KYNAN: There are angels in the earth right now. In fact I go preach all the time and one of the angels that accompanies me is called Breakthrough. His assignment, the assignment of this angel is to arrest the spirit of delay in a believer’s life. I’ll give you an example. I was preaching in England and we had this activation where I said, “You know what? It’s time to receive. Receive.” Right? So I had everybody reach up prophetically and receive what the father had already supplied. When we did that, the atmosphere shifted. People started getting healed, but that wasn’t the kicker. The kicker was the person co-hosting the event with me, their daughter called them and around the same time, this person had lost a pair of earrings about a year earlier.
KYNAN: Couldn’t find them for a year or whatever it was and all of a sudden, during this same time, they’re walking up the steps and the earrings are perfectly set on each step. One two. Perfectly aligned with each other. I said to the host and she said to me, “Kynan, I believe that an angel delivered those earrings.”
SID: How could that be though? People have walked there for a year.
KYNAN: Because it’s angelic. It’s supernatural. It’s naturally supernatural, Sid. One of the things is that this is what the Lord told me. He said, “We have to partner with the angelic realm.” How do we do that? Psalm 103 says that the angels harken to the voice of God’s word. Which means they can not operate in their assignment until the word of God is spoken. So, one of the ways we partner is that we have to align our earthly conversation with the heavenly conversation concerning our lives and we have to speak. I’ve seen this so many times, Sid. I’ve seen people be healed. I’ve seen people be delivered as they begin to engage the atmospheres that they were in with the words that they were speaking.
KYNAN: We have to give a voice to God’s word. God’s word is written. It’s settled in the heavens, but when we speak it, that’s when heaven begins to invade the earth.
SID: Can you pray for those viewing right now and break the spirit of delay?
KYNAN: Yeah. You know you’re watching right now. You may be going through discouragement, delay. In fact, delay has a couple cousins that he always operates with. One is called distraction. The other one is distress and the other one is discouragement. Right now, by the power of the blood of Yeshua, we take authority over the spirit of prevention operating in your life. Just like it was with me when my wife and I prayed and we saw a net, a spider’s web with all of our blessings caught in it, we spoke to that web and we said, “Be broken in Yeshua’s name. I declare over your life right now by the power of the Holy Spirit that everything that’s held up, hindered, everything that is stagnant, everything that has been arrested by the enemy, that right now from this day forward, it must come back to you in Jesus name.
KYNAN: That you must receive the restoration of everything that the locusts have stolen, that the cake worms have eaten. This is your season of restoration and reconciliation. May the power of the blood of Jesus accelerate every promise in your life that Isiah 43:19 will be your portion, that behold he does a new thing and it shall spring forth. He will make a way in the wilderness and rivers shall spring up in your desert right now in Jesus name.
SID: Yeah. Kynan, you’re a prophet. You have seen things that are going to begin this year that are so wonderful. Tell me one or two.
KYNAN: One of the things that’s going to happen beginning this year is the increase of angelic activity. Another thing that’s going to happen this year is the increase of the prophetic anointing. Because it is prophetic declarations that release breakthrough. If you don’t believe me, ask Daniel who in Daniel 9 and 10 when he proclaimed over Israel angels were dispatched. We’re also going to see, Sid, the manifestation of unusual miracles and guess what? It’s not going to be from pastors. It’s not going to be from clergy. It’s going to be from ordinary people who have the audacious faith to believe that what God said is going to be reality in their lives and they’re going to walk in miracles, signs and wonders like we’ve never seen before.
KYNAN: The glory, the latter ring glory is hitting the earth so that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former. Our churches are about to explode. You not going to have to beg folks to come to church. You’re going to have to push people away because the capacity is not big enough to contain them. I see churches leaving sanctuaries and going into soccer fields, to stadiums. To all kinds of open fields where we’re going to see creative miracles, instant miracles and ultimately mass salvations that will shift the culture around us.
SID: That’s what my next question was. How is this going to change society?
KYNAN: Because you see the Bible says this. The Bible says the children the Lord has given me are for signs and wonders. As we begin to walk in the power of the kingdom, Mark chapter 16 will become our reality. The Bible says they went about proclaiming the kingdom. The Lord working with them confirming his word with signs and wonders. I believe what happened in the book of Acts is going to happen in this generation. We’re going to see millions of people come to the Lord. We’re going to see people come out of addictions and bondages and immorality and come into the kingdom of God and know that Yeshua is the name above all names.
SID: You shared another word that God gave you. Now. Now! Now!
KYNAN: Amen.