SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Paul Wilbur. Paul, why are these Jewish feasts so important? Why did you go all the way to Ein Gedi, Israel with 5000 people that love God on the Feast of Tabernacles?
PAUL: These feasts, Sid, are not just the feasts of Israel, although they are. They’re not only the feasts of the Jews, which they are, but when we see in Leviticus, Chapter 23, God calls them His feasts, and the Hebrew word is “mo’adin”, which means “appointed times”. So these are appointments on God’s calendar. He told Israel to observe these every year, the three major ones: Passover and Feast of Weeks, and Tabernacles. Why? Because He was revealing the secrets of Heaven. He was revealing the secrets of his heart. Passover, He establishes a nation when he brings Israel out. And then a thousand years later he pours out salvation in Jerusalem through the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Not just any day. It was Passover. Feast of Weeks, he gives the word on Mount Sinai. And then a thousand years later he pours out His spirit there in Acts, Chapter 2. Not just any day, the Feast of Shavuot, Feast of Weeks. And now of Feast of Tabernacles, not just any day, but it’s a time when God says, “I want to Tabernacle. I want to be close to you.” It breaks the curse of separation. You know, when the ground was cursed in Genesis 3, now the Feast of Tabernacles is a celebration of the abundance of God who gives us all good things to enjoy. And the separation of sin, God says, “Make a tabernacle. I want to dwell with you” breaks the curse of that separation. These feasts of the Lord, Sid, are appointments that God reveals the treasures of His heart.
SID: Well I would like for you to honor an appointment with God, if you would get to our music set right now. Isn’t that amazing? Did you hear what Paul said from Leviticus 23? These are not just the Bible feasts. These are not just the Jewish feasts. God says, “These are my feasts.” And the word “feast” in Hebrew means “appointment”, “mo’ad”. These are my appointments. Now if you had an appointment with God, nothing would stop you from honoring that appointment. It’s not a matter of righteousness. It’s not a matter of words. It’s a matter of my mother didn’t raise a dummy. I am not gonna miss my appointment with God. Paul Wilbur singing “Blessed is the Lord.”
PAUL: [singing] He who makes the rivers run to desert land. He who makes a pathway in the wilderness. He who makes the sun to rise and rain to fall, the God of Israel, the Lord of all. Baruch Atah Adonai. Blessed is the Lord who reign, our God most high. Baruch Atah Adonai. Blessed is the Holy One, the Maker of the earth and sky. Hai Baruch Adonai. He who is the Holy One of Israel. He who brings salvation out of Zion. He who makes the mountains wake and …to fall there is no other one, no other God. Baruch Atah Adonai. Blessed is the Lord who reigns, our God most high. Baruch Atah Adonai. Blessed is the Holy One, the maker of the earth and sky. Hai Baruch Adonai. Hai. Blessed is the Lord who reigns on high. Baruch Adonai. Blessed is the Lord who reigns on high. Baruch Adonai. Blessed is the Lord. Holy One of Israel.