SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Terry Shuttlesworth and Terry I do envy your background. You were raised in a family with three brothers.
TERRY: I have three brothers.
SID: That move in the supernatural of God in full time ministry. But as a child you went to the tent meetings of the great evangelists. What effect did it have on you?
TERRY: It was profound because everything has to do with the atmosphere that you’re in. Somebody said, I forget who the preacher was, but there’s no better place to be born again than to be incubated in a tent meeting. And back when I was growing up you brought families and the kids they laid under the benches or did whatever they had to do, but you went to church. And we went to church on a regular basis. My father was a pastor and then we went to a lot of the tent meetings and things that were going on.
SID ROTH: What do you remember most about that as a child?
TERRY: What I remember the most was I always sensed the presence of God even as a young child.
SID: I wish I had that opportunity.
TERRY: It was almost like you go into a room and you can feel heat or air conditioning. As a child I can remember being in meetings where I knew God was in the place. I knew that the presence of God was there. That was the most profound I think. The impact of feeling the presence of God, and I knew God was there.
Sid Roth: With me, there is nothing that is more exciting, first hearing God’s voice, that’s the most exciting then, and then the next most exciting thing is feeling His tangible love, His tangible presence. That’s what Terry’s talking about. But as a 12 year old, even before your bar mitzvah at 13, but as a 12 year old you had an encounter with God. Tell me about that.
TERRY: It’s interesting too. I was at a meeting that my mother had taken me to where there was a prophet there who on that night wasn’t preaching but was explaining a vision that he’d had that was on it’s way to hell. So as he ministered to the congregation he was talking about the different types of people that were in each compartment that God allowed him to visit. Something about that message got a hold of me and I remember as a young boy about 12 years old I went to the alter and I began to pray, and as I prayed the church opened up to me and I went into a vision as a young man, 12 years old. Wasn’t something that I needed explained to me because there was nothing to compare or contrast with. I saw the hand of God holding a ram’s horn or a shofar and the hand tipped the shofar and golden oil came out of it and there was the earth spinning there, and when the golden oil hit the earth, wherever it hit began to shine that golden color, and during that time when all that happened the hand of God came toward me the finger of God touched my mouth. When it did I was filled with the Holy Spirit by evidence of speaking in other tongues. And I fell out slain in the spirit as a young man and when I came back into my conscious state, everybody was gone. It was the wee hours of the morning, the pastor, my mother, and an older woman in the church had stayed, but it was there that God called me to the ministry, told me that I would prophesy to the nations, and also said that He would do certain things about sending me certain places, which I’ve been to Africa and Europe, different places that God said He had given to me to prophesy, and we continued to do so. But a thing that was amazing that I never though about till you just said that was at the time my father was pasturing was taking holy land tours quite a bit. And I had my birthday in the King David hotel in Jerusalem.
SID: It’s a beautiful hotel.
TERRY: When you just said that I thought God did bar mitzvah me because I spent my birthday there unexpectedly after I had had that vision when I was 12 and now that I think about it when I was 13 I blew my candles out in Jerusalem, and to be honest with you I haven’t been back since. On my 13th birthday we were there.
SID: Well it’s time you come back. That’s my country.
TERRY: Absolutely.
SID: God is showing you what’s going to happen prophetically this year and next year.
TERRY: 2007 is a year of release and if you’re watching this program by TV I want you to look at us for a moment. A year of release is a time in scripture where God I believe brings things into the earth that were destined to be here but have not been loosed because of significant time frames. See, God has already spoken everything that He will speak in the volume of the book. So when you understand prophecy then you know if it has been spoken then now He raises up His servants the prophets who reveal the secrets of God, but the secrets of God are already revealed in the body but then there’s the time for manifestation. 2007 is a year for release and 2008 is going to be a year of new beginnings.
SID: Ok you’re about to see a demonstration of the gifts in Terry.