Sid: This is actually going on in congregations that are sitting under the anointed teaching of Dr. Maldonado. And He has, was the Hispanic church but is now a multicultural church. How many members are there in Miami?
Guillermo: We got 15,000.
Sid: And that’s like unprecedented in an area like Miami. And the major attraction is many years ago you had a visitation from the Lord and he commissioned you to teach on the supernatural. And the thing that I’m so excited about your ministry is not that you have miracles, not that people are raised from the dead, not that blind are seeing and deaf are hearing. That doesn’t excite me, what excites me is, the people that sit under your ministry do the same thing and some of them start churches that have become gigantic. Tell me about one.
Guillermo: Well, you know it’s exactly thank you Sid, again, thank you for the listeners. Yeah, I’ve seen for example this pastor from Dominion Republic he’s a doctor, he’s graduated in Spain. As a matter of fact he graduated with honors and came back to his country and I mean came back to Dominion Republic and he came to me for spiritual covering to be a father to him to help him, you know and I did. So he was trained and equipped out here, came back to his country to start a church with 40 people, 4 years ago now the church is almost 4,000 people.
Sid: Now, on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about has God opened your eyes to deliverance. Like for instance you would see deliverance on a mass evangelistic basis when you would go other countries and you would wonder why that doesn’t happen here in the United States. And actually what you would really wonder, “Could Christians have demons?” And why you know, it’s so obvious to me the way you taught on yesterday’s broadcast that a real born again Christian cannot be possessed, but they certainly can be oppressed. I mean here is the question that I’ll pose to those that are listening. “Can a Spirit Filled Born Again Christian be sick and could the sickness have a demonic origin?” And the answer is yes and yes. Well you were talking about someone who had just got a hold of your book “Inner Healing and Deliverance” which were offering this week in Cuba and read it and what happened?
Guillermo: Well, this person got my book; somebody gave it to him from Miami, one of his family members. And as soon as he received the book he started reading the book he started being delivered and after he was delivered he went into his neighborhood, preached to all the witches around him. He was the lead, witch and at the end fifty witches came to Christ. Now he opened a church, he’s preaching and praying for the people and there is something very simple about my books Sid, and those people that are listening now, they’re have an anointing to, because they have an anointing to activate the people. What do you mean activation, when people have some anointing or gifts, graces, they have it dormant in them with that, when they activate it, they really come back to their gifts and their anointing. Number two they impart it, impartation means you receive a grace that you didn’t have. And when people read my books, I would say 99% of the people get activated, they get the miracles; they get the deliverance because they imparted it. What do you mean? You are going to have something that you didn’t have. And Number 3, once they really, there’s something released from my books is boldness. In other words, they’ve been delivered, God deliver you for you to be a deliverer. And many people are hearing now and their listening to me now, I’m very sure God wants to deliver you from any depression, 20% of the population of America. It was 10% at 2008, I got records I got a survey in my hands that in 2008 Sid, 10% of the population in America was depressed, had depression, suffered depression. Now after the big crisis of the economy 20%, it went double.
Sid: You know something that even disturbs me even more than that? Is young children, I mean really young children are getting drugs because they’re hyperactive, or they have reading problems or they have emotional problems and it seems like it’s getting younger and younger. Have you had much success with people with mental problems such as schizophrenia and other things?
Guillermo: Yes, yes we had just to give you some specific numbers; we usually have maybe five, ten people per week that we delivered here at church. And we have, the numbers that we have is we have hundreds of testimonies of people with schizophrenia, with depression there’s specific one girl. She was declared clinically, medically they declared that she would not be able to drive, she was not going to be able to study, go to school. She was in other words; she put her, I mean they put her in a mental hospital and they said they talked to the mother, “You will not be able to make it. Your daughter was crazy, she was bound with depression and with schizophrenia and of course we don’t call it that way now, we call it an issue, we call it something, unbalanced chemical in the brain. And I call it, as Jesus called it, they brought her to me, I set her free. I said, “Spirit of schizophrenia come out of her!” And she was completely free. Now Sid, this was a beautiful thing and this will happen to the people that are listening to me now. And now this girl, she graduated from college, she went back to study, graduated from High School, college; she was thirteen years old, now she is twenty-two. She graduated with honors, she drives, she become normal and the doctors said, “We cannot explain it, but she is completely fine.” So that’s what deliverance does.
Sid: Now there is another area you talk about, these are areas that you know I think they were taken care in the first couple days of discipleship in the first believers. But today, they’re under the radar. Curses, people don’t talk about curses, you had a curse that affected your heart, tell me about that.
Guillermo: Well you know my grandfather died of a heart attack, and as a matter of fact my ancestors, my grandfather was from Spain. And my father, my grandfather died of a heart attack, my father died of a heart attack and he came to me and at that moment I already had the revelation that Jesus took my curses, suffered in my curses for me to receive His blessings. It as was an exchange in the cross. But this is what happened Sid, we know in theory that Jesus paid for my sickness, Jesus paid for our healing, we know in theory but we need to appropriate in experience. And this is one of the greatest problems in the church in America. We know that if you ask any pastor in America “Do you believe in healing?” There was, “Oh yeah, “Do you believe in deliverance?” “Oh yeah, “Do you believe in inner healing?” “Oh yeah, yeah I do. Do you believe in miracles?” But ask them “How many people in his church are sick?” “How many people in his church are bound, oppressed, depressed, generational curses?” And we know in theory that Jesus took my curses, but when he came to me I had the revelation already. And I said, “No, no and I renounce and I break every curse in my life and it’s not going to go down to my kids because I break it my life.” Well, I went back five years ago to the doctor and my heart is perfect and last six months ago and they checked my heart and my heart’s completely perfect. “I broke it in Jesus name,” in other words, “I’m not going to die of a heart attack, and my heart is perfect because that’s what Jesus accomplished for me; He took my curses for me to receive his blessings.” And the foundation of healing, I mean physical healing, I mean, I mean inner healing. When Jesus said, “I came to heal the broken hearted” and that’s inner healing and when Jesus talk about when he came, my thing is to appropriate. My thing is to receive what he did by faith and appropriate by it.
Sid Roth: You know our time is slipping away…