SID: Hello, Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Anita Hill.And during our commercial break, it was amazing what she was telling me.How many electric shock treatments did you have?
ANITA: I had about sixty because my depression was so severe.And for most of the fifty-some years of my life,I was trying to get myself off this planet even before I became so allergic.At one point I had taken sixty sleeping pills and was in a coma for a month.And had to be on dialysis and had kidney damage; and it was just one thing after another.
SID: Ok.I mean we could go on and on with all the diseases this woman had.There’s no logical explanation that she should even be alive today.She has a Jewish friend that has this same type of environmental illness; which was another one of the diseases she had.And this Jewish friend had some experience with Jesus.She went somewhere and she got healed.Did she sound different to you when you talked to her on the phone?
ANITA: Yes.She wasn’t going to tell me about her healing because so many people had given her a hard time.Not only did she accept Jesus as her Savior, but God healed her of a disease that had no cure.And I just pushed it because I knew there was something different.It was very supernatural.
SID: Ok, over the telephone you say a prayer to believe in Jesus.You decide you’re going to take matters in your own hand and you stopped taking the oxygen.Were you convinced God was going to heal you? How long had you been on oxygen?
ANITA: Eleven years.I didn’t know he was going to heal me, but I wanted to know this God who had created me and thatI had been so close to as a child;and had wanted to serve even as a child.
SID: And so you got on a plane and you went to Pastor Henry Wright’s place in Florida.Then what happened?
ANITA: And he had a staff of people to help me and they would take me out for a walk.I could not be around trees or grass because it would affect my nervous system and I’d just fall on my face.So they would walk on either side of me to get me outside and get me used to being outside.And they would pray with me and encourage me.And after about a week I was jogging down that same street.
SID: Previous to that, you couldn’t jog much.You had the oxygen tube.
ANITA: Well I couldn’t jog anyway because I had arthritic problems.And I had osteoporosis which I’ve also been healed of.And so it was just a miracle that around grass and trees,I could jog down the street.
SID: What happened next?
ANITA: Well I started getting my foods back.And in about a week,I went to a Jewish deli with a gas leak and had a pastrami and cheesecake.
SID: And what about a few weeks earlier?If you had had that, what would have happened?
ANITA: I probably would have been dead.
SID: So you knew you were healed?
ANITA: A combination of things.Yes I knew I was healed, but then I had to start the process of what we call walking it out.I had to take back my life because everything, including my clothes.I was bald at one point.I had lost all my hair as if I’d had chemotherapy because I became allergic to my own body tissue.And so I had to reclaim my whole life and every day believe the promises of God for my life.
SID: Now they actually commanded evil spirits to leave you.Tell me about that.
ANITA: Right.I was amazed to find out that I had evil spirits.
SID: Well you had all these multiple personalities; what, fourteen?
ANITA: Right and they used to tell me, the psychologists that it was just split off parts of me to protect myself from all the early trauma.Well there I found out that they were evil spirits.She had spent about eleven years trying to integrate and fuse them, but you can’t integrate and fuse evil spirits.And so Pastor Henry told them all to join hands and leave in the name of Jesus.And they did and they haven’t come back.
SID: How long did this take?
ANITA: Oh less than about ten minutes and they were gone.And it’ll be twelve years in March.I went back to the psychologist;you have a letter in your file where she has said that it was a miracle of healing; that they have not come back.She has checked me more than once after the ministry was over.
SID: Anitahow old are you?
ANITA: I’m 68.
SID: You don’t look at all like 68!With all the stuff you’ve gone through.
ANITA: It’s true.God restored my youth; he renewed it like the eagles.
SID: Do you feel 68 with all the stuff you’ve gone through?
ANITA: Not at all.I believe the word that says God restores your youth like the eagles.And since I’ve been healed,I’ve gone to Switzerland and climbed mountain paths.And before I had osteoarthritis so bad,I had braces on my back and on my neck and osteoporosis.I just had an examination last week and the report came back on my bones that I have the bones of a twenty year old.
SID: You believe God’s done that supernaturally?
ANITA: And he’s still working on me.
SID: I mean it’s obvious to me that he’s done something.
ANITA: Right; and he’s still working on me.
SID: Well what about this whole laundry list of diseases?
ANITA: Well,I don’t have them anymore.I don’t take any psychiatric drugs.They didn’t help anyway.
SID: You were legally blind…
ANITA: Without my glasses.
SID: I want you to read something.
ANITA: Alright.Sid had sat with Anita; had fourteen multiple personalities…
SID: Could you have done any of that before?
ANITA: No,I couldn’t find my way out of the bed.My vision was 20/200 in my left eye and 20/100 in my right eye at the time that I was considered legally blind without glasses.And two years ago, a doctor checked my eyes and he said I could pass the Georgia driver’s test without glasses. And he wrote on the prescription:It’s a miracle!
SID: Now the ministry that you’re with has actually figured out about the specific root causes for five hundred different diseases.And the root causes are usually sin,I would assume.
ANITA: Right and some people don’t believe that fear is a sin, but in 2nd Timothy 1:7 it clearly defines that it is a sin. “God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.” And fear was the basis of a lot of my illness.When you’re believing people are out to kill you as a child, you develop a lot of fear.And so it also says in the word that “a merry heart does good like a medicine, “but a broken spirit drieth up the bones.” And the immune system is in the marrow of the bones.And so using that revelation Pastor Henry Wright has, with God’s divine power, a lot of people with various allergies are being healed and many other diseases too.
SID: But the immune diseases where medical science doesn’t have any cure; where you’re allergic to everything people are being healed?
ANITA: Many hundreds of people come to the ministry and are being healed.And some of them just read his book,AMore Excellent Way, and realize that these things are sin in their lives and they take care of it even at home.
SID: Give me one disease and a specific door of sin that’s connected with that specific disease.
ANITA: Alright let’s take arthritis.It says in the word that “jealousy and envy are the rottenness of the bones.” So when people come to us with arthritis we deal with the bitterness that’s been in their life, and the trauma that may have brought the bitterness and they get healed.
SID: I believe that you could be healed right now.If you have got pain in your body of any kind;what Anitahas said is “What are you bitter over?”“What are you upset over?”“What are you offended over?”“What are you hurt over?” If you will forgive and ask God to forgive you for those feelings;if you’ll do that right now and if you will take your own hands and put them on your own body; and say in the name of Jesus.Just say his name because he said those who believe will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.Oh arthritis is leaving.I hear it.You know it has a voice and it’s leaving you right now.And as a matter of fact, there’s someone with back and neck pains.You’ll see that all those pains are gone.There’s someone that if you’ll start walking your hip is healed, but most of all there’s some of you that were in need like Anita.And you were atheists and now you have hope.That hope does not come from natural logic.That hope comes from intimacy with God.You have captured what Anitawas looking for her whole life.You have seen that.There’s a spark, a life within you.If you would just repent of your sins and tell God you’re sorry; and believe that Jesus died in your place; and make him your lord your own words.Not a Billy Graham special;your own words;God will set you free.