Sid: My guest Michael Kaylor went to Brazil in 2004 and he had an encounter that, oh I wish everyone, everywhere would have; but before we get to that it seems as though Michael many times the devil has some sort of insight that there’s a call on someone’s life and tries to snuff their life out before they even get started. And that’s what happened to you, your married your twenty-five years of age and all of the sudden you have an incurable disease. Am I pronouncing this right Sarcoidosis?
Michael: Yes, that’s correct.
Sid: Alright, so tell me about Mr. Sarcoidosis.
Michael: We’d just been married, my wife and I had been married a little under two years, we had just had our first daughter and I noticed that I came down with a cough in January that year and it just wouldn’t quit. And she finally twisted my arm to go to the doctor about three or four weeks later. So I went in because I had lost like twenty pounds that month for no reason.
Sid: Because you were coughing a lot or?
Michael: Well, that was one of the symptoms but I wasn’t hungry either my appetite was gone so all this weight started dropping off and I was getting weak and so I go to the doctor and he says immediately he says we need to do a biopsy, so they scheduled me for a biopsy. They said they’d do it, and he said, “Listen, I’ll know in two weeks what the biopsy is but I believe you have either Sarcoidosis, you have Tuberculosis or you have lung cancer. And I’m sitting here thinking what? And I’ve got to wait two weeks?
Sid: And you don’t want to open any of those doors. Ha, ha ha.
Michael: And at the time they had no cure, nothing was going on there as far as medically for those diseases and so I waited and so two weeks later he tells me I have this disease. He say, “I hate that you have this one, because eventually it will shut down your organs and he explained how this all worked.” And he says, “What we can…
Sid: That sounds almost like Lou Gerick’s disease where the body shuts down.
Michael: Yep, it effected the organs, it effects the liver, the eyes, the lungs, everything. And he said, “We can treat you with steroids to try and control it, but there is no cure for it we don’t even know the origin of it, where it comes from.” So at the time, I’m thinking what, I’m thinking Lord, no I have a brand new baby daughter, I have a new wife this is not right, you know she doesn’t need to be a widow and I can’t imagine my daughter growing up without a father, I was just like, “No, this is just not right!” So I pulled out some wonderful healing tapes and tapes on faith that I had received by a man that actually use to travel for; actually his name was Norvel Hayes back I the day and I kept his tapes on healing and faith, because it was all new to me on the aspect of how the Holy Spirit really worked in that area. And so I just got them out and I began to listen and fill my heart with word of God and begin to you know, the importance of aligning my conversation up with what God says instead of what I may feel. And so I really got into that and about two months later I went back for another gamut of tests, but this time when the test came back he pulled me in the office and he said, I can’t explain this, here are your tests results before and after, but your totally cured of this disease, you don’t have any of it any more in your body anywhere. So needless to say we were excited, we were thrilled! And I want to say at that point I realized how much God wants to bring healing to all of us, you know healing is good, and He has nothing but goodness for us and I think that all of us walk in that opportunity to receive healing; I don’t think that God withholds healing from any of us; it’s for His kids. You know it says, “Jesus says…
Sid: Speaking of healing though your wife had such pain and it was so bad that she almost was suicidal and this was like for ten years, it’s not ten minutes.
Michael: Yes.
Sid: I mean that must have been horrible, excruciating pain, what happened with that condition?
Michael: Well, it was she had, we never really never ever found out what it was, but it began in her neck and her should and down the arm and it was like eventually it came like it was on fire and in pain all the time and chronic, she could never sleep on that side, she couldn’t use that arm very well and over the years, it just continued to multiply and the pain got worse and we decided that we were going to go up to Toronto when the Toronto Blessing began in the mid Nineties and I remember she told me one of the nights before we left that it was so bad that she thought about, I can’t do this any ore, I just can’t live life any more like this. And then the Holy Spirit said to her, “Yeah, but you’re going to Toronto and she realized that no matter what she was dealing with at the time that there was hope. I mean the Holy Spirit has spoke to her about this, so we go up there and Randy Clark was teaching at this particular meeting and of course the Holy Spirit comes in. Randy’s amazing friend of ours and he’s amazing minister and the Holy Spirit was there and the Holy Spirit begins to really pour over Cherie where she is sort of laying in the front there at the altar and someone comes along and begins to pray for her. She said, “He had this beautiful British accent and she notices that when he began to pray for her that something was going on and this progressed I had Randy come and begin to pray for her and Randy felt like He’d seen some kind of infirmity; infirming spirit on her shoulder without even telling him what was going on. So he began to pray for her and as he did between what was going on in the meeting she began to receive this encounter from the Lord and we went on up to bed that night and in the next morning she woke up, she woke up sleeping on that side that she hadn’t been able to sleep on for years. And she noticed that when she sat up in bed all the pain that she had carried for all that time was gone.
Sid: And you know as we’re talking the presence of God is getting stronger and stronger and I just heard that someone has pain in their neck and if they would just move their head all that pain would go and there’s others like a wife that had pain not just in the shoulder but in the back area. I believe that if someone would bend over right now they will bend into their healing. I really believe that, that’s you; I’m talking to you right now. Is God showing you anything right now Michael?
Michael: Well, when you said that, I actually when you asked, I saw a lower back inflamed like it was on fire; so someone maybe dealing, that may be part of what you’re speaking of there; it’s a very clear picture of it.
Sid: Well, in 2004, here’s the part that’s provoking me jealousy I have to tell you, you hocked up with Randy Clark again, you went to Brazil and tell me what happened because I have to believe that was a life changing moment for you.
Michael: Oh, my goodness I could talk all day about this one.
Sid: I could listen all day about this one, but they don’t know what we’re talking about, so talk. Ha-ha.
Michael: I had went to Brazil back then and I have been a minister and a pastor all of my whole life and I’ll just be honest with you, I was fried, I was tired, you know I was tired to church, I was tired of not seeing the reality of the Kingdom like I would read about. And so I would read these amazing stories of these men and women of God with these amazing miracles like John G. Lake and Smith Wigglesworth, Mariah Edworth, you know all these people and I would cry, God what is this, you know I don’t want to do this without this so I was really at a point of desperation and hunger. And Randy, Randy Clark called me and said, Mike you need to go with me to Brazil on a trip and he begin to tell me about what was going on. And so I said, “Okay, I’m going to go. And so I gather things together and you know I told some folks in our church, that I was going. And you know some people say, well you don’t need to go there to get it, and then I thought “Well, maybe I don’t.”
Sid: I’ve heard that so many times from people that have missed it because God wanted them to go there to get it, but go ahead.
Michael: That’s exactly what happened, I’d say “Well, look maybe God can do it here, but he’s not so I’m going down there. And so I decided to go and we met Randy down there. And one of the wonderful things with Randy of course, he carries an amazing ministry of impartation and he prays for you before you go on and begin to minister with him. And so he’s praying for me this first night, this is the first of many several encounters I had, but this first night I remember I’m waiting for him to come and I’m really excited, you know to receive something. And of course my mind’s going what if you don’t receive anything, what if you are the only one standing? And I thought, you know I don’t care, I’m desperate.
Sid: You mean the devil speaks to you the way he speaks to people listening right now?
Michael: Yeah, so I just sort of told myself to shut up, you know and just go for it and so he came over and began to pray for me but as he did this fire came on me. And I mean I had never experienced this in my life. And this fire was, I felt like I was in an oven and I mean it was hot, hot, I mean I live in south Florida and it’s hot down here, but that that was hot. And I began to sweat profusely so much so it looked like I had been put in a swimming pool, I begin to shake and got down on my knees and you know, again, part of me I’m hearing, “What are you doing you look stupid.” “What are you doing?” And the other part of me, “Just shut up, you know I’m going to go with this, this is God, I’m hungry.” And as this happened I began to have this revelation, suddenly it was like my spiritual eyes were open and I saw like the angel that was with me and I saw him walk away and a larger angel walk up.
Sid: Wait a second, “Had you ever seen angel’s before?”
Michael: No, not until then, that was the first.
Sid: So you saw the angel that accompanies you and you saw a larger angel show up, “What did they look like?”
Michael: I get this question all the time, they were large, they were entities, they were beings, they were like luminous, but they had a human figure, but luminous, I know that sounds weird, but that’s the best way I can explain it and one of it stood in front of me.
Sid: Now, did they know that you could see them?
Michael: I would think the one in front of me did, because he stood in front of me almost looking and he took his finger and he put it in my forehead three different times and I felt and I tangibly felt his finger going into my forehead three times. And this fire just kept exhilarating and I would think that the one there probably did.
Sid: Oh, were out of time.