SID: Hello Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Peter Wyns and this young fourteen year old said God if you are real, you will cause my brother and my sister to accept you within one week. I give you one week to prove yourself real with me. So he sits in the church and his father is the minister they give one altar call because Peter is sweating for all he is worth because this is forever with God that is at stake, the second altar call, I mean this is highly unusual I don’t think that this minister ever did this before the guest speaker seven altar calls at the seventh altar call what happened Peter?
PETER: Well at the fifth altar call he jumped up and gave this altar call again, and the presence of the Holy Spirit just filled the room and people started to cry. Just in the back and all over and you could feel God doing something very powerfully and my eyes were closed and I was crying and I was still praying and after the final seventh altar call I opened my eyes and there was Andrew and Grace my older brother and sister, on there knees down at the front and tears were coming down there eyes they repented of there sins and gave there lives to Jesus. Andrew became a preacher of the gospel and Grace is still walking with the Lord 35 years later.
SID: So what would have happened with you Peter if this deal that you struck with God your brother and sister did not receive Jesus you had walked away from God your whole life and then you died. Now what would happen to you?
PETER: Well given that God didn’t come after me again, so that I could become a Christian, I would of one day had to stand in front of the judge and see the Christ. Because the scripture says it is a point of the man who wants to die and then the judgment. And there are judgments in this life that have ramifications as to what our family might have done before us. Or the nation that we live in there are natural calamities that bring judgments on nations and families and we are part of that if we live in a family or a community or in the nation, but eternal judgment is a totally different thing it is individual every person stands regardless of what there families have done what nations have done, where they were born they stand alone before God and have to give a response to Gods call on there life whether they are going to respond to him whether they are going to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the messiah as there master as there savior having died on the cross to have to pay for there sins. And those who believe on that the Bible tells us very clear they receive eternal life.
SID: So what happens with someone that made that decision like yourself, would you go through a judgment?
PETER: Well there is a judgment but it is not the great white throne judgment, before all mighty God, it is called in the Greek the Bema which is a throne that you come before Jesus Christ himself. And he judges Christians and believers on how they have responded to the call on there life in terms of how they have served him, how they have walked with him as a disciple, how they have followed him, and those who do exploits and do wonderful things for God the scripture teaches us that the Lord rewards them in a greater and more wonderful way in the life to come.
SID: Well Peter what happens if someone doesn’t receive Jesus they go through this great white throne judgment, as you understand it are they evaluated on everything that they did in there life or what is your understanding of what actually the process is I mean is there a jury is there a court is there a gavel?
PETER: Well it is God all mighty that is the judge that is his title, and he is the one who determines, none of us can judge another person in terms of eternal matters only God can. And the primary issue is have you received what he has offered? Or have you rejected him and what he offers to us is the savior of the world his son Jesus. So those that receive Jesus receive the rewards of the inheritance that belongs to Jesus, and those that don’t the scripture says that they do go to hell, as politically incorrect as that is, that is what the Bible teaches and it is a place of suffering and torment apart from God and all eternity.
SID: You know I have often thought lets suppose someone isn’t sure isn’t it a dumb thing to do at least what you did and what I am saying is, is that God at least show me in some way so that I can understand, isn’t it kind of foolish?
PETER: If someone really is serious about the truth and wanting to seek God, God will meet them, if they are willing to take steps and put there life on the line I know without a doubt that God in some way will meet them and revile to them the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ.
SID: You know Peter what I think is phenomenal is that when we die, we are alone before a holy God. But in this life and see a lot of people say well I don’t really know what is going to happen, but the truth is I know what happened in my life that is the truth, and in my life I was much more messed up then Peter, my marriage went down the drain, I didn’t get a divorce but I was separated from my wife and daughter and my job was down the drain, I was an account executive with Maryl Lynch and I just walked away from my job and then I got involved in the new age which God calls an abomination in the torah coming from a Jewish background, and so I had no where to go but God and I believe that there are people watching me right now I believe that you have no where to go. And this is my story and you might not totally understand it but I cried out in desperation the worst day of my life and my prayer was a two word prayer, Jesus help, it wasn’t some great master piece and I went to bed and when I woke up there was such a piece we call it shalom it was inside of my heart and my whole life was transformed so you don’t understand the fact that Jesus came to earth God and human form and died on the cross for our sins and for our diseases and you don’t totally understand that and he died and he rose to the dead and by his blood our sins our washed away, but if I tell you if you will take a step towards God he will take two steps towards you isn’t it time you take the first step. He has already taken his step, what I have already told you is enough, it’s enough is there anything worth living for to give up eternity with God? The piece that I walk in, I mean I have challenges just like you but I tell you that you don’t have to do it by yourself. You don’t have to be alone you can be filled with the love of God wherever you go and a lot of people don’t know this but God is love and you have never experienced love until you open yourself up and you say “God I am sorry for my sins please forgive me I make Jesus my Lord Amen”. That is it, that simple.