JERAME: We can’t do it and there’s a lot of people in this time and day they’re trying to build the Church off of principles! Listen, there’s a megachurch model of seeker-friendly Christianity that’s killing a generation!
JERAME: And I’ll tell you why it’s killing a generation. It’s because it’s not releasing an experiential knowledge of Jesus! It’s not, I mean you got to understand that young people need to be touched by the fire of God!
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah! C’mon!
JERAME: They need to be touched by an encounter with God! I’ve met people, I mean I’ve had encounters on the streets where you know we go to the streets all the time and you got to understand this thing it works as good as it does in here or even you know those that are watching as good as it works at your church it works even better outside!
JERAME: And because the move of God the Holy Spirit was never meant to be contained to four walls! See Jesus He told His disciples, He said: Wherever you go heal the sick, cast out demons and tell them that the kingdom of heaven is at hand! And so God wants to release to the Church in this hour that realm of the Holy Ghost that enables us to literally everywhere we go see the kingdom of heaven at hand.
JERAME: And I love it because I really believe that in the next move of the Spirit God is releasing fire because fire unlocks glory! Because how many of you know that if there’s things on the inside of us there’s, there’s issues going on? We all have them. We’re all in process. I tell people this all the time that you know, people go well you know this church is no good. You know I’m looking for that perfect church. Well listen. The minute you walk into it it’s no longer perfect!
JERAME: And you got to understand the only one perfect is Jesus!
JERAME: But that doesn’t mean we stay in that place! How many of you know some people make excuses? You don’t know what I’m going through. You don’t know what I’ve been through. I mean listen. Paul the Apostle was a murderer. So was Moses. The Holy Ghost came into their lives and transformed them! They went from murderers to you know soul winners! They went from these people that were feared in you know the wrong way to now they’re holy terrors for Jesus!
JERAME: Everywhere they’re going, they’re turning things upside down! And so in the outpouring that we’re been experiencing we’ve been experiencing the manifest presence of God! And every single night it’s like the weight of His glory comes. And for the first hundred nights honestly we didn’t even know what we were doing! People would say what are you guys doing? I’d go I don’t know. God just says host the Spirit. How many of you know sometimes it’s not always about knowing? Sometimes you just got to yield?
AUDIENCE: Amen! Yes. Right! [CLAPPING]
JERAME: You just got to yield. And I’ll never, I’ll never forget it. On night 100 we had a special night that happened where night 100 for whatever reason God chose to show up in the fragrance of God. And it was like a cloud came into the room and this fragrance began to move all throughout the sanctuary and I mean everybody in the room could smell it and nobody wanted to leave. And I mean it was like it was so thick and tangible you could feel it moving through. And I remember when this started happening now every night after it started happening a fragrance would come in worship. And so I said God, what does it mean? How many of you know it’s not good enough to have signs and wonders. We want to have understanding!