of wind out there. But he is a person. And to acknowledge who he is, is the step number one to engage into a relationship, an intimate relationship with God.
SID: Let me ask you a question, when you see Jesus in an auditorium, you said first the Holy Spirit, you can feel his presence, then you see Jesus who appears almost like an ordinary person, is he dressed like an ordinary person?
TOMMY: He never wears shoes.
SID: Sandals?
TOMMY: No sandals, just the bare foot. You can see his feet. But he usually just walks among the people. He enjoys watching his people worship. There’s something about that. He comes and he just walks among them. And he walks among them, and then just the same way he came, he leaves.
SID: Hum.
TOMMY: He just exits the room.
SID: What do angels look like?
TOMMY: Well, there are different angels. Some services that I have attended, you will see that there are angels lined up from the entrance of the church, all the way to and from the church.
SID: What are they doing?
TOMMY: Those angels are protecting. They have, they are soldiers. They are protecting and they line against each other all the way surrounding the area where the presence of God is going to be. And then inside, you find angels, those angels are angels that worship God and they are not concerned about protecting anything, but they are more concerned about just praising the presence of God.
SID: You know, Tommy, I believe that God is so pleased with this discussion. You see the sincerity of this young man. I tell you that God wants you to experience peace. You have experienced a lot of things in your life, but there is nothing like the peace that comes from God. There is, this life is just a blink of the eye, compared to eternity that has no end. And a lot of people, their religious conviction is; say a little prayer, and when I die, I’ll go into heaven. But I believe Jesus came so we can experience a little bit of heaven on earth. We have a job to do here, and we can’t fulfill this job, we can’t have a sense of fulfillment unless we have intimacy with God. Now the only way, I’d like to say there are many ways to intimacy with God, I would like to. But according to the Bible the only way to intimacy with God is through the Messiah. According to the Torah, the Jewish scriptures, Moses said you won’t follow me, to the Jewish people, but God will send another one like me, a Jew, and you must follow him. And in the New Covenant it says, there is no other name given unto men in which we must be saved. So the first thing you do is tell God you are sorry for your sins. And then believe that the blood of Jesus washes them away, and then say, Jesus I make you my Lord, come and live inside of me. Holy Spirit I want to know you so that I can demonstrate God’s kingdom on earth, and his – I’ll tell you what, God’s pleasure is moving on you right now. God’s presence is moving on the people right now.