Sid: My guest Dr. LaDonna Taylor and I love to sit under the presence of God as LaDonna plays her violin. There are people that have angelic visitations while you’re playing your music. But you’ve actually seen the wings of an angel and then people get healed. Tell me about that.
LaDonna: I actually have.
Sid: What is angel wings, what does an angel wing look like?
LaDonna: Well, it was transparent, it was, I guess if you tried to explain it in which I have to do just to explain it in words, just transparent kind of pearl, pearlish, sparkling some just the edge of wing coming from my side. I’ve had many people see angels as I play. Most of the time, when I play my eyes are closed because I’m looking where I’m supposed to be looking to the Lord. Blessed by His name.
Sid: Out of curiosity, you play your violin sometimes and you feel nothing and yet people get healed.
LaDonna: You know, I cannot say that I can play my violin and feel nothing.
Sid: You know it would be hard to believe that because of the fact that the anointing is so strong on that instrument.
LaDonna: It’s a string to heaven; it’s some king of connection to God for me. But I have seen people healed very dramatically healed, things that you would have thought were totally not possible.
Sid: Give me one example.
LaDonna: One example is this, I’m standing in the parking lot of a church, no church service going on, I got out of a car and a lady walks towards me. She said, “I’m so sorry, I was taking care of the children at the service that you ministered here two weeks ago, I really wanted you to pray for me.” And I said, “What’s wrong with you and she said, “I have Titanium in my neck and collar bone, the doctors had to reattach my head to my neck and so there’s all Titanium all in here; it’s affected my voice, I have limited range.” And she showed me how it had affected her voice. And before I knew it, I was just very simply, no goose bumps, no whatever I just put my hand on her throat and I said “The Lord doesn’t always want you to be this way with this limited motion in your voice like this.” And she said, “I know that.” And I prayed very short prayer for her, she leaned her head back, I heard her neck pop and she did the most amazing dance in that parking lot as everything, the limited motion was gone, her voice returned to her, I was absolutely surprised.
Sid: Now that begs another question, so many people get healed of pains, especially in their back areas, but you encourage them to dance into their healing. Why do you do that?
LaDonna: I do, well the Lord tells us “Draw nigh to me and I’ll draw neigh to you.” Sometimes you need to take the first step. I heard someone say once, “What you do first determines what God will do next.”
Sid: Tell me one person that danced their way into healing.
LaDonna: Oh, my goodness and elderly man in Hawaii in a church service, he had been injured in World War II, he had a cane and I’m telling you that little man started dancing. He absolutely totally got healed from an injury to his back many many years ago.
Sid: Well, you know I’m reading my notes here about someone with a crooked spine, and other people with bone problems. And it says here that on this one person the higher your notes got the straighter their back became.
LaDonna: Isn’t that amazing, I read over these letters that people send me time and time again. Sometimes the Lord will have me walk around someone like in a move around them while I’m playing, and the Lord will heal their back. Sometimes, I just play and get close to them and the Lord, it’s all Jesus. All I have to do is be obedient to Him and to receive we just need to put ourself in the right position. “Lord, I’m here, I believe you are the healer.”
Sid: Do you ever see Jesus as your ministering in a group?
LaDonna: I with my actual physical eyes don’t, but with my spirit so many many many times I know in every cell of my body that He’s standing there.
Sid: Have you ever really seen Him with your physical eye ever?
LaDonna: I cannot say that I’ve seen him with my physical eyes but I must tell you my spirit, I have seen him.
Sid: Can you describe Him to me from what you’ve seen in your spirit?
LaDonna: I can, He’s everything I need, He is the most precious thing. I need Him more than I need another breath. He is everything to me, I love Him so much but it’s so amazing how I know that He loves me.
Sid: You know, you have a song called, “Lamb of God” in which we talk about His holiness. What happens when people worship God to that song?
LaDonna: That music totally changes the atmosphere as people worship with that music. Your enemy has to have a certain atmosphere to survive in. And the enemy cannot survive with a strong presence of God. This music totally ushers in that beautiful presence of God that the enemy cannot exist in.
Sid: I’m ready for that; let’s hear “Lamb of God,” LaDonna Taylor with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.
LaDonna: Worship Excerpt “Lamb of God”
Sid Roth: Well, you see what I mean when I say the presence of God on that violin.