Sid: I have to tell you that I’m content with the same works that Jesus has done, I can’t even fathom what is greater, but that’s what he said so I buy into it and I’m looking for the greater and I know that somehow when these two people groups of God get together not as an ecumenical fashion, but in a Spirit fashion as the one new humanity we will have a release of the glory of God like the world has never seen. Now, my guest has a key to the release of the glory of God that is going to literally provoke you to jealousy. His name is Leif Hetland and Leif just so everyone will get to know you a little bit, those that are not familiar with you; you come from four generations of Pentecostals. And at nine you had an experience with the Lord in Norway in which you sensed that you had a call of God on your life and to go to the nations and you pretty much forgot about it until last year when you got together with someone I’ve interviewed on our show by the name of James Maloney and tell me what happened.
Leif: Yeah, I was in England in Sheffield as a speaker together with Randy Clark and James Maloney so I was sitting up front when James Maloney called me up front because he felt that the Angel of the Lord, he felt that there was a Word from Jesus for me. And when I came up I recognized that it was Heaven because of he started to speak so many details into my life that started to astonish me, but then he stopped and he said, “I see this nine years old boy and he talks about a tree and I have never thought about this, but a tree that we had in our garden in the house we use to live in Norway. And I remember when I was there and he described these lights that was coming in and a wind that came and God clearly speaking to me about the nations and I didn’t realize before he was speaking this that the power of God just hit me. I’m there totally, I’m back again in Norway as a nine year old boy and not one single time I’m almost forty-five years old, but not one single time have I remembered that experience and that encounter. So it has something I think to do with the sovereignty of God that He brought about a reminder that Leif, even while you were young boy I had chosen you and I had chosen you for the least, last, and the lost.
Sid: Say that again, the least, the last and the lost, there all ls but I love that.
Leif: That sounds like something Jesus would do.
Sid: Ha-ha, now you’ve had many things along the way that have equipped you to teach what I believe is the missing link in Christianity and the key perhaps one of the most important keys of the supernatural. But in 1994 you were a burned out Baptist Pastor and you had an encounter with the Holy Spirit, tell me about that.
Leif: Well, I had my elder who came with deacon or elder who came back to our First Baptist Church in Norway where I was the Pastor and he was just telling me hey, I think you need to take a trip to England, there is group of Baptist that they have been to a place called Toronto and they’ve come back and they use to be burned out like you and they use to be weary and worn out and pretty much about to give up like you. I encourage you to go over and let them share what has happened in their life because they are full of fire right now, they’re full of joy and so he said that I would pay for you and I will go with you and I will take you to England. So that’s I felt that my desperation level was greater than my fear level so I went to England and I stood in line, brought that Holy Trinity Brompton, but also at Queen’s Row Baptist was what was the name of the church at the time in Wimbledon. When I came in and I got to hear the testimony of all these people that were similar to me; have an evangelical many of them had been burned out but he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit in Toronto and then afterwards they said would you like to have this experience? So it was a phenomenal time and to be honest I got pretty much messed up and I was afraid to go back home again because I knew that I was going to be in trouble after the Holy Spirit ministered to me.
Sid: But then the next year in 1995 you were at a Randy Clark’s meeting and the Fire of God came on you, tell me about that!
Leif: On June 2nd 1995 I had an invitation to come to Randy Clark in Haugesund, Norway. In the evening service there was open for everyone, but in the morning there was only a small group of pastors and leaders that was together in the room. And Randy went down the line after he was finished talking about impartation, telling some amazing stories about what God is doing right now and how many different lives has been transformed as a result of a fresh impartation; so I just, as a Baptist Pastor had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I went off and asked for prayer and he went down the line and he just touched them or fill them or more love, and people just went down; but when it came to me he stopped and he looked at me and he said, “You are a bulldozer and I’m seeing you go into this dark area, this dark area.” And it reminded me as it were the Amazon and he said, “I see the amazing thing this light following after you.” And he started to prophecy over me about my calling to the nations. I went right to the floor, the fire of God was all over me, it was almost painful, a mixture of electricity and fire and I lay on the floor just weeping and weeping and weeping. And it lasted probably about two hours, but during the time on the floor there something shifted and changed in me and there was a commissioning and impartation had taken place. I didn’t realize that before later when I came up off of the floor that I looked at everything in life differently.
Sid: It’s and then I’m going to take you to what you consider a life changing encounter that happened in the year 2,000.
Leif: Yep, in the year 2,000 I had just left the Southern Baptist, had not been over very good terms and I was very broken, very wounded. I didn’t realize that most of my life I had operated from an orphan spirit and so Jack Taylor who is my spiritual father had invited a group of his spiritual sons for the first father and sons meeting in Melbourne, Florida. And a group of us came together and the well known singer Dennis Jernigan he said, “Leif I have this song for you,” and he sang a Daddy song. And I again went down on the floor and I again went down on the floor and I’m just weak as a Norwegian, but I ended up on the floor and it was like liquid love. I understood that Charles Finney now and some of the other people, but liquid love that just went up and down my body. It visited a twelve year old boy that was very much hurt, it visited different times in my life and I just laid there and I just wept and I wept and I just knew that the Father spoke to me very clearly, “You are my beloved Son, I love you and I’m well please with you.” And when I came up from that floor and came home to my wife, came home to my children, and very way I started to view everything I knew that I was seeing with the eyeglasses of love. I knew that I was a Son and that I was a Beloved Son, I got an A+ on my report card, I knew that the Father’s well please with me and all these years I had been trying to get God to be well pleased with me. I knew He loved me, but I…
Sid: You used a term, what do you mean by an orphan spirit as opposed to a son ship spirit?
Leif: Well, orphans you live your life like you do not have a home. You maybe have a house, but you don’t have a home. You don’t have a place of security, you don’t have a place where there is an unconditional love, you do not have proper value.
Sid: You know a lot of people have this orphan spirit and they operate under it their whole life and they don’t that they sabotage themselves.
Leif: Yeah, and I was very good at it and I’m not saying that orphan way of thinking because it started with Lucifer came into the garden; then Jesus eventually came in and said “Hey, I will not leave you as an orphan, I will come to you,” and he came to bring us back again to the Father. Not just so that we come to the cross, what I preached and what I believed came to the cross to get saved and healed and delivered, but the cross never brought me home. After this year 2,000 experience I was like a prodigal brother that came home where I suddenly could live from inheritance instead of towards it.
Sid: You know I see people all the time that have this orphan spirit and if they could move into the sonship they would stop sabotaging their entire life and have a much more wonderful situation and accomplish their destinies. Speaking of accomplishing their destiny I know that it’s your heart to release the extraordinary over people’s lives and release them into dreaming with God.