PERRY: It was not that revelation of the coming of the Lord for the church could not happen “til there was a church! And number two: God was not going to reveal it at that moment. And I’m going to be honest with ya. Based on Peter’s attitude the Jewish people would not have been ready for any kind of revelation unless it came by divine revelation the way Paul got it. Are you listening? So check this out. So then Acts 10 Peter preaches to the Gentiles.
They get the baptism of the Holy Ghost. They, they’re now grafted in. And then who does God turn loose after that happens? The Apostle Paul. And what does Paul tell them first thing? The Lord is coming back with a shout! So in other words Paul’s revelation of what we call the Rapture came on Mount Sinai when he was up there in Galatians away with God getting the revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ and God let him release it once the Gentile believers would be grafted in. And, and, and I will say it this way. Let’s hope you understand: The, the second coming is for the Jew, the Rapture’s for the Church. I’m going to say it again. Now you… Okay. Go to the Old Testament. The return of the Messiah to the earth is termed His “second coming.” That is for Israel and the Jews to save Israel and the Jews.
The coming of the Lord is for the Church. I’m going to, I’m going to, I’m going to break it out here for you. When God spoke to Abraham He showed him two things, sand and stars. Why did he show him sand and stars? Because sand is earthly, stars are heavenly. And He wanted Abraham to know you going to have two seeds. You’re going to have an earthly seed, which is going to be a natural Jew with a Jewish mother and that’s going to be your natural seed, but there’s also going to be a heavenly seed. And here’s what you got to understand: the Jews are given earthly promises. I’m talking about the natural Jew.