SID: Dale Mast had an experiential encounter with God at age 12, and had an open vision of the destiny God had on his life, but amazingly, by college, he became indifferent toward the things of God and bored with church, until he heard a voice. What happened at 12?
DALE: Well, at 12 I went forward in the church, a Mennonite church, to give my heart to Jesus. And the most unusual thing happened. As I took three steps toward the altar, all of a sudden I felt the rain of heaven. Now, that was not taught in the church I attended, and I-
SID: You felt the rain of…
DALE: The anointing falling on me.
SID: The presence-
DALE: Yes. Then I saw all these Asian people in front of me, and somehow I knew they were Chinese. And I was like 12 and they were like nine and 10, and I was preaching to them, and I did not realize God was not only showing assignment, he was trying to reveal to me my identity.
SID: And then you got called to the things of God, and then you heard a voice. What did this voice say?
DALE: I was thinking, “I don’t want to be a hell-raiser but I don’t want to be bored in church. I’ll just be a good person. I don’t know if I really believe in God.” And as soon as I said that, as soon, I heard a voice say, “You’re going to hell.” I about fell out of my chair. And I said [crosstalk], “If I’m afraid that there’s a hell, I should maybe give God one more chance.” I didn’t realize he was giving me another chance.
SID: He’s very gracious of you.
DALE: Isn’t his grace amazing?
SID: Look, he really meant what he was saying. He then goes to that boring church chapel service.